I will periodicly be posting information on different parts of Naruto and this RP. They do it in the show, I thought I'd do it here. :3
Special Report on: The Tokita Clan.
The Tokita's are a line of hunter-nins from Iwagakure (Hidden Stone) that stretch back to the foundation of the village. It was designed as a counter to the Sharingan. The Clan prided it's self on the fact that it always caught its prey. The Clan amassed a large fortune on bounties placed on Missing-nins by various Villages.
The Tokita Hantajoukei (Hunter eye)

The primary reason for their success is their Kekkei genkai, 'Hantajoukei' (Hunter's Sight). This Bloodline trait, is born to all of the Tokita Clan, though it takes immense practice to harness. The Hantajoukei is unique among the various Kekkei Genkai. When activated, it alters their brian chemistry, simplifying the way the brain processes and interprets information form his body. This works to make them extremely resistant to Genjutsu, and opened the mind to a form of sixth sense. In the users mind the Chakra signatures of anyone in the area show up as a field of stars against a black backdrop. Normal chakra signatures show up blue and dim, where unusual signatures Like say, Naruto's would show up brighter and red. When Chakra is used by the someone their signatures glow brighter. A battle would show up as a cluster of Bright signatures.
In combat, it allows them (with training) to find almost anyone because everyone's Chakra signature is unique. Higher level user can counter-act the Sharingan's genjutsu effects.
This ability has some very Risky downsides. Because it is activated by forcing chakra through the Retinas, over use of the Bloodline can cause preferment damage to the Optic Nerve and as a result, Blindness. This can be done all at once in one massive overuse or built up over time. It is rare to find a Tokita over the age of 40 that is not blind, even less if the person was an active Hunter-nin. While still able to see objects with their Bloodline (which still works) they can no longer read or see images because this requires being able to tell color shades and tones, something the bloodline can not do.
Also the Bloodline is not ac precise as normal vision and because of this Tokita's tend to also rely on their sense of hearing. It they can't hear either due to loud ambient noise or a Jutsu some sort they can't fight nearly as well with their bloodline.
To a Tokita their are 3 basic kinds of Chakra. Primary, Secondary and Passive.
Primary chakra is chakra that is emanating directly from the body. This is the brightest and is what a Tokita sees while looking at you with their bloodline. It is very hard to disguise and is almost always the same. only in the case of a Demon host or someone with a cursed Seal would it change.
Secondary Chakra is Chakra that comes from a Jutsu. A Clone would be an example of this, while it's chakra is similar to the creator it is slightly different, a different shade if such a term can me given to a sense that does not involve color. However this effect is slight, and it takes a skilled user to determine the difference. This covers anything created, generated by or moved with chakra.
Passive chakra is chakra being created by non living objects of a mundane nature. All things have chakra in them but non living object do not emit it as brightly as living one's or things being controlled by a Jutsu.