I split my summer in two halves. Why did I do that? Don't ask me! mad The month of july is the first half and the month of august is the second half. So the first half sucked a**! It was about the worst summer of my life. I wanted to spend some time with my friends but if they're not busy, they're broke. I didn't even participate in all the festivals I wanted to go to. gonk That really pissed me off. Plus, I didn't get the job I really wanted. The worst of it is that an other friend who wasn't that fond of the job got it! eek ******** you Simons!!! stressed You just lost the best employee that you could have ever gotten. I was willing to sell my soul for that job, but I guess I'll keep it for something more useful. twisted
And I started smoking, yes I smoke cigarettes now. domokun Because cigarettes were there to comfort me, unlike those who are supposed to. stare
At least, Nisham came back for the second half. He's my best friend and he left for holidays during a month. Unfortunately, a month is enough to break someone psychologically. surprised And Nisham is the only friend that I wouldn't trade for money or gold. heart (with a few other friends ninja ) Really glad you're back, my second half is wonderful mainly because of you. whee Seems like my other friends wanted to hangout with me more since you came back Nish, you bring me luck dude! cool
2 weeks ago, I was sick at work. It was a monday and I was going pretty well. Suddenly, my head started hurting. Later on, my throat and stomach starting hurting as well. I drank water so that I could feel better which I did for a while... Because I was feeling worse than before, really dizzy. So I went to see 2 supervisors that I couldn't see well. They told me to rest a bit in the kitchen room. So I was heading there, but my view started going blank and I could feel myself walking badly. I was about to pass out as I was falling, but someone grabbed me. I was dragged to the kitchen room where I sat on a chair. My mother came all worried about me. I was lied down on a long carpet and I had a wet towel on my head that was burning. I really thought that I was going to die and I was feeling very miserable. For once, I was really happy that my mother was there. She was taking my temperature with her hand and asking me what was wrong with me. She told the supervisors who told her that if I wasn't feeling better at lunch time, she should bring me to a clinic or home. One of the supervisors came and told me after I was feeling a bit better "You really got us worried back then KC!" and I simply answered with a small smile "Sorry." At lunch time, I went home and slept 4 straight hours. That incident made me realize that I was too weak. neutral
School is starting soon... But I'm happy because it's my last year. I'll never go to that crappy school again and never see some classmates! xd I'll only stay in contact with my table friends those I want to keep as friends. 4laugh
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KC's Journal of nonsense...
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