RPG Name: Minakou Kirotaku
Age: Two Years Younger Than Kisa
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Rank: S-Ranked

History:The history of the Kirotakus is a long one, as it is short.The Kirotakus are a clan, who not like most clans, have many demons.In fact, all of the clan members have demons.There are also a few keke genkais, once a generation.That person every generation who has a keke genkai was believed to be crowned leader of the clan by all of the demons of their ancestors, so they praised them, making them the leader.Once he/she died, another baby was born with a demon and a keke genkai.But this family one small section of the family and clan, was different.Three children had the keke genkai in the same generation.This obviously meant bad luck, so they were all banned, except one.One of those banned was Minakou Kirotaku, a stunning little girl, who would always make people smile and laugh.
Other: Demon- Silver Scaled Dragon Keke Genkai-Dark Flower
Special Jutsus:
Shadow Possessor- Can possess other shadows, including her own
Shadow Speaking- She can speak to shadows, as well as her own, and mostly does this to recieve important information for her mission.