This is Taquito. He passed away April 28, 2008 at 5:00PM. I stayed with him most of his last day. He died from a tick bite. Ticks that fall off bobcats and then attach themselves to domestic cats is FATAL. There is absolutely nothing you can do about it. It's really sad.
Me and someone who used to be a good friend found him at the middle of April of 2007. This picture was taken a few days after we found him and I took him home. Sadly, it is the only picture of him in existence. Taquito was probably only a year old when we found him. His jaw had been broken and healed so his bottom left canine stuck out of his mouth. To fix it, they would just have to rebreak it and they said since it didn't bother him, it would be better to just leave it alone. Taquito lived the life of an outside cat. He lived in our garage, which stays a decent temperature year round if the doors remain closed. He was a very good and loving cat, even though he lived outside and was kinda beat up. He would meow whenever you came to greet him.
I don't even think he could see on his last day. He would lift his head in your direction, but his eyes would stay half closed and he could barely move. I had been checking on him, at this time, I didn't know that what was wrong with him was fatal. We thought he had liver disease. He tried to run away and it took me an hour to find him. Five hours later, he passed away.
He has a girlfriend that is expecting kittens soon and we plan to name one that looks like him, Taquito, in his loving memory.
Twig, Taquito's girlfriend, had her kittens May 1st 2008 at aprox~ 7:00PM. Only a few days after their father passed away. There are five kittens. Only one has a tail. There is a white one, two gray and white, a calico, and a completely gray. One of the gray and white kittens has the tail.
The calico disappeared on Sunday July 13th, 2008. She had a worm that was living in the back of her neck, it died and we got it out, but it left a giant hole. It was getting better, but then she disappeared, we have no idea what happened to her.
Hopefully she is alive somewhere.