1. What's your name? Emily
2. Do you have a nickname? yep
3. What is it? Aqua
4. What color is your hair naturally? blonde
5. What color is it currently? brown
6. Have you ever shaved your head? no
7. Would you ever shave your head? hell no
8. Do you have dreadlocks? XD no
9. Has your hair ever been a crayon color? yep
10. How old are you? 12
11. What color are your eyes? ones blue and ones green
12. Do you wear glasses? no
13. Do you wear contacts? no
14. Do you need to wear glasses/contacts? no
15. Do you have freckles? no
16. How tall are you? 5 ft 1in
17. How much do you weigh? 105 lbs O_O
18. Do you work out? no
19. Have you ever done yoga? yesh
20. Are you a virgin? yesh
21. Have you ever been kissed? nope
22. Do you know what a degu is? omg I almost had a pet degu once
23. Do you get carsick easily? yeah
24. Do you get angry easily? naw not usally
25. What country do you live in? america
26. Is it night or day? night
27. Do you like rain? yesh
28. Have you ever danced in the rain? mhm
29. Do you sing in the shower? XD yesh
30. Do you sing when you know people can here you? no
31. Do you believe in love? kinda
32. Have you ever been in love? I am right now =3
33. Have you ever been in a fist fight? yep
34. Do you have any stuffed animals? tons!
35. Have you ever been engaged to be married? no
36. Have you ever gotten married? no
37. Are you in school? yesh
38. What grade are you in? 7th
39. Do you have a job? yesh
40. Were you born in wedlock? no
41. Do you have siblings? yep
42. Do you have half-siblings? yep
43. Have you ever drank alcohol? once
44. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? ewwww no
45. Have you ever done legal drugs? no
46. Have you ever done illegal drugs? no
47. Have you ever drank a bunch of cough syrup to get "messed up"? no
48. Have you ever danced on your bed to really loud techno? yeah
49. Have you ever ditched class? yep
50. Can you hoola-hoop? mhm whee
51. How much gold do you have? 400
52. What's the most gold you've ever had? 100k
53. Are you questing? yep
54. For what? a pora ice
55. Have you ever donated to another member? yep
56. Have you ever donated to Gaia? yep
57. Has anyone ever donated to you? no
58. Do you do a lot of quizzes? MHM!
59. What's your favorite forum? mini shops ( i love art!! )
60. Have you ever left Gaia with the intention of never coming back? yeah
61. Do you comment people randomly? no
62. Do you PM people to correct any mistakes they made in threads they've posted? no
63. Have you ever spent more than an hour in a single thread, with out leaving? yeah
64. Have you ever made a thread? yeah
65. Is your avi the same gender as you? oh yeah
66. Do you have more than one avi? mhm
67. Do you have a mule account? no
68. Do you own a guild? I'm soon too
69. Are you in a guild? yeah
70. Do you actually visit your guild? every now and then
71. Do you play any of the games on Gaia? yeah
72. Do you go to Gaia Towns often? yep
73. Do you have a shop? mhm
74. Do you buy things from the marketplace? yeah
75. Do you have a dream avi? yesh
76. Have you ever managed to finish getting the items for a dream avi? no T T
77. Have you ever trolled? no
78. Do you hate trolls? yes
79. Have you ever won a contest in the CB? no
80. Have you ever been flamed? OH YEAH I need to keep quiet.... whee
81. Are you a grammar Nazi? no
82. Are you a poll whore? XD no not really
83. How did you find Gaia? I think a friend
84. Do you love Gaia, or just get on when you're bored? I heart Gaia
85. Do you love mhm its conveint
86. Do you even know what Tektek is? yeah
87. Have you ever violated the Gaia TOS? no
88. Have you ever read the Gaia TOS? no XD
89. Do you think new people on Gaia should have the peasant gear or the full outfits that they get now? yeah I guess
90. How many people are on your friends list? 17
91. Do you have a nifty Gaia house? I wish but It won't let me put my stuff in there
92. Do you have a nifty Gaia car? yeah
93. What's your favorite Gaia store? Skin tyte
94. Did you design your Gaia layout yourself? yeah pretty much
95. Do you write meaningful stuff in your Gaia journal? naw
96. Do you participate in Gaia events? yesh
97. Have you ever finished a Gaia quiz? uhhhhhhhh i don't know
98. Will you finish this one? I hope
99. Is it on your subscribed list now? no
100. How much gold do you have now? 400
101. Color? black,red,blue
102. Season? winter and summer
103. Wild animal? wolves and penguins
104. Domestic animal? doggies
105. Weather? thunder stormys
106. Month? may
107. Day of the week? saturay
108. Time of day? 6 pm
109. Flower? rose
110. Superhero? spiderman!
111. Supervillain? green goblin
112. Supersidekick? robin
113. Form of government? none
114. Form of religion? athiest
115. Band? linkin park
116. Singer? utada hikaru
117. Song? Iris
118. Book? a dogs life
119. Movie? pirates of the carrabian
120. Actor? orlando bloom (bow chika wow wow whee )
121. Actress? none really
122. Poem? the raven
123. Poet? edgar allen poe
124. Photographer? me 3nodding
125. Video game? kingdom hearts
126. Gaming platform? wtf is that
127. Show? the universe
128. Commercial? the coke one with the dancing penguins
129. Drink? water
130. Food? steak!!!
131. Snack? pocky
132. Fruit? papya
133. Vegetable? carrot
134. Person? my bff amanda
135. Cartoon show? scooby doo
136. Cartoon character? scooby
137. Cartoon movie? I don't have one
138. Mythical animal? unicorn XD
139. Utensil? uh
140. Comedian? dane cook
141. Reality show? Little people Big world ( go midgets!)
142. Type of dog? shiba inu
143. Type of food? Chinese
144. Type of cat? simease
145. Type of rodent? mouse
146. Type of bird? love bird
147. Type of reptile? alligator lizards ( i have lots of those)
148. Type of insect? grasshoppers
149. Type of underwater animal? dolphin
150. Forum? aye
THIS OR THAT (no neither)
