Y is it when I want to cry I can't. Is it because of the mistake I made trying to truly give up on love? if I could i would rather be able to cry. y u ask. thats simple, when i cry i feel relieved. when i cry i feel free. there r so many different ways i could explain it but if i had to chose one it would be that it makes me feel free. Wat must I do to get back those tears of freedom I lost. Wat is it that I did to lose it, I have no clue. I mean if I could I would go back and find out wat I did but I don't have the ability to do that. I mean most people would love to get ride of the ability to cry. Well atleast the males would. But not me I would take that ability anytime for its like freedom to me. It is wat releaves me from the sorrow and pain that haunts me. its used to be there anytime I needed it but sense the incedent with trying to give up on love I haven't been able to cry. All I want left is the ability to cry wonse again. After that happens I could truly be at peace again