Zaku Kuran
Name: Zaku Kuran
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Appearance: Body, Weekday clothes, Saturday clothes, Sunday clothes but without the shoes and gloves. He's not exceptionally tall, about 5'8".
Winter Clothes: Main outfit, backup outfit. Main outfit has black pants with black boots.
Summer Clothes: Swimsuit. His summer outfit is his saturday clothes without the long-sleeved undershirt.
Personality: Zaku is very headstrong, wanting to be the best of the best at everything he does. However, he's not particularly exceptional at anything, and generally has to work hard to keep up with others. However, he is a hard worker, and is always willing to put in time and effort to get better. He's generally a friendly person, though he is accustomed to being alone, and at times he would much rather be by himself than with others. However, when Zaku doesn't specifically want to be alone, he is almost afraid to be alone, as though something bad will happen if he's left by himself. He may enjoy being alone every now and then, but for the most part he needs to know that there are people around. He doesn't need their attention, he just needs the comfort of knowing there are people there to help him should something go wrong. Zaku is oddly unaware of most things around him, it's not that he's self-centered, he just doesn't realize when things are happening every now and then. If people around him are fighting, he may not notice until he hears yelling or until there's a physical fight happening, and even then he might not notice. He has a tendency to zone out when he's focused on something, so that everything around him becomes blank to his mind. Sometimes it gets so bad that people have to actually physically push him to get him to focus on other things. He's also a little clumsy, not enough that he breaks expensive things, but he hurts himself regularly just from tripping or running into things because he didn't notice it was there. Zaku doesn't like fighting, and generally wishes it didn't happen at all, but when it comes to physical fights, he can hold his own. He learned how to fight properly just from wandering and seeing gang fights. Zaku is not particularly bright when it comes to sexual things, he rarely gets perverted jokes, and his mind doesn't generally think up things like that, even when it's being brought up directly to him. He doesn't pretend he knows anything about it, though, if someone brings it up with him, he'll admit to knowing nothing. He finds it an odd subject, not really caring too much about it, but taking what he hears about it in anyway.
Powers/Abilities: Zaku can control the winds with his hands and arms. He can also gather the wind in his hands and release them in a surge to either propel himself forward or repel something else back. However, he generally uses his ability to control the wind to keep himself amused or to make menial tasks easier. He tends to move the wind from one room to another so that he can hear what's going on in places around him. He learned to do that as a safeguard when he wasn't living in an orphanage. He also picked up the ability to tamper with sound waves and make them move either faster or slower to project any sound he wants to any random volume.
Weaknesses/Disabilities: As with his skills or lack thereof, Zaku isn't particularly strong, and his stamina is average. He tends to lose his control of the wind when his concentration is broken, so if he has the wind gathered in his hands and loses focus, the wind will release and knock him over. Because he is still new to controlling sound waves, he occasionally amplifies sounds unintentionally, sometimes so much that he hurts his own eardrums. Sometimes all it takes is for him to take a step for the sound to reverberate at a louder volume than normal. Also, Zaku has yet to find a productive use for his abilities, seeing that he rarely gets involved in fights and does menial labor voluntarily to get stronger. He mainly uses the sound ability while meditating to hear the nature around him instead of the people around him. That, and Zaku tends to overhear things he doesn't want to hear when he uses his abilities. Every now and then he'll catch the sound of someone getting hurt, and that will make him sad, and other times he'll hear...other noises, which will creep him out.
Likes: Most foods with meat, being outside, staring at the moon, walking barefoot in the grass, meditating, and taking unnecessarily long baths. Zaku likes anything involving the outdoors, when given the option to study outside, he will take it in a heartbeat. He loves being outside so much that he will stand out in the rain regularly, even though he has no jacket or umbrella to use. He loves music of pretty much any sort, almost as much as being outside. He has a tendency to play his music at a regular volume, and then gradually turn it up until it's obnoxiously loud. When he does this, his ears adjust to the volume he's set the sound to, so he can't tell that it's too loud.
Dislikes: Tofu and hummus, being rushed, being stuck inside, exceptional heat, socks, shoes, and showers. Zaku doesn't like people who shoot him down or shoot down his ideas. He also has trouble putting up with people who give up on him when he's taking a while to figure things out. He hates when people get frustrated with him because he doesn't get things right off the bat, and he gets very defensive when people put him down. It is his natural reaction to wear his temper on his sleeve when people are being mean to him, and though he rarely gets involved in arguments or fights, he will retort if someone is putting him down. Zaku hates sitting in silence, he always needs some form of sound going on around him, anything from music to the scratching of a pencil as he writes is fine so long as it's not quiet. Most of the time if he can't make sound on his own, he'll drag sound from somewhere else just for the sake of having some form of sound to hear.
