My goal this summer is to (hopefully) hang out with my friends more often. And as of right now I think thats a very slight chance(i'll try to up those chances). Everyone would be busy with some of their other stuff....but thats fine. My parents have no trust in me what-so-ever...meaning that i can only go on the internet at certain times...STILL!! And this is AFTER they said they would turn off the internet restrictions for te summer!! *fume fume* GAWD!! Which means that i can only talk to my buddies at certain times...but if they arent SCREWED!! But whatever....i shouldnt be on the computer all the time....*atschibatch tone*
And to add to it, i'll be out of town for about a week... But i'll live.....*thinks positive*
I hope y'all have a good summer.
I know i (hopefully) will. *grabs a book and starts reading*
If you reeeally feel the need to talk to me i'll be online between 7-10pm almost every day.