Age: 312. Looks 25
Race: Warlock~Werewolf
Birth Place: The edge of the souless forest in the east.
Powers: Great magical skill. Can morph into Werewolf form and wolf form at will.
Fighting Style: Kick boxing and boxing. Mostly uses his speed.
Valermos The Sword of Fire- Is mounted on his back at a angle for easy access.

Sorcerer blade- Is mounted on the outside part of his thigh.

When he was 2 years old his family were very poor and lived on the streets. One night they were sound asleep at the edge of the woods, there was no sound but the sound the night makes. Intel a 7 FT tall 500 pound Werewolf came walking out of the forest on all fours, he smells the sleeping family and the growling wakes the father, the father yells when the huge wolf is sighted, that yell wakes the rest of the family and the two brother and sister sees the wolf they run into the forest. Seeing this the wolf jumps on lands on them instantly killing them. Then that wolf saw that father and walked slowly as the father held a bat and in a blink of a eye the wolf streaks the father, chomping into his neck snapping it. All this happens as the mother hides under the covers covering her small child in blankets and under her body. The wolf smells the fear in the air coming from the women and with out removing the covers over her the wolf slams his foot down upon her back breaking her spine but her screams could be heard for miles, until the wolf licked his teeth and will max force he chomps down on the mother killing her but the wolf makes a mistake, he did not know about the child or that he bit into his arm, not killing the small child but hurting him, his screams could not be herd from under his dead mother and the 7FT monster walked back into the darkness of the forest, disappearing leavening the small child alone and bleeding.
A few years past as that small child still poor still alone still bleeding. One day he walks upon a village, smelling of death, the villagers did not like this small boy and they picked on him; they hurt him, they mocked him. Intel the king of the castle on the hill came upon this boy and took pity on him. So he lifted the small boy up and took him to the castle and set him back down on the front steps. When the king opens the door the first thing the boy sees is a little girl by the name of Aurora Thanxa, the daughter of the king. And from then on they were such friends. But there?s always a darkness even in the brightest light. After the father discovers that the little boy is a werewolf he locks him in a room and chain the boy to a wall by silver chains that burned the skin of the boy. The king beat him and yelled at him for being such a creature. But even in the darks place there is always light, if you look. At night the boy would escape his chains and crawl through the air vents until he reached that little girls room, by then that little girl has already captured his heart and mind. Because of that girl he could control the wolf, and he used that, he morphed into his wolf form and entered her room as the cute little blue wolf, and for years he would do this. After years pass, they loved each other more and more as days past. but then one night he came into her room in his human form, and they talked all night and morning but when the morning came he did not wake up like usually and that was the mistake of his life. The father came into his daughters room and saw the boy holding his daughter, the father was filled with rage and he dragged the boy away. days pass and the boy and girl has not seen each other. Soon she was taken away by a vampire and turned the boy did not know of any of this. Around 290 years pass and that boy finely finds his lost love and they went back to the castle that she is queen of now and they got married, and now he is the king, but she has already had two kids with another man, but he does not care because of all the love he holds for this women. That man was Drake Wilder and that women is Aurora Wilder and they live at Nightsedge castle and rules it.
Humen Form

Werewolf Form

Wolf Form

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