Name: Mayve Yume Locke
Age: Unknown, estimated 50 yrs. equivalent early 20s.
Race: Assumed-Wood Elven/Human, Actual-Terraderm
Class: HnD-Paladin, Hunters-Hunter
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 130 lb.
Eyes: Blue-Grey (purple in the certain light)
Hair: Dark Brown
Alignment: Neutral-Good
Vices and Virtues
Hope (primary virtue)
Charity (secondary virtue)
Glutton (primary vice)
Wrath (secondary vice)
*note: I know that most games, if they mention virtues and vices at all, only require one set, but I wanted to give a more complete picture.*
-Child of Thursday (Type of luck: When she's been working hard in one aspect of life, blessings will appear in the same or another aspect. "Heaven helps those who are willing to help themselves." wink
-Prescient (The ability to prophetic dreams or visions.)*note: Kain has final say on whether this one is allowable it his story, could be used just as a story device at his discretion.*
-Camouflage (With effort can blend into an environment or situation)
-Pragmatic*edit*This is to say she's practical and uses opportunities when they arise, she can get lost in her own head at times, but will do what needs to be done*edit*
-Fear of Heights (Acrophobia: minor, requires minimal to average effort to overcome.)
-Fear of fire (Pyrophobia: minor, requires minimal to average effort to overcome. i.e. she can sit in front of a fire if she's cold, but she'll be too nervous to sit close and if you want her to tend the flames you better give her a really long stick.)
Background story:
Found and raised by Ives and Tera Locke (Wood Elven father, Human mother) and had a dog named Brother; she wanted a little brother and her mom couldn't have children, so the dog filled in. Yume had a loving home life, but was tormented and teased by the other children for being a half-elf; this resulted in her requesting that she be called exclusively Mayve and her hiding her ears with her hair.

Mayve went into training to become a cleric in the service of Tyr and did well in her studies. When she was halfway through her cleric training Mayve and some of her friends while out on a trip, were attacked by bandits; she saved her friends' lives when she stabbed one of the bad guys with his own blade. Clerics aren't supposed to use bladed weapons so when they returned she was pulled aside and given the option of starting training as a paladin, she took it.
Mayve struggled at first when she started training as a squire, but proved later to have a lot of potential. While still a squire the Magi-tech war struck close to home and Mayve's parents joined the war effort. Her parents were killed in battle, but they went down fighting and the explosion could be seen for miles. Mayve was left orphaned, but at least she still had her dog and her Mentor.(Its around this time Mayve is no longer ashamed of being a half-elf and even proudly shows her ears, but out of habit still goes by her human name.)

When Mayve completes her training and becomes a paladin she is given her own war-horse, Storm-runner. Her first couple years on her own Mayve does a lot of work as a monster/demon hunter, her dog and horse well trained to assist in the fight, but smart enough not to get themselves killed. Mayve still has a hard time trusting people, but if she really needs help she's now humble and practical enough to take it. In battle with a particularly nasty monster Mayve loses Brother and doesn't know if he's alive or dead. Then Mayve gets word of a real terror of a demon that's been devastating the country side, but in pursuit of this monster she catches the sense of two strong demonic forces and discovers Kain and Alucin.

*Thats it for now, but I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did. ^_^*
Community Member
It seems like in every story there's a big final battle between good and evil, it was originally intended that mayve would be the odd numbered weight to tip the scales, you know how even one grain of sand can upset the balence. So she was supposed to be the embodyment of fate, just a normal girl randomly chosen for this purpose.
In one of the battles to defend her hometown in the war the forces of darkness try to tip the scales in their favor by forcing her to join their side, but the goddess Tyr steps in. Mayve, a squire at the time, chose to fight beside her mentor, but when they get seperated in the fray she finds she's really out numbered. Just as she sees a slash aimed for her neck she tries to bring her sword up to block, but her hands feel held in place.
Next thing she knows she sees only blinding light and hears only deafening silence, then a multitoned voice speaks and offers her a second chance at life and she accepts. Mayve is now an avatar of Tyr serving directly on the human plane fighting monsters and demons at the command of the divine. Mayve's mentor finds her unconscious after the battle with what should be an impossible scar around her neck(partially because its already healed) and a strange symbol on her back, thus the choker. Mayve still hunts demons and she still runs into Kain and Alucin because of it. Mostly everything else is the same, character traits that sort of thing.
This backstory was only used in one game, but it was pretty fun. I would love feedback and opinions on either backstory and as always Kain has final say as to what should be cannon, it is after all his series and this profile is only a work in progress. I fully intend to give you guys the latest update and let you know what becomes set.
Thanks again for reading this.
*edit*Okay so this is the angle of the backstory that will be considered canon, at least for now, is subject to change if anything needs to be edited later. *edit*