soccer scar
Soccer has been the best thing that ever happened to me! I've been playing since i was five and i was in every season until i broke my leg in 2006. I dont really blame the girl for breaking it... well first of all what happened was when i was trying to take away the ball by force from another player, the force she input ended up breaking my leg near my ankle ( it was so close to my ankle that the parents and coaches there thought i just dislocated it) so anyway i ended up going to the hospital and there they told me i had actually broke BOTH the bones in my leg and that i would need to get a piece of metal and a few screws so that my bones would grow right. and well after that i had a cast for i think a month and ended up getting like an infection or something and well now i have a scar on either side of my leg and as my frined likes to say ' one looks like it was eaten by the grudge!" its not that bad but it is kinda big. it doesn't really bother me anyway if i poke i either dont feel anything or it just feels all tingly but thats pretty much it. Well im still playing soccer although my mom wont let me play ayso anymore cause shes afraid i will get hurt again but she does let me play for the school. I made the JV team last year which is pretty good for a freshman especially since we dont have a Varsity team. but anyway i really want to get better at my handling skills and at my running. im pretty fast right now but i want to make the mile in under 5 minutes so i have to lower my current mile by a minute. eek
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