"W-Where are we?", asked Levi. She looked around herself, obviously not enjoying the combining sense of being turned into a somewhat ethereal being. "We are in Cyberspace.", said X.
"Consider this place as your training ground away from home." joked Fefnir.
"You know about what is supposed to happen a week from today." said Zero. The hosts nodded.
"Mavericks are supposedly amassing themselves to destroy Neo Arcana.", said Kai.
Phantom Nodded. "That is correct. An unknown person is gathering an Army of Mavericks."
"If it were like the days of old." started Harpuia. "We would've been after them already."
"Too bad, that we're only Cyberelves now. Theres not much a Ghost can do." stated Fefnir.
"Thats where you six come in." said Leviathan. "Even though We can't do much to defend Neo Arcana, We can still give you our power to defend it in our place."
"Putting it a lot on them, aren't you Leviathan?" asked Zero.
"Like you, wouldn't?" She retorted.
"Us against an army of Mavericks?" asked Telos. "Even with your powers, Its not like we have the Experience and Battle Skills of you guys."
"He has a point.", said Phantom.
"Not to mention Enix here is against fighting." he had said.
X and Enix stepped forward Looking straight at each other in the eyes. "I think we can manage past that.", Said X.
"I agree." he replied.
They all looked back at Each other's Partners. A glimmer of hope began to spark within the very reaches of Cyberspace.
"Very well then.", said X. "Lets begin!"
* * *
Deeo within the very far reaches of The Undernet, The Black Shadow Quickly began to regain his powers. His unnatural ability to absorb the data from fallen enemies, was his main attraction. his bat like helm, gave him a dark look.
"Forte...has arisen, once more."
((A picture of Forte:

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