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My random writing
well this is some stuff about me...
Survey #2
What if I....

1. I committed Suicide:

2. I said I like you:

3. I kissed you:

4. I lived next door to you:

5. I started smoking:

6. I stole something:

7. I was Hospitalized:

8. I ran away from home:

9. I got into a fight and you werent there:

What Do you think about my...

1. Personality:

2. Eyes:

3. Face:

4. Hair:

5. Clothes:

6. Mannerisms:

1. Who are you?

2. Are we friends? freinds?

3. when and how we meet?

4. How have I affected you?

5. What do you think of me?

6. whats the fondest memory of me?

7. How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?

8. Do you love me?

9. Have I ever hurt you?

10. Would you hug me?

11. Would you kiss me?

12. Would you f*** me?

13. Would you marry me?

14. Emonionally what stands out?

15. Do you wish I was cooler?

16. On a scale of on 1-10, how nice am I?

17. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.

18. Am I love able?

19. How long have you known me?

20. Describe me in one word.

21. What was my first impression?

22. Do you think that way about me now?

23. What do you think my weakness is?

24. Do you think I would get married?

25. What about me makes you happy?

26. What about me makes you sad?

27. What reminds you of me?

28. What's something you would change about me?

29. How well do you know me?

30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?

31. Do you think I would kill someone?

32. Are we close?

33.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Apr 22, 2008 @ 12:40am
What if I....

1. I committed Suicide:...Why would you do that?

2. I said I like you: i like you too.

3. I kissed you: kiss you back

4. I lived next door to you: id move in XD

5. I started smoking:id smack you

6. I stole something: smack you again

7. I was Hospitalized: i wouldent leave

8. I ran away from home: id run with you

9. I got into a fight and you werent there: id beat that other persons a** then your for fighting

What Do you think about my...

1. Personality:alsome

2. Eyes:beautiful

3. Face: smoth?

4. Hair:i love it down

5. Clothes: ....ok

6. Mannerisms:WOOT lol

1. Who are you? your soon to be husband

2. Are we friends? yes

3. when and how we meet? towns

4. How have I affected you? alot

5. What do you think of me? i love you

6. whats the fondest memory of me?everything

7. How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?forever

8. Do you love me?yes

9. Have I ever hurt you?no besides throwing books at me>>

10. Would you hug me?yes

11. Would you kiss me?yup

12. Would you f*** me?HELL YEAH

13. Would you marry me? Were engaged

14. Emonionally what stands out? idk

15. Do you wish I was cooler?nope

16. On a scale of on 1-10, how nice am I?100000000000000000(1 being lowest and 10 higest)

17. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.Forever Mine beasue you are

18. Am I love able?yup

19. How long have you known me?a few mouths(rp like 10 years?)

20. Describe me in one word.MINE

21. What was my first impression? awww chibi

22. Do you think that way about me now?yes

23. What do you think my weakness is? Me [smirk]

24. Do you think I would get married? your my soon to be spouse so yeah

25. What about me makes you happy? everything

26. What about me makes you sad?nothing

27. What reminds you of me?red

28. What's something you would change about me?nothing

29. How well do you know me?well enought

30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? yes......

31. Do you think I would kill someone?no

32. Are we close?yes

33.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?allready done

commentCommented on: Wed Apr 23, 2008 @ 03:12am
1. I would sooo cry!!!
2. blush
3. blush hardcore
4. visit you everyday! xD
5. tell you bad, and take it away.
6. Tell you, you should do the right thing and pay.
7. Be extremely worried about you, and draw you pictures!
8. Hunt you down so I can hang with you. xD
9. Ask if your ok, and if I can beat the people up

1. awesome!
2. pretty gold
3. aww cuuute. xP
4. pwetty
5. awesome!
6. Edish! XDDD