151. School or work? work
152. Day or night? night
153. Red or green? red
154. Cats or dogs? dogs
155. Birds or fish? birds
156. Summer or Winter? omg summer
157. Spring or Autumn? spring
158. Dusk or dawn? dusk
159. Comedy or drama? comedy
160. Big or small? big
161. Love or hate? love
162. Yes or no? no
163. Flying or breathing under water? flying
164. Batman or Superman? batman
165. Superhero or supervillain? supervillan
166. Books or TV? books
167. Realism or surrealism? realism
168. Winter Olympics or Summer Olympics? summer olympics
169. Kittens or puppies? puppies
170. Myspace or Facebook? myspace
171. Action or romance? action
172. Up or down? down
173. Black or white? black
174. Left or right? right
175. Tall or short? tall
176. Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla
177. Cloudy or clear skies? cloudy
178. Star Trek or Star Wars? star wars
179. Fire or water? fire
180. Air or earth? air
181. Chinese or western Zodiac? western
182. Glasses or no glasses? no glasses
183. Tattooes or no tattooes? tattoes
184. Hair dye or no hair dye? hair dye
185. Naked or clothed? naked XD
186. Purple or yellow? purple
187. Blue or orange? blue
188. Pink or silver? sliver
189. Late or early? late
190. Young or old? young
191. Pepsi or Coke? omg pepsi
192. Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? root beer
193. Alone or in a crowd? alone
194. Philosophy or government? philosophy
195. Math or English? english
196. Juice or soda? juice
197. Mayo or mustard? mustard
198. Salt or pepper? salt
199. Cold or hot? hot
200. Coughing or sneezing? sneezing
201. Salad? yesh
202. Carrots? yesh
203. Chocolate? yesh
204. Bananas? yesh
205. Milk? not really
206. Strawberries? mhm
207. Watermelon? mhm
208. Gold? yeppers
209. Long hair? noooo
210. Colored contacts? mhm
211. Fake nails? kinda
212. Unnaturally colored hair? mhm
213. Freckles? no
214. Glasses? no
215. Skinny jeans? no
216. Rap? hells no
217. Techno? yep
218. Country? sometimes
219. Rock? yep
220. Metal? yep
221. Emo music? yep
222. Industrial? yep
223. Goth music? yep
224. Grunge? yep
225. Classical music? no
226. Math? D=< no
227. School? no
228. Work? no
229. Your mom? no
230. Your dad? don't know him
231. Your siblings? no
232. Your neighbors? no
233. Yourself? no
234. Skirts? yeah
235. Dresses? no
236. Short shorts? no
237. Leather jackets? no
238. Glasses? no
239. Hats? no
240. Dancing? yeah
241. Partying? kinda
242. Hockey? no
243. Baseball? no
244. School sports? no
245. School pride? no
246. Sleeping? yeahhh
247. Eating? yeah
248. Working out? no
249. Meditating? no
250. Shopping? kinda
251. Swim? yeah
252. Dance ballet? no
253. Touch your toes? yeah
254. Do the splits? no
255. Juggle? yeah kinda
256. Play piano? yeah
257. Sing opera? nooo
258. Speak French? noo
259. Speak Mandarin Chinese? no
260. Say the alphabet backward? nay
261. Say the alphabet in sign language? pssh no
262. Count to 100 in German? no
263. Stand on your head? yeah
264. Do a backflip? yeah
265. Do a handstand? yeah
266. Put on your socks while standing upright with your eyes closed with out losing your balance? yeah
267. Make yourself burp? yeah
268. Burp the alphabet? no
269. Do the robot? yeah
270. Hack? no
271. Breakdance? yeah
272. Do the tango? kinda
273. Shoot a gun accurately? yeah
274. Cut hair well? noooooo
275. Do double-dutch? no
276. Sew? yeah
277. Throw a football straight? no
278. Spin a basketball on your finger? no
279. Make the first move? no
280. Ride a bike? no
281. Do karate? no
282. Change the oil of a car? yep
283. Change a car tire? yeah
284. Rebuild a car engine? me and my uncle did once
285. Paint a portrait? yeah
286. Paint a house? yeah
287. Paint a vehicle? yeah
