Name: Lucien
Age: Old, looks mid-late 20's
Sex: Male
Race: Previous Captain of the Gaurd to Her Darkness.
Background: Was dismissed from the dark court after he was engaged to marry a human girl. the girl, her family and his were all slaughtered out of Her Darkness's jealousy. Lucien wandered the world till he came across Evermore. He's in love with Dawntae, but will never admit it.
Abilities: Dark magic, swordsman

Name: Muerta
Age: 12
Sex: Female
Race: Half-breed (*"Child"-human)
Background: Enterred to the academy (Porte de Portenza) by her mother, who was scarred to death of her. When Porte de Portenza was attacked, she was placed into a safety room with other children, but she left to see what was happening. She was nearly eaten by a Nagae but was saved due to the creature imploding from another Nagae and by Cinder. Afterwards, she spoke her first words: Morte a coloro che mi sfidare [death to those who defy me].
Abilities: Shadow magic, Bow and Arrow

Name: Dawntae
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Race: Orb Master/Ring Master
Background: Family was killed during an attack of the Nagae. She blames herself, because her powers at the time were only strong enough to save herself. She enterred Porte de Portenza after the attack to learn how to use her orbs properly, though on graduation, she still had not attained Ring Master.
Abilities: Orbs -- earth, water, air, fire, lightning, darkness, light.

Name: Parissa
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Race: Human - Holy Priestess
Background: At toddler age, she was given to the chuck of light. She was raised by Aldan, and was a very apt student. Though strong in her powers, she doubts her usefulness in battle because all she's ever tried was protection spells.
Abilities: Protection spells and two offensive spells: Holy explosion and Judgement

Name: Cinder
Age: old, looks mid 20's
Sex: Female
Race: *"Child"
Background: Left the land of her people on a quest to seek her meaning in life, as all Children did at her age. She met Kaden when he was a child and saved his life from the Nagae. She fell in love with him then, being able to see the man he would become, and has been around ever since.
Abilities: At first, she has Blood magic -- is able to make old wounds reopen and then another spell makes them bleed faster. The story will be revealed on what happens later.

Name: Aldan
Age: 80's
Sex: Male
Race: Human -- Holy Priest
Background: Holy priest of the church of light. Raised Parissa. Has been helping other who are fighting the Nagae, though has never fought face to face with the demons yet.
Abilities: Holy Magic

Name: Kaden
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Race: Human -- Gunslinger
Background: Raised by Cinder. He has vowed to avenge his family. He has trained since the age of 8 on how to use various guns. He dislikes Cinder very much, though no one knows why.
Abilities: Guns

Weapons they use

*uses the one on the far right


*are hand sized for her