1. Static Alchemist, (shelby) xD
2. Friends!
3. I saw your name on a Roy's profile and found yours, and then commented and messaged you
4. Made me say "Hi lady and neh" wars. xD
5. my adorable friend! x3 that ish awesome! XD
6. ummmmm calling you.... cute, and you getting all mad. XD
7. forever!
8. As my friend! =3
9. nahhh
10. xD i do it all the time so yes
11. >.> <.< your boo boos! XD cause it bugs you! lol Plus its fun being motherly! XD
12. no
13. naw
14. umm not sure
15. nah
16. 10 and higher! XD
17. Blushortie, cause you used to blush alot, and its fun to call you short too, so yea! XDD
18. i would say so
19. ummmm, a few months. xP
20. CUTE!
21. awesome
22. yes,
23. hehe, a certain lil icon. xDDDD
24. umm yup! xD
25. umm how funny you ish, and cute! XDDDD
26. when, you say your lonely... ^^"
27. ummmm cup cakes. XDDD
29. pretty good. xD I think so anyway, well as well as I'm going too. xD
30. nope
31. ummm maybe. xD
32. yesh!!
33. >.> its already posted! XD

Community Member
Wolfs rain Tsume san
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Apr 25, 2008 @ 07:53am
1. I committed Suicide: i would go to ur funeral and curse ur body out D<

2. I said I like you: id go "lol wut?"

3. I kissed you: xDD id lol

4. I lived next door to you: id be the annoying kid next door

5. I started smoking: pimp smack u D<

6. I stole something: bish slap you

7. I was Hospitalized: id stay in the hospital jabbering to you ;D

8. I ran away from home: id chase after u ty u up put u imn a bag and bring u home

9. I got into a fight and you werent there: id go "FIGHT MAN FIGHT"

What Do you think about my...

1. Personality:Lol clasic ed

2. Eyes: prettyful? xD

3. Face: funny J/K J/K cute

4. Hair: prettyfull can i have it?

5. Clothes: awesome ;O

6. Mannerisms: >>? is that sexual D:

1. Who are you? Lol erik ur friend

2. Are we friends? freinds? yes ;D

3. when and how we meet? lavi

4. How have I affected you? u made me .... idk xDD u havent

5. What do you think of me? ur teh smex xD ur awesome

6. whats the fondest memory of me? o: "DUMBASS" :'D ill never forget u callin me that

7. How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? friends along time :'D

8. Do you love me? as a friend

9. Have I ever hurt you? names hurt 2 DX

10. Would you hug me? yes

11. Would you kiss me? xD no

12. Would you f*** me? o_o' hell no

13. Would you marry me? no thats roys job

14. Emonionally what stands out? o confused lolwut?

15. Do you wish I was cooler? ur 2 cool for me D<

16. On a scale of on 1-10, how nice am I? 10 bish >3

17. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Edo cuz it ahs ur name in it and it makes me LOL ;D

18. Am I love able? yes cuz ur ed

19. How long have you known me? er 2 months? o'_'o

20. Describe me in one word. Radical

21. What was my first impression? Okay

22. Do you think that way about me now? ur radical xD

23. What do you think my weakness is? ROy xD

24. Do you think I would get married? Yes to roy may 10th

25. What about me makes you happy? Ur edness biggrin DD

26. What about me makes you sad? Ur mean sometimes DX

27. What reminds you of me? Angry kittys xD

28. What's something you would change about me? ur short attention span

29. How well do you know me? Pretty well

30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? no

31. Do you think I would kill someone? lavi is he pissed u off alot xDD

32. Are we close? Sorta/No

33.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? ;o

commentCommented on: Mon Apr 28, 2008 @ 03:40pm
What if I....

1. I committed Suicide: Sleep on your grave ever night like a creepy person. ;w;

2. I said I like you: Um. I like you too? xD

3. I kissed you: Cheek right..? >//>

4. I lived next door to you: You'd be my.. what..? 20th Ding-dong-ditch victim? >D

5. I started smoking: *tsktsktsk* Think of your lungs man! >O

6. I stole something: Give you a 30 minute rant then make you put it back.

7. I was Hospitalized: I'd fly over to whever you was and feed you grapes. ;o

8. I ran away from home: I'm always up for kidnapping. n.n <3

9. I got into a fight and you werent there: I'd feel bad.. D:

What Do you think about my...

1. Personality: Fabulous.

2. Eyes: Gold xD

3. Face: Um. o.O prettyfull. x3

4. Hair: Gold. again. >>

5. Clothes: Stylish! *-*

6. Mannerisms: 'Frikin love!

1. Who are you? Rose

2. Are we friends? Well I should think so! >>

3. when and how did we meet? A couple of years back when you and Alphonse came to Lior.