Background/History: Zaku had been to several orphanages before ending up at the Outcast Orphanage. His parents left him at an orphanage when he was six because he had unknowingly broken one of the main beams holding up the house. His parents didn't know how, but they called him a jinx and left him for others to take. He was left with very few things, just an oversized t-shirt, several pairs of shorts, a few sets of pants for him to grow into, and a green jacket. After several incidences of broken windows and door hinges, he was moved out of the first orphanage, and every year after, he was moved somewhere else, finally being left at the Outcast Orphanage. This had a very large effect on him, as after a while he became very aware of why it was that they kept moving him. He wasn't much of a troublemaker to anyone, but because he liked to play with the wind, he would unintentionally end up breaking things until he was moved somewhere else. He would test himself to see if he had control of the wind and would consistently find that he didn't. One of the times he was doing this, he had been alone in the room, and part of the bunk bed that he shared with another kid broke and collapsed on him. Ever since that incident, he's been afraid to be in a room by himself without knowing someone else was nearby. For a while, no orphanage would take him, and for several weeks he wandered to keep alive. He wouldn't steal, though, he felt bad for doing things like that, and instead went hungry until he found a homeless shelter where he could get something to eat. While wandering the streets, he would regularly be a target by gangs simply for the fact that he was just wandering the streets. He would generally try to just run away from them, but when that wasn't cutting it, he would eventually end up losing control and blowing them away with the wind. During this wandering time, he practiced with the wind and after a while realized that things worked better when he worked with the wind, instead of trying to command it. It was then that he started to get control of his powers, which drastically helped him, especially when he would run into gang members while wandering. After a while, he was taken back into one of the orphanages he had been in before. Unfortunately, he was having a dream one night and was rolling over quite a bit, which caused the wind in his room to move about and break both the window and his bed frame. It was after that incident that he was finally dropped off at the Outcast Orphanage, because none of the other orphanages in the area he had been in would take him back.
Other: Zaku has a tendency to sleep through his alarm no matter how early he goes to sleep or how late his alarm is set, making him late for pretty much everything. He is also frequently found wearing his signature t-shirt with the yin yang on it. It's a bit small on him, however, it's the only shirt that he has other than his school clothes. He cleans it each night before going to sleep, so it doesn't smell, though it is rather faded from the years of use.
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Appearance: Body, Weekday clothes, Saturday clothes, Sunday clothes but without the shoes and gloves. He's not exceptionally tall, about 5'8".
Winter Clothes: Main outfit, backup outfit. Main outfit has black pants with black boots.
Summer Clothes: Swimsuit. His summer outfit is his saturday clothes without the long-sleeved undershirt.
Personality: Zaku is very headstrong, wanting to be the best of the best at everything he does. However, he's not particularly exceptional at anything, and generally has to work hard to keep up with others. However, he is a hard worker, and is always willing to put in time and effort to get better. He's generally a friendly person, though he is accustomed to being alone, and at times he would much rather be by himself than with others. However, when Zaku doesn't specifically want to be alone, he is almost afraid to be alone, as though something bad will happen if he's left by himself. He may enjoy being alone every now and then, but for the most part he needs to know that there are people around. He doesn't need their attention, he just needs the comfort of knowing there are people there to help him should something go wrong. Zaku is oddly unaware of most things around him, it's not that he's self-centered, he just doesn't realize when things are happening every now and then. If people around him are fighting, he may not notice until he hears yelling or until there's a physical fight happening, and even then he might not notice. He has a tendency to zone out when he's focused on something, so that everything around him becomes blank to his mind. Sometimes it gets so bad that people have to actually physically push him to get him to focus on other things. He's also a little clumsy, not enough that he breaks expensive things, but he hurts himself regularly just from tripping or running into things because he didn't notice it was there. Zaku doesn't like fighting, and generally wishes it didn't happen at all, but when it comes to physical fights, he can hold his own. He learned how to fight properly just from wandering and seeing gang fights. Zaku is not particularly bright when it comes to sexual things, he rarely gets perverted jokes, and his mind doesn't generally think up things like that, even when it's being brought up directly to him. He doesn't pretend he knows anything about it, though, if someone brings it up with him, he'll admit to knowing nothing. He finds it an odd subject, not really caring too much about it, but taking what he hears about it in anyway.
Powers/Abilities: Zaku can control the winds with his hands and arms. He can also gather the wind in his hands and release them in a surge to either propel himself forward or repel something else back. However, he generally uses his ability to control the wind to keep himself amused or to make menial tasks easier. He tends to move the wind from one room to another so that he can hear what's going on in places around him. He learned to do that as a safeguard when he wasn't living in an orphanage. He also picked up the ability to tamper with sound waves and make them move either faster or slower to project any sound he wants to any random volume.
