
Ahh, when i was just an adorable cute lil newbie!

After i came out of my newbie stage i had this avi, this was before my 1st hacking
My main Long-term, prize winning, vampire avatar

After I was hacked, I recovered fast with a lot of work and a little help, and this was the result! I do love this one alot, i got a lot of compliments because of this avi, it held all of my most prized items! this was before my 2nd hacking, when i had all these items
Maid of the Moon

one of my other major avis, I LOVED THIS ONE! I put so much effort into designing this for the arenas. My last major avi before my 2nd hacking
and of course you know what i look like now, the hacker wasn't able to take away everything from me, i still had my masterpieces and my forest of faia. Some of my friends and other generous people have help gain back some of my lost items! I am going for a more modern and slick combat style (with a black and white penguin touch so i can finally live up to my name! Wish me luck on not getting hacked again! mrgreen Love you all! (well mabey some exceptions lol!)
Community Member
the last two avi s are just looking good though
but the one you have now is my personal fav