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Memento Mori
Remember you are mortal, remember you will die.
Freewriting for Ideas - 1
Now, I am facing writer's block for a variety of my works and my clock is currently chiming 12:00 am even though it's actually 1 am. Nowadays, I've been desiring to finish three works.

One of them is a Half Moon side-story of Tetsuia showing Hika and Mura how normal people enjoy themselves in the city of Astra, another is a "From Past to Future" involving Fujitaki showing Hika the same thing, and the last one is my desire to write another "angsty" dramatic piece involving Hika and Mura.

Now, I told myself that this free-write will only take me five or ten minutes and I am tempted to [stringently?] focus on this time, so I shall now start.

I left off in the "Half Moon" piece with the rise of the daytime and I want something involving a rather cute scene between a sleeping Hika and Mura that a drowsy Tetsuia woke up too. Something that represents Hika's devotion and a small sign from Mura, apathetic that he is, cares for Hika. Indeed, it'll be descriptive and I think I might find it enjoyable to write. Afterwards, I've been pondering of simply letting Tetsuia just take them outside to various places including the ice cream stands.

Ming Yun's rough rapidwrite?

The light from the sun shines strangely in the skies of blue, a stark difference from the nocturnal lives that all three of them led. Hika was their chief physician, surgeon, and healer; Tetsuia and Mura were the killers. It was strangely disconcerting to see normal people walking about as though nothing was wrong, as though nothing actually happened when the sun set and the moon rises. To Mura and Hika, this lack of fear was rather strange and, in fact, made them even more cautious of the world around them; lack of fear, to them, meant murderers with confidence just like the Aryas or the assassins. Tetsuia, though, appeared [nonplussed?] with the daytime world, as he himself had to deal with it before; being a cop for the GunzFactor division demanded daytime patrols and making sure the daytime peace was kept.

It was obvious to note that keeping the peace at nighttime was impossible, and there was simply a focus on mitigating the damage done during the moon's rising.

However, at this moment in time, Tetsuia reveled in the humor of Hika's wonderment of cars driving left and right as they crossed an intersection; [the presence of cars being non-existant was nil at night.] Mura, on the other hand, ...s**t.

Tetsuia glanced quickly at the other boy's hand slowly going for the revolver on his waist and brought a hand to interrupt Mura from taking the weapon and firing it upon the poor person who rushed out of his ...-The poor man that burst out of his apartment will never know how close he was to death, Tetsuia's hand stilling Mura's reaction from taking his revolver and giving the man another hole to breathe from. - Mura's black eyes stared at the innocuous man who entered and started up his car before focusing on the hand on his own.

Tetsuia held out a breath he didn't know he was holding before taking hold of the revolver and saying, "I think I'll take that from you for a little while..." Yes, it would be best if he did that; killing a person in broad daylight from frenzied nerves was never [a good thing to do. (Modify sentence)]

I am now ten minutes past my limit, but I still have inspiration so I think I'll continue with something else since writer's block for freewriting decided to go "Hi, I'm ugly and stupid and sandwich filled with watery ejaculate". Anyways, now that I think of it, I was planning on writing something for my profile which means I need to copy and paste my old profile into my journals just for safe-keeping. smile . I am also knackered from writing my comprehensive error report for a game I help run as an admin (who can't program for beans by the way) and answering complaints from people about the crons being dead.

Meh, I'm not sure about how to write Hika still in a roleplaying situation. Probably because Hika's the one who has evolved the most out of all my muses. I remember Hika when he was a stuttering, extremely shy, twelve-year old. XD. -is hit over the head- And now...he's turned stronger in a way, a lot more assertive yet not losing much of the care he had for other people. Mura and Hika's odd relationship is another thing that I have never fathomed. Mura might like Tetsuia, but he, whether he knows it or not, is absolutely devoted to Hika. >.>

Now. It is now been thirty minutes since I have done this freewrite and I think I'm feeling good. Heh heh heh. I've been thinking of finding ways to advertise my stories...but it'll be difficult too! Oh oh OH! I also want to write the next chapter of "The Misadventures of Aigis and Company" and my Naruto Fanfiction of "Coexistence" BUT I HAVE MAJOR WRITER'S BLOCK FOR BOTH OF THEM.