288. Set the time on a VCR? yeahhh
289. Run over a mile with out stopping? no
290. Crack another person's back? yeah
291. Crack all the joints in your fingers? yeahhh
292. Look at a needle with out getting freaked out? yeah
293. Go to the hospital with out getting freaked out? no
294. Go to the dentist with out getting freaked out? no
295. Do a push up? no
296. DO a sit up? yeah
297. Act? yeah
298. Lie easily? no
299. Touch your nose with your tongue? yeah
300. Lick your own elbow? no
301. Bungee jumped? no
302. Been on stage? yeah
303. Been to college? no
304. Been on a plane? yeah
305. Been on a cruise? no
306. Been out of the country? no
307. Sang kareoke? no
308. Ate Pocky? yeah
309. Sky dived? no
310. Lied about your age? yeah
311. Dyed your hair? yeah
312. Painted your nails? yeah
313. Gotten pregnant? no
314. Gotten someone pregnant? XDDD no
315. Bought a prostitute? noooo
316. Gone rock climbing? no
317. Gone skiing? no
318. Gone snowboarding? no
319. Been to a concert? yeah
320. Been to a political rally? noooooo
321. Voted? no
322. Been to a rave? yeah
323. Been knocked unconscious? yeah
324. Been in a car accident? no
325. Caused a car accident? no
326. Been to a beach? yeah
327. Had a credit card? no
328. Had a cell phone? no
329. Had a boyfriend? once
330. Had a girlfriend? no
331. Been so drunk you blacked out? no
332. Thrown up on a carnival ride? XDDD I wish
333. Stayed up for over 24 hours? yeah
334. Eaten paste? no
335. Stabbed someone with a pencil/pen and drawn blood? yeah
336. Been a vegan? no
337. Been a vegetarian? no
338. Been to a wedding? yeah
339. Been to a funeral? yeahh
340. Asked someone to marry you? no
341. Been asked by someone to marry them? yeah
342. Been bit by a snake? yeah
343. Been bit by a donkey? yeah
344. Slept 15 or more hours? yeah
345. Ate cat food? yeah
346. Gotten a tattoo? no
347. Gone hunting? yeah
348. Been to a strip club? no
349. Been in a sex shop? XD no
350. Been to church? no
351. Post biggrin
352. Post smile
353. Post redface
354. Post crying
355. Post stare
356. Post xd
357. Post 3nodding
358. Post blaugh
359. Post gonk
360. Post scream
361. Post stressed
362. Post sweatdrop
363. Post heart
364. Post domokun
365. Post xp
366. Post whee
367. Post wink
368. Post sad
369. Post surprised
370. Post eek
371. Post confused
372. Post cool
373. Post lol
374. Post mad
375. Post razz
376. Post cry
377. Post evil
378. Post twisted
379. Post rolleyes
380. Post exclaim
381. Post question
382. Post idea
383. Post arrow
384. Post neutral
385. Post mrgreen
386. Post ninja
387. Post 4laugh
388. Post rofl
389. Post pirate
390. Post talk2hand
391. Post burning_eyes
392. Post cheese_whine
393. Post dramallama
394. Post wahmbulance
395. Post emo
396. BUMP NOW!
397. How much gold do you have? 826
398. Are you bored yet? no
400. Are you going to finish the quiz? yesh
401. Cast a single 20 sided die.
402. Post a picture of yourself. I will later
403. Post a random gif. gif?
404. Post the name of a color in a different color. how
405. Do you like Valentine's Day? no
406. Write anything you want. It takes two to tango
407. Have you ever microwaved a Peep? yep
408. Do you know what happens if you microwave a Peep? it implodes
409. How did you come up with your user name? It my fav time of day
410. What is your first name backward? shcad
411. Have you ever fallen out of a hammock? yeah
412. Have you ever bleached your hair? no
413. Do you play World of Warcraft? no
414. Do you play World of Starcraft? no
415. Have you ever been to a convention of any geeky type?no
416. Is your bedroom clean? yeah
417. Have you ever gotten really dressed up for no reason? yeah
418. Have you ever been a Denny's Rat? what?
