Beep Boop Bop! Grr... Imma Robot!
Today I am going to write a story about a robot. The only rule is that I have to use every emote possible. Story Time, Story Time! Everyone loves story time! Umm... I can explain! Okay... maybe I can't! So what, no big deal right??? Now where was I? Oh right... Let the story begin!!
Robot Story Part 1
My name is RBot-284603 and I am a 6' robot. I am incapable of emotion. neutral Emotion? Emotion does not compute. Emotion does not compute! Emotion does not compute! Emotion does not compute! Emotion does not compute! Emotion does not compute! Emotion does not compute! Emotion does not compute! Meltdown! Meltdown! Meltdown! Meltdown! Meltdown! Meltdown! Meltdown! Meltdown!Tilt!!!!! neutral What is emotion??? And why does it not compute??? question *Sigh* I wish I knew... Wait!!! exclaim Did I just show emotion?!?!?!?!?! confused Wahhhh!!!!! More emotion! sad Uhh ohh..... gonk Meltdown!!!
I guess our little robot friend is learning some new emotions that are messing with his hardrive (forgive me if I spelled that wrong). What will he do?!? Let's continue with the story.
Robot Story Part 2
Now that I have recovered sufficiently I have decided to learn more about emotion. Emotion?!? Emotion does not...! No I will not start that again..?! Hardrive fart! redface (I believe a hardrive fart is the equivalent of a brain fart to you humans.) Hahaha!!! blaugh Emotion does...! OOf!!! sweatdrop I must stop this obnoxious reaction to the term "EMOTION". mad *sigh* lol rofl Am I going crazy?!?!? surprised Of course not! I am an emo aligator! emo RAWR!!! domokun Eep!!! What is happening to me?!? Teehee! 4laugh Emo-aligator-ninjas need lots of cheese and wine to eat!!! ninja cheese_whine 'Cause I am a Drama Llama! dramallama Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh! Razzberry!!! razz xp Eep, so many emotion I never knew I had! The thought of uncovering them all must be making me crazy! pirate Pirates eat Cute little toasters for lunch!!! Muahahahaha!!!!! Where did that come from?!?! I'm a robot not a pirate! And robots are too cool for school! cool Eep! Another emotion! Emotion does not compute! Emotion does not...! Uhwajugaflernesquikcle!!!!!! stressed Must not say emotion does not compute again! Ahhh!!! I just said it again!!! scream
Looks like RBot-284603 has a little problem. Let's see how he deals with it.
Robot Story Part 3
I am feeling very happy today. mrgreen biggrin smile Robots are invulnerable to fire! Ahhh!!!!! burning_eyes ........... wahmbulance Just kidding! I'm okay!!! Thank you for your concern!!! 3nodding heart I learned to get some of my emotions under control, finally! Be nice to me or you'll have to... Talk to the hand! talk2hand You weren't very nice to me earlier. idea I have an idea, Sssssllllluuuuummmmmbbbbbeeeeerrrrr Pppppaaaaarrrrrtttttyyyyy!!!!!!!! This way to the popcorn machine! arrow Oops! My emotions are beginning to make me crazy again! No!!! I won't go back to the Happy Hospital!!! I was there yesterday!!!! You're making me angry! You won't like me when I'm... I''m... ANGRY!!!! evil Now you're gonna get it! Puny Human!!!!!! twisted
Help, help!!!!!!! Crazy Robot on the loose!!!!!!!! Ahh!!!!!!!!
Robot Story Part 4
2 days later...
I'm so sorry for my behavior yesterday. I just don't know what got into me! rolleyes Forgive me, Pwease! whee Whee!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha!!!!! xd *Shake, shiver, shiver, tremble* eek Wink!!!! wink Sodapop tastes like cell phones! Wait... that wasn't soda??? Then what was??? Oh... That w-was y-your cell-cell phone! *I'm sorry???* Please don't kill me!!!!!!!! *Beep, beep, bbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppp!!!!!!!* Your video presentation will begin in a moment.
We now interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you a special announcment!
I'm okaaaaayyyyy... L-let's g-get b-b-back to the-the stor-story. I'm still a bit shaken up from that robot attack. stare
Robot Story Part 5
I'm bbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccccckkkkkkkk!!!!!!!! twisted
Hi, My name is RBot-284603. What's your name??? It's very nice to meet you, Insert Name Here . blaugh
This emote left a little "present" in his pants. gonk And, this one looks constipated. stressed Someone better go buy him some laxitives (Please,please let me have spelled that right). Awww.... RBot-284603 has mastered his emotions and/or gone crazy and lost his memory!
Robot Story Part 6
The moral of the story??? "Robots can master emotions too, just stay away from them while they are learing about their emotions because they will go crazy and kill you!!!!!!"
Uh... I think that's about it for the moral of the story.
Please comment! Thanks! heart
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Summer's Random Journal
Whatever I wanna write, whenever I feel like it.
Series in my journal:
"Imma" Series (includes Imma Ninja, Imma Robot ect)
My Thoughts [new] (basically, what I think about stupid stuff)
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