you did not HAVE to put it in. you'd still be alive if you hadn't.
do i know them?
wow. that shows commitment.
did you read AGATB? i know bella did, but i wasn't sure about you...
well, just about the entire jazz band hates me, but i prefer to suffer in silence, as always.
no, i don't know luke. i've never been on wyatt's blog. remember how i refused to join because i was being a rebel in my own special way? well i got bored the other day and found the invite again but it expired. then i forgot about it again.
she's always setting things up..... and I wasn't invited. meanie. just because i'm on the other side of the country doesn't mean i won't still feel left out.
no, you didn't. it's scheduled.
i love italy! where's she going?
i was reading that thinking "hey, that sounds just like taylor's party!" then i'm like "wait! it IS taylor's party!" so, i felt like an idiot. as usual.
maybe i will comment 20 times, just to make you mad.
sorry for the world's longest comment. but i tend to type like i talk and go on and on and on and never really get to the point.
sorry i'm way late!
Yes, but I did.
Well I know you know Erin but I'm not sure about Amber or Felicia...
Yes, yes I know.
I did read AGATB. And I want to read RA but I never have the time....
...I have nothing really to say to that.........
Nice job.
I know. I invited my friends on the other side of the country to my birthday party (they didn't come), so she should have invited you.
I can never spell scheduled right.
I'm not sure where in Italy, I just know Italy. Her grandparent's house, if that makes sense.
Good job.
Grrr........ domokun stare
That's fine, I do that too.
To what?
And now for smilies!!
biggrin smile redface stare scream xp eek razz exclaim mrgreen talk2hand emo wahmbulance dramallama cheese_whine burning_eyes ninja question cry confused whee stressed xd biggrin 3nodding blaugh gonk domokun surprised mad rolleyes neutral pirate rofl 4laugh idea evil cool wink sweatdrop heart sad lol twisted arrow
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