This is Lily, she doesnt like people, they have hurt her beyond trust of another... She was once a sweet young girl who loved everyone until one day someone came up and ripped her eyes out with the exact dagger she uses now. Though she has no eyes she can still see you... There is always a shadow... She is the shadows...

This is Brett, Lily's big brother. He follows her under her full command and never leaves her side, the sword he uses cannot be put out or destroyed, and he cannot die, much like his sister.
(These Two are based off of my original chars Aio and Daio, though Lily is much like Aio in all their combined aspects Lily has a shortsword, and Brett has wings and he also has a flaming sword while Daio has a great axe.)

Daio, a legendary demon who is said to not be able to die under any circumstances is also very dangerous. A great fighter with an axe (Due to Gaia no having axes... I cannot put one...) He also has great strength and other abilities, he is unrivaled by other demons by being able to take on Satan... And win without effort or any real injuries that hurt him.

Unlike her brother Daio, Aio uses charm to lure in people to kill them. But like her brother she too can take on the devil without effort or injury. Her weapon of choice is a stiletto dagger (dont have them on Gaia *sigh*), which she uses to slice her prey open with, whether it be their stomach, throat or both she watches with glee.

Ali is an army soldier and wields many kinds of guns. She also worked at the plant where Projects A.I.O and D.A.I.O are at, which also happens to be the same plant where Lily and Brett's father owns. She was in love with Brett up until the time of his death...

Al is a martial artist master, he uses anything he can attach to his hands and swing. He prefers kaiser claws over any other hand weapon. He is a priest for God and follows hie religion through. Al is very devastating when it comes to hand to hand combat.

Frank is an old marine and secret agent, he has training with every kind of gun imaginable, and with every kind of martial arts but prefers to take opponents out at a range.

Lidia is a succubus who is also a dancer. She is very beautiful but is willing to fight anyone at any time. She loves to kill and destroy anything in her path.

Echo has trained many years to fulfill his dream of becoming the Guardian of Life, and has attained the title and wears the burden proudly. He is as powerful all life combined, but each time something dies he loses that person's power.

Clash is an Oni and destroyer, he can take on Echo and tie in the fight no matter what. He hates happiness and will destroy anything that radiates it.

This old mysterious man helps everyone out, no matter if they are evil or not, he will help them without cause and destroy anyone who challenges him. Even Aio or Daio can walk away unscathed...

Flaire is a young female warrior who has trained since the age of four to use a weapon and has trained every day of her life until her hands bled and her legs were numb, she doesnt give up easy and will not back away from a fight or threat. She is very headstrong and hates insults, she also hates sexist men and women.

Amouraq (my original version) And his twin sister Kiara are dangerous and can take on many challenges, including Aio, and Daio. They are powerful but only Kiara will speak to another person using telepathy, and only verbally to her brother. The two never leave each others sides.



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