4. How have I affected you? Too many ways.. =.= You affected my town too.

5. What do you think of me? Eh. >> Not sure.

6. whats the fondest memory of me? When you and Al left Lior and you told me. "Stand up and walk. Afterall you have perfect legs to walk on.

7. How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? Gosh.. I don't know. >>

8. Do you love me? =.=;;

9. Have I ever hurt you? I think it would be wise to not answer that. xD

10. Would you hug me? Kay.

11. Would you kiss me? >//> Cheek.

12. Would you f*** me? Ehh!? D<

13. Would you marry me? You belong with Roy. >>

14. Emonionally what stands out? Everything, I guess.

15. Do you wish I was cooler? Nah. x3 Your icey chill. ;o

16. On a scale of on 1-10, how nice am I? 1 >> kiding! um.. 487565906398. =]

17. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Bean. That's what you get for not praying to the sun god! I told you he'd make you talleeerr!!

18. Am I love able? Eh, sure. n.n;;

19. How long have you known me? Um..

20. Describe me in one word. *kekekeke* Small.

21. What was my first impression? Short tempered, that's for sure!

22. Do you think that way about me now? Heck ya.

23. What do you think my weakness is? Um.. Friends and/or Familly in danger I suppose.

24. Do you think I would get married? Yep.

25. What about me makes you happy? Um, I guess I like the company.

26. What about me makes you sad? How I can't always be of a help to you..

27. What reminds you of me? Hm.. Small red things. >3

28. What's something you would change about me? Your fine the way you are, I wouldn't have you any other way.

29. How well do you know me? Not all that well.

30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Maybe.

31. Do you think I would kill someone? Duh...=.=;;

32. Are we close? Um, I don't think so.. ;w;

33.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? Alright. *-*

||G A I A O N L I N E ` S{one}of//many*Rose`s <3||

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Rose The Flower Of Lior
Community Member
xGauche Suede
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jul 02, 2008 @ 08:31am
What if I....

1. I committed Suicide: Why would you do something stupid like that? xD;

2. I said I like you: Ehh...xD

3. I kissed you: O=

4. I lived next door to you: LOL freeload!

5. I started smoking: Kick your a**.

6. I stole something: Be very upset.

7. I was Hospitalized: Be sad for days and worry if you're okay or not.

8. I ran away from home: I would put wanted posters everywhere xD;

9. I got into a fight and you werent there: Get upset.

What Do you think about my...

1. Personality: Awesome.

2. Eyes: Normal. xD

3. Face: Normal. :3

4. Hair: fluffy 8D

5. Clothes: Awesome. -redcoatredcoat-

6. Mannerisms: YAY

1. Who are you? Colonnello

2. Are we friends? freinds? Yes.

3. when and how we meet? School in rl.

4. How have I affected you? Made me not be shy.

5. What do you think of me? Childhood Best Friend.

6. whats the fondest memory of me? Falling off the swing and making you laugh, not sure if you remember.

7. How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? Friends=always

8. Do you love me? Yes, as a friend.

9. Have I ever hurt you? Nope.

10. Would you hug me? Yes, anytime.

11. Would you kiss me? Hmm.......

12. Would you f*** me? lol no.

13. Would you marry me? nope. xD

14. Emonionally what stands out? Your happiness. x3

15. Do you wish I was cooler? Nah, you're fine the way you are.

16. On a scale of on 1-10, how nice am I? 10+

17. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Fluffy-kins because your hair is fluffy. 8D

18. Am I love able? yes!

19. How long have you known me? 8-9 years

20. Describe me in one word. ADORABLE

21. What was my first impression? I cant remember xD

22. Do you think that way about me now? xD i dunno.

23. What do you think my weakness is? Don't wanna say it.

24. Do you think I would get married? Yes. I won't but you would.

25. What about me makes you happy? Your cheerfulness.

26. What about me makes you sad? nothing.

27. What reminds you of me? The Bear plush you gave me from six flags. I still have it 8D

28. What's something you would change about me? Nothing. I like you the way you are.

29. How well do you know me? Very well. ;D

30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Yes.

31. Do you think I would kill someone? No.

32. Are we close? Very.

33.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?

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