I think it's because I absolutely fail at writing humor and am a lot better at writing dramatic things...as people can tell from the "Burn my Dread" story or my Naruto fanfiction. I think I'm having a block for my Naruto Fanfic because I can't think of anything else to go afterwards.

Yes, I've addressed the issue of Naruto suddenly meeting his older self...BUT...I haven't even posted it yet...-_-. I already know how I'm going to complicate matters with the older Naruto who will soon learn that [all plans never survive with an encounter of the enemy] (can never remember that quote). Heh heh, I still like Naruto, meh. Can't help it. Naruto is an interesting character despite all the things Kishimoto tries to maim him with. I would rather not get into THAT RANT at this moment. I'm currently thinking of how to make his past self and future self fuse in such a way where it's gradual and will not leave him overpowered. The amusing thing is that it is not Orochimaru that is the enemy....it's the "ringed eyes" =).

Anyways, TAKE IT TO PM. LOLOLOLOLOL. Sorry, I was being rather bored mentally and I had to write something obnoxious. I will write another time about this. Thank you very much if you had to read this collosal piece of crap. Oh yes, I will put my profile thingy in a quote right now.

Ming Yun's Profile Ex-Quote-lasted till July 5th 2008

Dear my cute, much beloved, random reader,

If you hadn't learned it yet, I am Ming Yun and, unless you have been randomly inserting numbers after /profiles/ in your URL bar (an admittedly fun pastime that I occasionally partake in), you have likely met me in a roleplay of some sort. (and have come to praise/condemn me for my roleplaying prowess).

I particularly like idle talk, but I doubt you would like to read the ramblings of a schizophrenic male currently manifesting the personality of a psychotic yet cute character named Ezekiel through his online exterior.

(And yes...that was a rather long string of uselessly large words linked together. I don't begrudge you for needing to read that more than once. Go ahead...Feel free to read that again.)

Roleplaying, in essence, is a drug of sorts to me. I take it, I try to get more of it, I take too much of it, and then I die figuratively. Literally however, I simply end up sleep-deprived for several days, crash miserably, and then come back to my normal cheerful self to repeat the cycle over again. Sadly though, if I were to rank myself, I would barely make literate, but I still accomplish both my goals: having a jolly good time and incorporating vast amounts of material and elements of style into my own personalized writing style to foster a greater quality of writing in my original stories and fanfiction.

((Yes, you can now mentally berate me for my asymmetrical division of words to describe my two goals...


Better now?

Good. Moving on.))

A significant portion of my work can be found in my journals where I have placed random drabbles in the form of emo poetry! (Just kidding.)) On the subject of em-(This was a joke too. Take some time to read this part over since you did not get it.)

((Yes, I'm useless wasting your time with that section...but that's good because it means I'm getting closer to the point))

I have several pieces of poetry in my journal, most of them related to stories that I have been working on. A particular Naruto fanfiction is finding itself being written there as well. It's also on the site Fanfiction.net under my penname Ming Yun.


Fanfiction Profile of Ming Yun ((And I am placing it in this awkward matter because I don't like that slash through my apostrophe))


That particular fanfiction is about time travel and how a wisened Naruto needed to save the world from the "ringed" eyes. Of course, the details are much more interesting than the super-condensed version I gave you. (and condensed soup usually tastes better diluted by the way. Personal experience.)

Now...to the cream of the crop...cream of corn.


((Pardon me. Several of the "voices" face-faulted at that statement.))

