Tenaments and ghettos, both of them where horrible places for people to live. All the outcasts lived in them and for all those poor people where strong spirits and a strong will. In the 1880s tenemants first came around when imagrants first started coming to America, then in the 1960s came the ghettos came for jews and gypsies when racisum was strong in America. It seemed that everyone in america who was of different race or religion was treated bad durning the 1800s and the 1900s. this has never put them down and so today they are treated the same are everyone else. These people went through hard times and this paper will teach you more about what they where put through and the hardships they had to face.
The people who mostly lived in tenements where imigrants that came to america for freedom jobs and a good place to live. These imagarants included mexicans, germans, italian, irish and many others, so many new comming people tightened American bugeting which made home and living quality go down dramasticly. Food quality was another thing that made life in the tenements hard, since all the people that lived in them where poor peope they dident have enough money to buy good food. The food they bought was usualy almost stale to stale or was bug infestes and sun baked. another thing was the people dident have enough money to buy in quantities so the people that lives wit up to 18 people in one house dident have enough food to go around and this caused those families to starv or even if things get bad enough (which they did) the adults and mostly the kids whould die of starvation. Even though these conditions sound bad just wait for what happers in the ghettos, those condidions are even worse.
Familys in tenements lived rough lives, there homes where cramped, dirty, and run down. There houses where in the wort parts in town, this was because natives thought imagrants where dirty people that dident deseve to be around 'clean' natives. The tenement buildings where like appartment buildings but they where run down, these buildings had very small cramped rooms and some rooms dident even have a restroom. Also there where one maby two beds in the room and with big familys two beds is not enough for all of them to sleep in, this usualy resulted in some family members sleeping on the floor or in chairs.
Not only is home life dirty but even outside of the house people treated them bad, people avoided and glaired at them as they walked around and some people shewed them out of nicer places and where treated bad when eating out (when they have the money) or shopping. It was also hard for imagrants to find jods, most people dident want 'dirty' imagrants working at there workplaces and they usualy found jobs as chicken pluckers or other odd jobs. They usualy worked night shifts where they worked long into the night and in dangerous jobs it could cost the people there lives if they wherent awake, or they worked odd hours when more high class people whould be doing other more important things. Immagrants also had to be careful when walking around, there where people who whould beat them up or throw suff at them, also they whould be called names and whould be igored if they needed help.
Hygiene was another thing people in tenements dident get to often, there rooms sometimes had bathrooms but most of the time they whould break down and since most repare workers dident want to come to the tenements the toiled, shower or sink whould stay broken. Another reason they whouldent get fixed was because they dident have the money or the technology to get them fixed, not only where the people in the tenements dirty but the houses themselves where dirty. Almost all of the houses where rat or bug infectes, this was mostly because all of the food in the rooms where left out since most of them dident have frigeragotes so they where left for the mice and bugs. Also another thing that was not getting cleaned was there cloths and sheets, the only way they whould get cleaned was if they had a washboard but still with such a harsh style of wasting, the cloths whould practicaly wash away in the dirty fowl water they washed them in.
Now that iv taught you all about the tenements of the 1880s it is now time to learn of a time similar to those, the ghettos of the 1960s. The ghettos where hard times for people and sadly most of them died in the end. Most of the people that went to the ghettos where jews and gypsies, this was mostly because people thought (just like the immagrants) that jews and gypsies where dirty people and they dident want them to be living the same lives they where.
Befor most of the people moved into the ghettos they had nice jobs that payed well, but as the ghettos started to be built the owners whould be humiliated by being striped of there cloths in the middle of the streets, have there beards cut and sometime they whould have to clean the sidewalk infrount of there store with there beards. Some of the poor jew and gypsie kids whould steal to get food and money, but they dident know that soon times whould get lots and lots worse. Once in the ghettos the people lived there lives with nice food but as weeks and months past food became more scarse. People went from selling bread and meat to selling 'mistery' meat, this meat usualy consisted of rat, cat, dog or even horse meat but by selling this they get some money for essentials. It was realy hard for people to find even a piece of bread to feed on so some (usualy younger and smaller) people went through very dangerous tasks to get food. Children whould sneak under holes in the wall that surrounded the ghetto to get food in the well suplied stores outside, if the children whould get caught by the security that surounding the wall they whould be shot or hung right on the spot.
Home life was bad for jews and gypsies in the ghettos, just like the tenements there houses where small, dirty, and cramped. Most of the families lived in a closet sized house and most of the houses just had a table and one matress for the bed. Also there was no secruity in the appartments that the families stayed in so if thet familys door dident lock or they kept there door unlocked there was a very high chance that they whould get robbed or even beat up. There was not realy anything to steal if someone did break into a house in the ghettos, there was no friges, sink, toilets, bath tubs, or couches. Things slowly declyned in the ghettos, as more people mooved in the more cramped it became, at first there was just enough room for each family to live decetly but soon there was no room to even walk around in the houses.
Jobs in the ghetto where hard to find, there was barly any stores to work at and there was no factories. Most of the jobs people had where selling some of there own items, carying dead bodys away or becoming part of the security that hurt there own people. No one wanted to become the security but eventualy they where forced into work, they hated the fact but if they whould not follow there orders they whould be punished. Also they dident want to take care of the dead, you whould eaither have to cover up the dead bodies wit newspaper or you rode around driving a horse drawn carrage hulling away all the dead bodies. These jobs are not the kind of jobs jews and gypsies wanted to work in but they eventualy had to break down and work them becacuse they where forced or they needed the money.
Hygeine in the ghettos was very bad, there was very fue baths in the appartments so people dident get the chance to take a bath or wash there hands. Not only was the house life dirty the whole ghettos was dirty, people whould throw there trash on the street and alot of people whould live on the street so they where fill up to the brim with dirt.
Ghettos where horrible places, even though they whereseperated from the wrest of sosiety they where stil tortured by them. The security whould order all the gypsies and jews to get up in the middle of the night and stand in lines for hours on end and if any of them whould slowch, sit down, move, fall asleep or talk they whould be whiped or some other kind of torture. Also if security whould see a jew or gypsy doing something bad even if it was realy small he whould torture them even more.
It seemed that all the people that lived in these kind of places where people that where different, because of race and religion people where tortures and treated realy bad. Also doth of them where starving to practicly the point of death and it made there lives dirty, depressing, and not too full of hope. There home life was the same way and finding jobs to try to make life better was hard for all of them. These two points in life where horrible and it whould be even worse if this was to happen again. I hope this paper was very informitable and that you learned something from it.
My_wrath_1334 · Fri May 16, 2008 @ 10:38pm · 0 Comments |