It was early in the years when people first thought of this myth...but after some startling news and discoveries it is not a shock to find that more and more people are not only thinking about it but believing it. The phantom of the poles shows forests of mushrooms as travelers head to middle earth...An ESSA-7 satellite picture of the north pole, when the earth tilted and the light hit it the satellite took the picture. When scientists first got the picture they had demanded a retake. For the picture showed a perfect hole were the north pole (aka the rift) was supposed to be. Many were shocked to see that it was perfect in shape and diameter.
Are there or were there cretures on our mother earth. Creatures like the loch ness monster and the monster of the bolinas swamp in California...along with the big foot and the abonabel snow man are just some of the ones that people have claimed to see. Referring back to The phantom of the poles, they say that these rifts may grant creatures access to our world. A geological crack that goes through Scotland is said to be the only place were Nessie...or the loch ness is supposed to have been seen, and the monster of the bolinas swamp in California is supposed to have been seen only on the rift line coming down from San Fran, the territory also of the hairy big foot.
Hallow earth picture....

To be continued...