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Roleplay Starters! Look! You know you want to.
Just a few starters that I have. Literate and semi-literate. Though I am short on the literate ones at the moment because all the ones I had got lost. But I will post some once I make and find some.
Semi-Literate Roleplay Starters
Cottage School Girl/Boy who's family owns cottage or Boy from school
Yui and her classmates were on their senior fieldtrip up to the mountain. Luckly the snow had just fallen and they were able to go snowboarding and skiing. Which was great for her since her family was always the most difficult after the new year. As she was sitting on the bus she just closed her eyes with her ipod in her ears almost blasting though the music could not be heard to anyone else but her. The worst thing was that her two closest friends couldn't make it because of the money. She had picked up a job which allowed her to go on the trip.
Feeling her eyes getting heavier and heavier she finally let them close and let the bus put her fully to sleep. The next thing she knew was the bus hitting a speed bump going too fast and she hitting her head on the window. Looking out the window she just smiled, seeing they were finally at the cottage where they would be staying for the week. It was a brand new cottage that just opened up and the school got a deal. How and why? There were many rumors but she didn't listen to any of them.
Once the bus came to a stop she watched everyone grab their stuff and head off the bus. Doing the same she was one of the last people as she stopped by the side looking around at the fresh snow that had fallen that morning. Though her thought was broken by someone hitting her head with her snowboard. "Miss. Yui, your board?" It was her teacher and of course it was the one that never really liked her since her brother was such a jerk to him. Taking her board from him she went inside to the cottage and looked around. It smelt so new and looked so great. Standing in there she just waited for her name to be called for her room. But as she was looking around she saw a boy about her age looking over at her. Though she heard talking behind her and saw the most popular and braty girls of their school. Rolling her eyes she just shook her head as she then heard her name being called with her room number. Getting the keys she went down the hall and into her room.
She figured she was the first one out since there was no one around and there was stuff everyone still. With her board and snowboard gare in her arms she headed out to the slopes. Going up to the peak she just stood there for a moment and then headed down. Though as she wasn't that far down when she almost hit a dip and moved over to the side. Leaning too much she hit the orange plastic fence and fell into the trees and snow no one had touched. Laying there about to go unconcious she wondered how long it would take for someone to find her. All her classmates were still down at the cabin.

Human/Stranger Roleplay
'Don't worry you are going to die like the rest of them.'

Those words, his voice, and his face would just keep on coming back to her. Her mind will never get to the part where she was being beaten and was able to run away. But she did like that it never showed her the destruction that they put on her village.
With the sniffling of her nose she looked up from her cold, wet legs and at the cement in front of her. Looking over to the side she saw that the rain was still coming down and probably wasn't going to stop for awhile. Though it was going to help her because her tears weren't going to stop any time soon. Now she was able to blame the rain. "Aki look what you did now. You cost everyone their life. Your clumsy ways actually killed people. And here you are still alive while all your family and friends are laying dead." Quietly she said to herself as the tears then started to roll faster down the sides of her face. It was no use she had to cry and let everything out. Putting her face to her legs again she just cried until it was hard for her to breath. As a few moments past she just looked up and brought her legs close to her body, making her fall to to the wet cement ground tha was under her. Even though she was covered the cement tube wasn't helping her get away from the cold. Turning her head to the side she just sat there and started to watch the rain fall and hit the ground. Suddenly her body started to finally shake from the cold that surrounded her. She had been so upset that she didn't notice how cold her body was.

Vampire/Human Roleplay
A young vampire girl just sat in her small cabin that was set on a hill. It was her very own where she wanted to get away from other kinds of vampires. They were all sucking on human's necks something that she seemed to never really have the feeling to do.
When she was made into a vampire after a near death experance from another vampire, she was taught to not kill humans. But soon her savior had to be killed by the other vampires right after he got her away to safety. Now she had to be all alone and live by herself. While sometimes she had to fight for her life.
Leaning against the wall she turned to the window and just watched the forest around her. Alone again with nothing happening, though her craving for blood started to come back to her. Letting out a sigh she went over to the door and started to quickly run through the forest at high speed. Deer was the only thing on her mind. She needed to find one and drink it's blood. Something that she hated to do but it had to be done before she let it get out of control.
Jumping up onto a tree above a deer she just smirked down at it as her eyes were turning red. Then with no sound or movement around her she plunged down at the deer and started to drink. Blood felt so good though she was soon interupted by footsteps coming close to her. Going back into the tree she wiped her face and just acted like a normal girl up in a tree. Looking around she waited for the body that the footsteps belonged to.

