My throat's not as sore. It's odd; as soon as the doctor swabbed my throat (it felt very unpleasant, but not as bad as I remember it when I was in the second grade when I nearly gagged) it started feeling better. O.o
So I've been playing video games, drinking water, snacking on food, and watching the fourth episode of the Tales of Symphonia OVA.
WHICH IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! I was complaining that it didn't show Kratos kill Remiel (actually, from what I assume I believe Yuan killed Remiel in the OVA after Remiel kicked Lloyd's a**), Kratos's betrayal wasn't nearly as "OH MY GOD HOW COULD YOU?!?!?!?!?!" it was in the game, Yuan wasn't wearing his super cool outfit at first, that it didn't show Yggdrasill, and Sheena wasn't with them when they were in Hima. (Instead, she rescues them at the Renegade HQ.)
It showed Yggdrasill at the very end though. He actually LOOKS like a GUY!
...Kind of.
He still looks like a girl from far away.
But his face looks very guy-ish. Very, very guy-ish.
Alyssa and I decided it looks like Yggdrasill's outfit was made by some guy out of the disco age. xd
![User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.](
Seriously. Very. Disco.
But Yuan put his cape back on later. AND Kratos put on his sexy outfit! ZOMG! YAY! I love it!!!!
And it was so sad. Colette and Lloyd feel so alive and you can tell they love each other so much because Colette's always thinking of Lloyd and that she'll still be with him literally as the air and the trees and the earth around him.
And then Lloyd starts crying and screams his heart out trying to reach Colette. You can tell he's so torn when Colette loses her heart and memories.
I felt so bad. I started crying.
AAAAAAND at the end it showed the others from Tethe'alla. (There are going to be 4 more episodes! And they're in production now. whee ) First it showed Zelos being his cocky, Zelos-y self as usual. Then came Presea in her house at Ozette (probably with her dead father in the bed next to her gonk ) and she was soooooo cuuuuuute. Lifeless-looking (damn Cruxis crystal!), but KAWAII!!!!!!!!!! And then it showed Regal. His outfit looks just as weird. xd
I'm very pleased with the OVA so far. A couple things are wrong, but I haven't been disappointed. 3nodding
I want Colette to become her old self again! It's so depressing seeing her so lifeless!!!! gonk
It's hilarious how my reactions (and obsession) to ToS haven't changed at all in 4 years. I first played the game in 7th grade and when Remiel and Kratos and Yuan betrayed them I was angry and upset and very sad. When Colette became lifeless I was like, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And I'm STILL like that! xd I knew Colette was going to lose everything but I was still like, "HURRY UP LLOYD! YOU CAN STILL SAVE HER! GOOOOO!!!!!!!" xd
The OVA did an excellent job on presenting how Lloyd and Colette felt about her losing everything at that last seal. They both cried and Colette thanked him and said goodbye to him and Lloyd ran out to her and tried to grab her and kept screaming her name. And once it was too late, his mind went blank. He dropped his swords when he realized Colette couldn't remember him. (Seriously, which do you think is worse--having the one you love hate you or forget who you are? For me it would definitely be the latter.) He looked like he was about to have a mental breakdown. And then he went into full rage.
Awwww they're such a cute couple. I'm a LloydxColette fan EVEN MORE now! blaugh whee