I might hook up with bobbie xd we we're flirting like crazy today..
L0l. and uhm Sierra's party was cool, i was like mesing with her most of the time..Clay better not be on my case..I don't think I'd ever make a move on Sierra..
(v O`.o)?
I should've gone with them to see dark knight..maybe she could've told me sooner so i coulda chipped in for my ticket. >.> but it was sold out. ah well..
Jessica's party next saturday..i relay my infatuation to her. after she relays hers to Brett..I gotta deal..tired of playing with a secret hidden deck.
ooh Sierra sooo loved her cd..she loves Mindless Self Indulgence..they're purty good; I got her their newest album 'if' with that shweet song mastermind :]]
Till I feel the need to blog for that extra 50 gold!
L0l. and uhm Sierra's party was cool, i was like mesing with her most of the time..Clay better not be on my case..I don't think I'd ever make a move on Sierra..
(v O`.o)?
I should've gone with them to see dark knight..maybe she could've told me sooner so i coulda chipped in for my ticket. >.> but it was sold out. ah well..
Jessica's party next saturday..i relay my infatuation to her. after she relays hers to Brett..I gotta deal..tired of playing with a secret hidden deck.
ooh Sierra sooo loved her cd..she loves Mindless Self Indulgence..they're purty good; I got her their newest album 'if' with that shweet song mastermind :]]
Till I feel the need to blog for that extra 50 gold!