Hazuki was looking up at the sky through the tree tops as the sun was setting. Watching as the sky turned from blue to many colors like yellow, pink, and orange. It was a very peaceful day and nothing has happened to her for the few days that she was in the forest. After running away from slaver traders and getting her old clothes back on she was able to be free at last. Though the forest was just the scariest place for all the bandits, killers, and other creatures she still felt free. Nothing had has happened to her and she wanted to keep it that way as long as she was there. But so far there was no sign of another village, she didn't even know where she was going. Being kidnapped a few weeks ago and was blinded she didn't know what way to go or anything to get back home to her village.
As she slowly stopped in the middle of the clearing she took another look at the sky as it was easier to see with no trees in the way. Taking in a deep breath, trying to soak everything up she let a small smile come across her face. She was just so relax and just wanted to lay down and take a nap. That was until she heard a loud snap echoing around her. Turning in a full circle she tried to look for where it came from. "Must of been a tree branch." Quietly she said to herself, trying to calm down again. Closing her eyes as she tried to get relaxed again, she could sense that she was in the shadow. Opening her eyes she saw the form of a large demon man behind her. Her eyes widen and quickly she turned around, moving away. Before she could move away any further he grabbed her arm pulling her close. All that she could think to do was scream out for help.

Girl/Protector Roleplay
The young girl had wondered into a large community, hurt and weak. A boy had found her passed out in a side street. That boy had then became her best friend. Where ever he went she tried to go with him either behind him or at his side. Though when he took her back to a kingdom to where he lived, her eyes just widen. They told her of a story of a girl that would wonder in and save their kingdom from their revial kingdom that had been fighting for centeries. Of course after years she was the only girl that wondered in there. But she had a feeling that it couldn't be her because she was so clumsy and she wasn't powerful at all. Just a weak girl. The prince that was living there treated her like a princess. Even the guards treated her like a princess. With only having one set of clothes that were reuined, she had to wear more expensive clothing. Soon she found that her best friend was to be her protecter.
After just a day of figuring out everything, her head was filled with information that she didn't think that could be true. Though she had no choice at that moment and she wanted to help those people out all that she could. Even they knew her opinion they still made her do things.
That morning she slipped out of her room and started to sneak out to the forest. Quietly she just walked around on a small path so she could think everything out. This was something that she didn't want to do and it was scaring her. "Nice job Yuki. You had to pick a village that would expect you to save them for a war." Letting out a small sigh she just looked down at the ground that was under her. Though the next thing that she knew he right next to her and looking down at her. Scared she took a step to the side but fell over her own two feet. Looking up to see who it was she saw that it was him. Letting out a nervous laugh she knew he would be mad at her for leaving the palace.

Old friends reuniting
Emi, a young twelve year old girl was standing in front of her house with tears falling down the sides of her face. She was short and had big brown eyes that matched the short brown hair that she had going to her shoulders. Wearing a little pink dress with a brown teddy bear in her hand, hanging there by one arm. Next to her was a young boy the same age as her with watery eyes. In a few minutes she was having to leave him for she was moving far away from him. "I'm going to miss you." Quietly she said as she was sniffling a bit, trying to hold in her tears. As her mother called her name, she turned to him as she looked down at her bear. Holding the bear out to him she pushed it against him lightly. "I want you to have Mr.Cuddles. And promise me that if we come back because it doesn't work out there that we will be best friends." Once he took the bear, she gaved him a tight hug and then kissed him on the cheek. For awhile she had a crush on him since she knew him from first grade. Running to the moving van, she climbed in and looked out the window at him waving with a few tears.

Four years later, at the same house that she said good bye to her best friend at Emi walked out of a moving van. Though instead of the little looking girl, Emi looked her age of sixteen though she still had the kid in her. Her parents followed her out of the van and they headed inside the house. Nothing had changed and she saw visions in her mind of her being young again with her best friend. He was the only true friend that she had her whole life. At her old school she made friends but never got close to any of them as much as she and her old one was. Seeing what time she was, she told her parents that she would just go to school that day and start early. All she had to do was walk in there. Already she had all the paper work turned in and had the school uniform. Changing into the uniform she quickly headed out the house with a case at hand. Walking to school she couldn't wait to see all the friends that she had and hopefully find him. She had a large smile on her face that she just couldn't wipe away. Getting to the school she saw that it already started and soon she was showed to her classroom by a office worker.