419. Do you feed the trolls?no
420. Do you like the number of this question?no
421. Do you think stoners are silly? yeah =P
422. Do you love the song Numa Numa? yeah
423. Can you moonwalk? yeah
424. Do you love rainbows? no
425. Are you a camwhore? *cough* yeah
426. Do you want to die before you're 30? naw
427. Do you want kids? yeah
428. Do you like kids? no
429. Have you ever fainted? yeah
430. What's your middle name? deanne =_=
431. Do you watch Mythbusters? yeah
432. Do you think that Kari Byron is haaaaaaaaaaaawt? uhh
433. Have you ever read a novel? yeah
434. Do you like cops? no
435. Do you like Dalmations? yeah
436. Have you ever moshed? yeah
437. Did you watch the last Super Bowl? yeah
438. Does your back hurt? yeah
439. Have you seen The Tenth Kingdom? no
440. Don't you just want to huggle Wolf to death? yeah
441. Can you tell I'm running out of questions? yeah
442. Do you want to finish this quiz? yeah
443. Are you going to finish this quiz? yeah
444. Are you surprised you've gotten this far? yeah
445. How much gold do you have now? 400
446. How long ago did you start this quiz? 30 mintues ago
447. What do you think of my dream avi? its funky
448. Post your dream avi. i will later
449. What would you name your daughter if you had one? violet
450. what would you name you son if you had one? alex
451. How does it feel to be so close? zzzzz
452. Are you bored? mhm
453. Are you tired? mhm
454. Are you hungry? slightly
455. Are you thirsty? yeah *takes a drink of water* mhm very
456. Do you need to use the bathroom? not really
457. Do you realize that I'm proud of you? XD no
458. Do you realize that, because I don't know you, I'm actually not really proud of you? aww
459. Do you do the dishes?yeah
460. Do you do your own laundry? no
461. Aren't Grunnies cute? mhm *pets my grunny*
462. Do you hate Caturday? hmm
463. Have you ever been on a plane for over 5 hours? no
464. What eye color do you prefer in a significant other? green
465. What about hair color? red or brown
466. What personality trait makes you all hot and bothered for someone in the beginning? I'm strange
467. Have you ever had a long term relationship? no T T
468. Have you ever been cheated on? yeah
469. Have you ever cheated? no
470. Do you believe that people can grow and mature, or "once a cheater, always a cheater?" no
471. Do you ever sing along with commercials? yeah
472. Do you own an umbrella? no
473. Have you even seen a comedian live? no
474. Have you ever been in a protest? yeah
475. Do you have a trampoline? no
476. Have you ever watched a dog show? yeah
477. Have you ever watched figure skating? yeah
478. Do you think political correctness is asinine? ...
479. Jay Leno or Conan O'Brien? niether
480. Have you ever had a panic attack? yeah
481. Have you ever made a prank call? yeah
482. Have you ever broken a bone? nooo
483. Have you ever sprained anything? no
484. Have you even had a migraine? yeah
485. Have you ever eaten sushi? no
486. Do you like sushi? idk
487. Can you tie a tie? noo
488. Can you hold your breath for a full minute? lets see *twitch shake wiggle GASP* yeah
489. Are you afraid of the dark? no
490. Are you afraid of murky water? yeah actually
491. Are you afraid of bugs? pssh no
492. Are you afraid of being alone? no
493. Are you afraid of birds? nay
494. Are you afraid of cats? no
495. Are you afraid of heights? kinda I can't stand on a small object up high
496. Are you afraid of fear itself. yep
497. Write a famous quote. "hottt pockets"
498. Have you ever walked into a wall? all the time
499. Has milk ever come out of your nose? all the time
500. How much gold do you have. 400
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