Ugh, I'm not questing this stuff anymore... I've got an easier quest and quest thread some where I just havn't gotten around to posting a link here yet... And updating this post.
Questing the following things:

Total Value: 684,661 Gold
After Exclusions: 566,722 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Western Zodiac
DandiiDooDad Spore 2nd. Gen
Elemental Wings
Gothic Veil
Chyaku Norisu Scarf
Christian Siriano's Black Lace Gown
Shadow Spirit
DandiiDooDad Spore-bought
Masterpieces-donated Darkest_Fire_Wolf
Western Zodiac-donated Truth_or_Death
Any help is greatly appreciated, even just a little gold. A list of donators will be added to this journal entry.
Umm... so yeah. Impossibly Awesome Quest Thingy.
All donations are greatly appreciated!!! heart
Find my quest thread in the forums!!! xp
Zoysia's Impossibly Awesome Quest Thingy
Another Avi I would love to have: