Yup. I have ideas to make up my own anime. But I don't think that I'm going to create it. I'm just going to be an Architect or something. But, Ima also help my brother with his things. He is going to become a sucessful docter but he also said that he's going to create an Anime RPG game for all the game systems or something like that. 360, PlayStation, and all those other good junk. My cousin said that he'll help out Ryu(not going to say his real name) with the game by drawing the characters. He's really good at drawing anime. Once, he sent Ryu a letter and he also sent a picture he drew along with the letter. It was Rock Lee, Sasuke, Gaara, and I think Neji to. It was really good and it really did look so much like them. You know, he didn't mess up or anything or look funky. It was absolutly perfect. But unfortunatly, Ryu freaken lost it. So once I've become a sucessful Architect with Shina, Ima look for Ryu and I'll help him. I could come up with pretty good ideas for the story line in the game. But at times, it would depend on what kind of game it is and how he wants it to be. Knowing Ryu, he has a whole bunch of good ideas. How do I know?
He's my freaken brother of course!! He would tell me ideas he has for animes and it really is good. Knowing him, it would be an awesome game for Anime Fans. Yes he may be a pain-in-the-a** but I actually envy him for his awesome imagination! At times I would be happy that he's my brother and at times I would be so mad and angry that's he's my brother. O'well! I can't change for whats already done!
I gotta try to live with what I have and I gotta try to change myself a little bit more.
Thanks to Masha-Sama, I've gotton a whole lot more agressive and hyperactive.
Thanks to Sakura, I've gotton a little bit more soft on people. But.....if only she hadn't moved, than I wouldn'y have to take my anger out on my friends. I just hate that. I try to control myslef but at times I just can't. My anger.....my feelings just always get the best of me. And sorry Shina......I'll try to control myself and try harder to improve my life.
Well....thats it!!! Oh, and here's an anime picture of my brother in an Anime.
Gotta admit that he is Kinda cute!

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