today wasn't the happiest day ever it ws kinda boring and lonly but not really i had my freind lime-storm song to talk to ^^ shes fun and sweet i watched the 4th disk to chobits and the new ending is so sad it made me think of life and what was going to do with it couse i know my parents arent always going to be here to take care of me and how i get attached to my freinds i hate to be alone i really do but i know that if i don't get my life right i might end up alone and thats really depressing and i need to know what am i going to do in life couse if i don't know what else is there really for me to do couse i wouldn't know . i really can't explain how am maby you understand i don't know how to really explain the thoughts of a random person who has many issues lol yes even as happy as i am usally i have my sad days sometimes very rarely mad days like yesterday truth be tld im just a regular teen whom likes to try new exotic things in life couse you never know wha it may bring well im fixin to check my pms so byes