here i stand today walking in the shadow of god
who knows tomorrow i might not be walking at all
for death awaits all of us
some sooner than others
u never know when he'll come
or who hill take
people say to live life to its fullest
for it only comes once around
most of the people that tell you this only say it
because they wish they had
they wish they could change things in the past
then there are others who want death to come
to sweep them of the face of the planet
to cary them away from this place this hell
they belive that nothing not even death no mater
how excruciating
is worse then living on earth
these people live in self distruction
in agony and pain
in torture and sometimes
they go insane
they cut themselves in hopes of taking away the pain
they suffer they belive that its gods fault
how is it his fault???
dose he cut ur wrists??
dose he force u to ice-late ur self ??
no its ur own doing
u chose to do this
u chose to be in pain
u chose to suffer
i suffer in fear of loosing every one i love
and i care about
i live in fear of being jumped
or raped
like the averege teenager dose
i in some ways i am dead
i in some ways i want to be dead
i am not afraid of death for i have faith
ask yourself this one question are you afraid
are you ready for what lies ahead
are you scared of leaving
dont jump to the conclusion
dont say yes to make yourself look good
dont answer unless you have found
the true answer
if you are its ok
but theres no reason to be
i mean its only DEATH!!!!
leave a coment or pm me when you have found the true answer
Community Member