this is the end half of my day.
ive been enroled in driving school. not too bad, its boring but worth it.
any ways my dad droped me off and said my mom was going to come and pick me up.
class ends i wait for my mom but my dad shows up. who cares im still getting picked up. but i was curious; i say "what happened to mommy picking me up?"
he goes softly "******** you mother"
my moms a b***h, shes verry moody and she yells over verry small things.
on the other hand my dad is sometimes annoying but hes really not that bad, espically not to her.
so any ways he goes on about what she has done and the new level of bitchery she has gotten to.
"you mom has been blasting that stupid gorillaz song all day (my parents drove into work togher today and they also work togher) from 6:30 to 5:30 all day she has been listening to that song! then when she got home she went on the laptop (they share a lap top outside thease exclamitory bubble i am still talking in his quotes) and she just sat on the lap top and wacthed that video over and over again and i just asked her if i could just check score really quick (a site he goes on to check the dates of his organized baseball league he joined, it also displays pratice times, and team rankings as well as personal messages from his coah and s**t.) and she says no yells at me" and then he went on how my sister was dismised from band early or something and that he asked again after he picked her up (all this time i was in driving class. its from 5-8 pm)and she got mean again yatta yatta.
so when i get home and my dad mopes his way into his room and go into the kitchen to nail some grapes. my mom is in the kicthen listening to stupid crap online (lowe and behold she has discovered; one of thye bigest online video homes and is thinking shes pretty damn smart and crafty) so shes giggleing like a litte girl and acting the part as well and she says to me "ive found it" and she tells me to come in front of the screen and shes sitting down and she grabs my middle and looks up at me and that freaking song i hate starts to play and the video too (the song that goes "dont you wish your girl friend was hot like me" wink and danceing ahhh danceing. thease chicks are danceing like strippers freaking doing the pelvic fast thrust and touching them sleves and s**t.
i dont wanna see that. (for the record im straight, have a bf, dont like pop music, or rap, or repetive music and emo. also i dont dig all the sugestion the media pours on everthing and trys to pass off as acceptable and normal. i hate it)
so as this nasty skum s**t is playing in front of me i keep my cool and playfully try to squirm out of her arms and i go "mommy no im hungry, lemme go and were fooling around a bit and i break free get some grapes and scurry up stairs.
she calls me back down minutes later and i get some more grapes and she asks me if dad said any thing about her in the car and im like "no" and she like "no he did what did he say" and im like "nothing" and shes like thats s**t yatta and i go up stairs and she calls me back and wants to show me something.
i go to the top of the stairs and and ask her yeah what (in a nice friendly voice)
and she says come closer and i go down the stairs and ask her what as i nail a few more grapes and she goes what did dad say about me whats wrong with you ah forget it yatta and tells me to go back up satirs.
i go and she calls my sister down loudly and says "hey stephanie come here i got an email from newport news ( clothes site, some cool stuff. i like it) they have new discount sales out! tomorrow after noon (aka when im not around and at school) we will look threw it and see if theres any thing you like" (aka you and me are gonna buy cool clothes online excluddeing your sister)
and she says this loud enough so i can hear it. she yelled it loud up stairs so everyone could.
this just strikes me as extremeley childish on her half. im not mad that i will be missing out on clothes im just really pissed at her.
but you know what? my dad loves me weather or not i withold information that will keep them from fighting. and if i want any thing on the site i can just get him to order it for me.
ha i win....
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Community Member
They really aren't that bad of a band.
But now people who don't really appreciate them listen to them just because they're popular.
The music world is starting to suck.