I woke up today on my last day of school to realize it was 8:45 in the morning...
I was late for school! I got ready and didn't know what day it was or what would happen when I came in the class room late and not prepared...
I didn't bring my backpack or anything what I shame...
I saw my friends so I thought "Phew... Im not the only one late." but she just came by to pick something up from the office cause she and her parents let her have a day off from school so then I thought: ಠ_ಠ then I thought again: D;< I felt lonely in the world of being late! I went inside to realize we only had one hour and it didn't matter if anyone was late so I thought: OxO;; then walked in and talked to my friend trying to be as close to my crush as possible! He didn't notice me! But I was happy me and my best friend were to be in the same class and that we were both going to Summer School together! Summer School? Oh what a shame and to top it off my crush wasn't going to Summer School! It was a miserable day and I got a "F" in Math Class! What a bummer! I walked home all lonely because my friend could not walk with me home. I came home and I forgot my keys. ಠ_ಠ DUMB ME! I rang the doorbell 10 times until my grandfather open the door. When I walked inside I smelled an scent of chocolate chip muffins and ran in the kitchen! There it was! A platter of homemade chocolate chip muffins... my favorite!
I munched on like 5 of them and noticed they were all gone but then my day brightened! My grandmother had a batch of batter and more baked chocolate chip muffins! Num Yummy... a very delicious treat! I felt so happy I thought! <3

Keep this in mind....Muffins are always delicious!