The journal houses a good majority of the drabbles I wrote: Half Moon, From Past to Future, and Liminality. Each of these three feature the same characters Mura, Tetsuia, Hika, and Fujitaki. (Because they're stuck in my head and are staying there. And I'm not using the antipsychotics.) Liminality only has a prologue right now, but it tells the story of a Tetsuia Yuuhi who is unable to differentiate his rather vivid dreams from reality. Half Moon is placed in a city called Astra where swords and guns are used simulatanously in battle. For those of you who want to see what I can do with battle scenes, I send you to this link:

A Battle Scene Drabble from Half Moon

((This also teaches you not to sing "The Song that Gets on Everyone's Nerves" when you're a mental entity that is partially affected by events that go in my storywriting sans death.))

((That means I can torture you for a very long time.))

Finally, From Past to Future was the original story revolving around three people who end up in a "hell". Hell was a flat pale white world which extends to the ends of nothingness. There IS no horizon. The story was discontinued when I ended up rather sick. ((Vomiting red and brown goop on a keyboard is not conducive to its function.))

Feel free to read through the journals ((actually, the power of fate compels you to read the journals), but...as a writer...I must ask you to not steal the ideas written lest I seal your soul into a stuffed bear and cuddle it for all eternity. Yes, I will do that to you...

From your wonderfully delectable (and talented) author,
Ezekial!Ming Yun

P.S: The point was for you to either comment on my profile or read my journals.

P.P.S: I'm simply unhinged, not insane. Thank you very much, reader.

Ezekiel is a facet of personality created by Muse!Tetsuia and maybe a bit of Muse!Fujitaki. ^___^. Both of them certainly are crazy enough. >.>. Oh god, with me using Hika and Mura as separate existences, I really hope these two don't screw up with my personality from them not being around. -___-. Hopefully, using those two helps bring their facets of personality to the surface. >.>. Oh well, going off now and this is one very long post. Longer than what I normally do.

Anyways, I think I stated that I'll stop several times donig this. Heh heh heh. It is now 45 minutes since I started ranting. I don't really have any creative idea left...though I think I should start writing Hika's possible intro post for Kishimoto Academy...which is in my signature by the way. An awesome Yaoi Academy Literate Rp. Adjectives are not actually placed in any actual order of importance. The bell of my clock rang to mark 15 minutes before 2:00 am...I think I want to write this one angsty from the beginning...and switch to a more calmer one. First impressions after all.

Muse!Hika's time to shine - If I started in the dorms?

Red brick buildings towered over the small group congregating in the center of an intersection. A blue sleek vehicle and a large [ramubunctious] truck met each other in holy matrimony; neither able to be seperated from one another. The same old story. It was nighttime, the truck driver was drunk, and the small family coming home from a restaurant paid the price.

The cops and paramedics knew from experience about what happened; the truck suddenly swerved into the poor vehicle at high speeds and ended up causing this catastrophe; in the police's eyes, that poor traffic light that fell would end up giving the overworked policemen even more things to do. To the paramedics who just arrived on scene, there were people in the collision that needed to be saved.

Rushing over, he already had the medical bag prepared and took careful note of the truck driver staggering out of his vehicle in a drunken stupor. Ignoring the feeling of kicking him in the face (and adding more to his job), he opened the rear door of the blue car...which looked more of an accordian. The front was completely and utterly crushed, the front doors unusable. Slowly opening the rear door, he was greeting by the sight of a child, probably not older than himself. It seemed he was sleeping though part of his face was occluded from view by the chairs pushed up into him.

Blood steadily dripped down from the boy's chin, crimson fluid steadily leaking downwards.

"Are you okay?!"

No answer. Slowly pushing the broken headrest of the front chair aside...

A thick shard of glass blocked by the headrest neatly bisected the eye and part of his face. Blood dripping, pooling down his shirt. White goops leaking out of the dead eye and obviously dead child. Pink brain leaking. Smell of iron in the air. Turning his head to the site, the driver was far worse with part of her head entirely missing exposing pink brain, blood...whi-


A flurry of movement came from the bed before a white-haired figure rushed out of the comfort of blankets and into the bathroom. The sound of gagging and strange smel-

That's it for now. I'm knackered. XD

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