Yuri stood in the water looking down as the grey fish quickly passed her. Bending down she held her hands just a few inches above the water with a smile on her face. With a loud splash she dove her hands into the water and grabbed ahold of a fish that was coming up to her. Holding it up as it wiggled in her hands trying to break free. "Finally." She said to herself as she quickly went to the side of the river almost creek where her bow and long container of arrows were laying, along with her shoes. Putting the fish down on the land she went to grab a stick to kill it with that she had all set up, but when she turned around the fish was quickly swimming away from her. "Hmm." Quietly she said sadly to herself as she should of known better. "I hate being so clumsy." She added as she again stepped into the river, ready to catch another.

Spending days in the forest wasn't hard to live in since her village was surrounded by it, though once she was kidnapped and taken away she found out that it was harder to live in then she expected. Though why she had her weapon and she wasn't harmed which confused her. Now all she had to do was live in the forest as she finds her way back to her village. But it was harder then she expected. So far she was lucky with strangers as she hasn't met any but how long was that going to last.

Slowly she looked down at another grey fish and smirked. There was her dinner. The little fish was weak and wasn't swimming as fast. It was perfect for her. Bending down she snapped it out of the water and held it up in the air. "Yes!" She shouted but as she went out of the water she slipped back onto her butt. A big splash as she now noticed that she was being kind of loud. People probably know where she is at. Which might not be that good. Then the movement of the forest to the right of her started to come alive.

Neko Princess/Stranger
Hazuki was a young neko girl sitting on her knees by a river that was running down stream very fast. There was something different about her from other neko girls that were out in the forest though. Probably the fact that she was a princess in a nearby kingdom. Being out there for a couple of days, she still couldn't find a way back to her kingdom. But she was lucky so far because she had to cross no one. Which was the best for her. Her village looked at nekos, demons, and other creatures differently then others. They welcomed them and didn't kill or hurt anyone until they deserved it. Making her thinking that everyone outside the kingdom was just like them.
As she sat there, a small sigh escaped from her lips as her ears lowered. "I wonder how everyone is back there." Quietly she said to herself as she watched the river's water past by her. Lightly she closed her eyes as she just listened the nature around her. "Snap." That was the last thing that she heard before she found herself in the river's water being dragged down to where it was going. As she was able to get a peak back at where she was sitting she saw nothing and had no idea how she ended up there. Kicking her feet she tried to stay above water but the rocks under her would knock her down. Her body would sometimes spin as she tried to move over to the land. As her head was under water, she hit a rock and slowly fell unconcious letting her limp body roll with the current. Luckly for her she was pushed against the side of the river and her hair clip was caught on the grass and her head between two rocks. Though the water was still pushing and pulling her as it wanted her to go more down strem.

Mitsuki was just an eight-teen year old girl living in a large house that was built in a open area surrounded by trees. Though there was something different about her, probably because you could see right through her. She was a ghost and haunting that house as she was scared to leave it. Though she could touch and feel things and be a humen and people could feel and see her, even though it was right through her, but if she was in a bright area no one could see her. She was only like that because of a spell that was casted on her and another guy. A few months ago a bandit and his crew attacked the house because her parents were wealthy. Mitsuki staied inside as they bandits and her parents fought it out. After half an hour, the leader and her were the only people alive there. They then started to fight and soon were both clinging on to life as blood was flowing out of their wounds. Suddenly they both had passed out and woken up seeing the floor that was under them. Plus a small paper next to them explaning a few things. An angel took their soul out of their bodies and hidden them somewhere together. Whoever was the first to have their soul killed and body stabbed in the heart would go on to hell or heaven while the other was able to come back to life.

Walking around the house she just looked down at the ground. Stopping by the window she saw the nice day it was outside but was too scared to leave her home. With a sigh she sat down on the window seal as she then became invisible. She was just so lonely and she didn't get why she wanted to live so badly but she just couldn't bring herself to let herself die and go on. There was so many things that she wanted to do. As she was deep in thought about all of the things that she wanted to do but couldn't, she was quickly brought out of thought with noise downstairs.

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