WARNING, BEWARE DIAL-UP USERS, If you try to see this entry... you may end dead, with seizures or just with some minor complaints about an uber big journal entry with lots of pics ^ w ^;;. Read it by parts if you want... so you don't get tired at my comments/ramblings
I'll be posting more images that I've been making. 2D images are from the Open Canvas 4 Plus software. 3D renders are either from Terragen or Blender. I guess someday I'll make an entry about all the software I use or have on my PC (only the ones I like of course).
Well... let's see. Nmmmm *watching at his photobucket* Grr.... I need to keep more order in that thingy.
Ok. First the sketchy of the avatar art I made for Tkid

Nmmmm... when I started that img.... the original sketch was pretty ugly... but after trying to draw for some minutes... I finally got inspired and started doing cleaner traces, knowing wich was going to be the next one.
I ended having this as base:

I made some little mistakes here and there. Nothing too bad though. And the final version ended being this one:

sweatdrop I need to learn how to do backgrounds. I like that the drawing melts with the white bg gaia forums have.... but... having a background it's not a bad thing.
After doing that drawing I made several ones with less quality. Some were so crappy that I ended closing the program . _ .;;. I hate that my abilities are linked to my mood.. and not that much to my skill.
I made this one when I was inspired one day:

It's pretty simple... and I had to cut out the borders since the rest of the drawing was... quite asymmetric.
After that.. I made an edit from a real photo of a plushie my friend Kei did:
 It's a pretty good job I think. At least I would want to be able to do something like that. He said it was easy to do.. but I haven't sew something in years.
After that drawing.. I tried to do something based in the way I see myself in an anime-like world:
 I love long hair... I can't help it. I also like having a nasty-angry-serious look all the time.. I don't know why DX.
I made several edits to that image, creating lots of mood pics:http://photobucket.com/albums/v628/neo_lecksfrawen/Emot%20Lecks/Heh... I kinda get bored with something to fast. Just like my attention span ; _ ;||| It flies away a lot.
Grr... after that I made a drawing with my avatar as reference. I got tired of detailing (err... AKA "Lecks was watching an anime episode... and didn't put much attention in doing a decent thingy)... and come out with this:
 I finally got the idea of not putting in a same layer the eyes and the rest of the lineart, instead... putting a different layer for each new face expression.
 That's the only one I liked though.
Nmmmm. The last 2D image I made was this I think:
 -The tropical ninja! Just a quick experiment with tones. Because I found out pretty late... the existence of the tones and quick backgrounds tools in OC4.
Grrr... now some easy ones made with Terragen. Terragen is a landscape creator. It can't make neither trees or houses or things alike. With it you can make mountains, rivers and lakes though. The filters it have make a great feeling of realism. And the water filter is my favorite... because it's so easy to do water with real appearance.
The first one I made was this (click for large version) :

Pretty simple since I was doing it very late at night. I kinda would like to have a natural-formed tower... in the middle of a forgotten lake. That's lately my fav hideout ideal place.
After that... I tried making another one the next day:

Pretty simple... with another tower on it. I remembered the frozen throne (Warcraft 3 expansion). Also, looking at that mountain with snow, I remembered LoTR strangely. So I made this edit Xp :
 I guess it's true that my humor sense is either pretty strange (and only I enjoy it) or that it died some years ago when I was in highschool.
 . _ .;; Anyway...
I made a last one, wich is the one I like most, I saved the world's terrain an ambience so I can do more renders anytime:

Those are all the ones made with terragen.
Now.... ??? Ah yes.... the 3d sword I learnt to do with a tut in blender:

This sword was the first model I made. Pretty simple.. and without UV coloring... since I was lazy to learn how to do it, maybe I'll wait till the blender has a better python script to do UV coloring "unwrapping" the 3d model... and sketching all over it in 2D face by face.
Today... in like 5 minutes I made this one:

I finally learnt to do it kinda fast. ( huh? ... I'm writting learn-past tense in the british way @ _ @;; )
The last ones I made were some about me not being on gaia too much:
 And the dizzy-sick version:

Heh.... wow. Next time I should put one entry per image @ ~ @;;. Anyway.. no one may see this.
Well.. maybe some people actually. I have at least 4 people suscribed in my journal, because:

Heh.. I wonder how 100 ended watching one of my entries = x =;;
Grrr..... Blender is such an awesome tool. If you learn the hotkeys, you can work pretty fast.
I feel pretty happy... but at the same time pretty empty. I haven't seen any friend since july.. I think. I've been nowhere nowadays. I hope all gets sorted when I return to my classes. 
-- Lecks, the scary one (risible in some cases), who ish tired from not being able to improve much in short time (by his lack of consistence practice D; ).
Myu~ I hope everyone is ok. Normally I end knowing little because the lack of chat with all the people I like, admire or/and respect.