albert started on his quest to save her him and his firends we have a long way to go said albert we need to stop in this place called gaia were gonna stay there for a few days said albert sudenly they were surounded by orcs skyler said lets fight them to the death eddy said lets flee like a bunch of little girls butt then they decided to fight to the death sudenly there friend frozo came in on his white in chanted horse and killed all the orgs eccpt one which jump down on him and stabed him threw the heart which killed him then skyler dived on to the org and snapped his neck . they went off on there quest they stoped at a near by in and went to the bar eddy went to get drunk eddy stayed at the bar which he got in to a fight and ended up getting a ear cut off when they were done they went to there rooms for the night THE NEXT DAY: they started out on to the villiage of gaia to learn combatm,magic,defense and to get more amore when they were on theway to gaia and at a near by river they saw a group of people being attacked by orgs so they rushed in to save them but it was a trap they were knocked out. when they woke up they found every thing was taken except there clothes and horses so they got on there horses and went to the black market and killed the basterds that stole all there stuff and they went on there way
chapter 3 coming soon sorry it took so long to make chapter 2 .
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chapter 1
albert was out picking flowers for his girl friend when sudently a army of orgs started chasing him he started runing from the orgs while he was runing he saw his girl friend looking for him then he yelled run the orgs r coming she started runing but then she fell albert saw her fall so he ran to her and picked her up and ran he was almost to the castle doors when he put her down and said run u can make it in side then he fell to the ground because he got shot with arrows in the back so hope started runing to the castle door she got to the door but a org captured her eddy, skyler will, and zach saw albert lieing on the ground they ran to albert albert said they got hope eddy asked who got hope albert said the orgs have captured hope so they brought albert to his room and took the arrows out of his back then they sent for gandolf frodo sam grimmy leglos and the king when they got to the castle they went up to alberts room . gandolf healed albert albert said i going after her in a week
chapter 2 coming soon
albert was out picking flowers for his girl friend when sudently a army of orgs started chasing him he started runing from the orgs while he was runing he saw his girl friend looking for him then he yelled run the orgs r coming she started runing but then she fell albert saw her fall so he ran to her and picked her up and ran he was almost to the castle doors when he put her down and said run u can make it in side then he fell to the ground because he got shot with arrows in the back so hope started runing to the castle door she got to the door but a org captured her eddy, skyler will, and zach saw albert lieing on the ground they ran to albert albert said they got hope eddy asked who got hope albert said the orgs have captured hope so they brought albert to his room and took the arrows out of his back then they sent for gandolf frodo sam grimmy leglos and the king when they got to the castle they went up to alberts room . gandolf healed albert albert said i going after her in a week
chapter 2 coming soon
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