I got an iPod Touch today 3nodding
I'm 5/6 finished with Monster Lab
I'm slightly over 2/3 finished with Monster Lab (I was stuck for 2 days...but I finally beat the challenge monster, which was stronger than the bosses)
I jammed my toe sad
I'm already 1/3 finished with Monster Lab!!! biggrin (I've never beaten a video game before sweatdrop )
Monster Lab's minigames are hard (Wii remote is very sensitive...especially on tracing minigames)
The only ones I'm good at are Buried Treasure, Field Repair, Box Breaking, RoboEvolver, Haunted Organ, & Astral Rift...some minigames are used to make new monster parts (if u messup, then ur ingredients r gone and if u do badly, then ur new part is really weak)
I got a Wii for Xmas...also I got Monster Lab & Okami for the Wii
In Monster Lab, you get to create your own monster(s) (using mostly parts you make in some of the minigames) and send them on missions, which involve monster fighting, minigames, & a boss fight
I'll addd more info tommorow
I just completed the trade with my first customer to my avi art shop
I'm on my Thanksgiving break 3nodding
I've started using 3nodding alot 3nodding
My Barton Regulars set is complete as of 11/20
My Ninja set is complete except for the sword and hood
I just started collecting the Otami set by buying the Otami Greaves, the Otami Lioncloth recipe with all of the ingrediants except for the Cloth x3, and the Otami Feather Cloak recipe
11/20/08 I'm a Barton Regular

Status: On Duty: Fighting the gnome majors for Commander Leon
I changed my avi hairstyle
Base avi changes made in the last month:

My Halloween Hysteria Avis:

My shop, The Demon's Scythe, is now OPEN
I just made my avi art shop
my shop: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/art-shops-and-requests/the-demon-s-scythe-art-shop-opening-soon/t.44109637/
it will open sometime around Fri or the weekend
I'm thinking about opening up an avi art shop
I just added my first avi art (I drew it) to my pro right under my sig near the bottom biggrin
I just bought the Midnight Gothic stuff (+ the red version shirt too) & the Mad Scientist stuff (I got all 3 lab coats) 3nodding
I might get a Wii for Xmas & Okami (for Wii) 3nodding biggrin
I bought and sold 1 October Collectible Envelope
I also bought the Lidless Demon Armor set,
the Regalia of Ancient Fire set, & the Leviathan's Grace set
I made my Halloween avi:

I'm sold out of September Envelopes
I'll have 8 September Collectible Envelopes on Monday
I made a new avi, but I'm going back to my other 1

the noir jacket replaces the mini jacket when i equip it, so it turned out like this:

I'm sold out of June envelopes, but I might have some July ones in about a month
I bought Gwee the Dragon
Potatoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scream
I sold all my June envelopes, but I got 2 more that I'll have by tomorrow
I became a vampire and turned back(Halloween 2007 Event)
My new avi is awesome
I'll have 4 June envelopes for sale tomorrow (I'll try to have the lowest price)
Tomorrow I'll make my new avi:

I made up the punk avi because I was bored

I rearranged and added stuff to my house
Syrup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scream
I saw the new Indiana Jones yesterday biggrin
Pickles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scream
I've added my avi and car history to the bottom of my pro + Buso Renkin vids at the bottom
waffles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scream
aren't these new Japanese items awesome?!
I'm bored....
Still bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scream