I got to go trick-or-treating with my friend (we were devils!)and her little brother(I didn't know what he was supposed to be sweatdrop ) at the mall today. There was a lot of people standing in lines, so we didn't do much. We probably got 5 pieces of candy each, at most.
Then we went to her house! We changed costumes because we didn't like ours that much. Our friend came over and she was a witch with a green face. My friend changed into a boy costume, but then decided to be a devil again, but changed her shirt and skirt around a little so it was a different costume. I bought a spotted shirt at the mall and my friend brought over her white shorts so I became a puppy! ^^
We went trick-or-treating again at my friend's neighborhood and then we drove over to my other friend's neighborhood and went over to her house and went in her haunted house. It was really fun. I laughed a lot because my friends were working at the haunted house and so I knew who everyone is. The man hanging on the noose was really good at looking dead. He didn't move or laugh at all!
And so.....that was my Halloween. How was yours? ^^
Much heart
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heart from Mayumi.