[This is where my close friends go "OMG!!1 NEW JOURNAL!?!? *clickclickclick!*" lol. Yeah, new entry. I'm bored and nothin' better to do right now, so why not, right?]
WARNING! CONTAINS BORING CONTENT! This is just basically a summary of my vacation, so read at the risk of falling asleep from boredom!
I'm finally back from my Mexico Riviera Cruise! To be honest, I couldn't wait for it to end. Sure, I had a fun time... But I just wanted to get back home.
We made three stops over the 7 or 8 days we were out there. First, Cabo San Lucas. It was kinda nice there... Not too clean though, and the markets didn't exactly grab your attention. It was hot and muggy all day too... But that didn't matter too much. After we got there we got on a big charter bus (with AC! Felt so good ^^ lol) and drove for about a half hour out into the desert. Then we got into Rhinos (the kinda you drive, not the animal) and a group of us drove around the desert for about 2 hours, maybe more. It was actually really fun, despite the extreme heat. ...and all the dust lol
After Cabo we stopped at Mazatlan, got off the boat, got a cab, got dropped off, and got lost. Which sucked, because again, it was hot and muggy >_< but soon we found a hotel resort near the beach, and it was actually really nice. The ocean water was warm like pool water, not the freezing cold I'll-take-my-time-getting-in kind. We didn't do much else here, just lounged around. *Lazy!*

The last stop was Porta Vallarta. [Thanks for helpin me spell that, Google! Lmao] It was probably the nicest [meaning cleanest and lacking in people selling stuff all over the streets] stop out of the three. We got on another bus here and went up to a zip line tour that took us through the rain forest up there, which was amazing to look at from so high up. Sure, it was hot there too, but flying through the rain forest on a metal line 360 meters in the air made up for it. biggrin
Well, sorry for boring you with my vacation, I was just bored outta my mind and decided to write about it, so it's your fault for clicking on it! And I gave you fair warning at the beginning too! stare Haha xd
Comment if you feel like it!