Weaknesses/Disabilities: As with his skills or lack thereof, Zaku isn't particularly strong, and his stamina is average. He tends to lose his control of the wind when his concentration is broken, so if he has the wind gathered in his hands and loses focus, the wind will release and knock him over. Because he is still new to controlling sound waves, he occasionally amplifies sounds unintentionally, sometimes so much that he hurts his own eardrums. Sometimes all it takes is for him to take a step for the sound to reverberate at a louder volume than normal. Also, Zaku has yet to find a productive use for his abilities, seeing that he rarely gets involved in fights and does menial labor voluntarily to get stronger. He mainly uses the sound ability while meditating to hear the nature around him instead of the people around him. That, and Zaku tends to overhear things he doesn't want to hear when he uses his abilities. Every now and then he'll catch the sound of someone getting hurt, and that will make him sad, and other times he'll hear...other noises, which will creep him out.
Likes: Most foods with meat, being outside, staring at the moon, walking barefoot in the grass, meditating, and taking unnecessarily long baths. Zaku likes anything involving the outdoors, when given the option to study outside, he will take it in a heartbeat. He loves being outside so much that he will stand out in the rain regularly, even though he has no jacket or umbrella to use. He loves music of pretty much any sort, almost as much as being outside. He has a tendency to play his music at a regular volume, and then gradually turn it up until it's obnoxiously loud. When he does this, his ears adjust to the volume he's set the sound to, so he can't tell that it's too loud.
Dislikes: Tofu and hummus, being rushed, being stuck inside, exceptional heat, socks, shoes, and showers. Zaku doesn't like people who shoot him down or shoot down his ideas. He also has trouble putting up with people who give up on him when he's taking a while to figure things out. He hates when people get frustrated with him because he doesn't get things right off the bat, and he gets very defensive when people put him down. It is his natural reaction to wear his temper on his sleeve when people are being mean to him, and though he rarely gets involved in arguments or fights, he will retort if someone is putting him down. Zaku hates sitting in silence, he always needs some form of sound going on around him, anything from music to the scratching of a pencil as he writes is fine so long as it's not quiet. Most of the time if he can't make sound on his own, he'll drag sound from somewhere else just for the sake of having some form of sound to hear.
Background/History: Zaku had been to several orphanages before ending up at the Outcast Orphanage. His parents left him at an orphanage when he was six because he had unknowingly broken one of the main beams holding up the house. His parents didn't know how, but they called him a jinx and left him for others to take. He was left with very few things, just an oversized t-shirt, several pairs of shorts, a few sets of pants for him to grow into, and a green jacket. After several incidences of broken windows and door hinges, he was moved out of the first orphanage, and every year after, he was moved somewhere else, finally being left at the Outcast Orphanage. This had a very large effect on him, as after a while he became very aware of why it was that they kept moving him. He wasn't much of a troublemaker to anyone, but because he liked to play with the wind, he would unintentionally end up breaking things until he was moved somewhere else. He would test himself to see if he had control of the wind and would consistently find that he didn't. One of the times he was doing this, he had been alone in the room, and part of the bunk bed that he shared with another kid broke and collapsed on him. Ever since that incident, he's been afraid to be in a room by himself without knowing someone else was nearby. For a while, no orphanage would take him, and for several weeks he wandered to keep alive. He wouldn't steal, though, he felt bad for doing things like that, and instead went hungry until he found a homeless shelter where he could get something to eat. While wandering the streets, he would regularly be a target by gangs simply for the fact that he was just wandering the streets. He would generally try to just run away from them, but when that wasn't cutting it, he would eventually end up losing control and blowing them away with the wind. During this wandering time, he practiced with the wind and after a while realized that things worked better when he worked with the wind, instead of trying to command it. It was then that he started to get control of his powers, which drastically helped him, especially when he would run into gang members while wandering. After a while, he was taken back into one of the orphanages he had been in before. Unfortunately, he was having a dream one night and was rolling over quite a bit, which caused the wind in his room to move about and break both the window and his bed frame. It was after that incident that he was finally dropped off at the Outcast Orphanage, because none of the other orphanages in the area he had been in would take him back.
Other: Zaku has a tendency to sleep through his alarm no matter how early he goes to sleep or how late his alarm is set, making him late for pretty much everything. He is also frequently found wearing his signature t-shirt with the yin yang on it. It's a bit small on him, however, it's the only shirt that he has other than his school clothes. He cleans it each night before going to sleep, so it doesn't smell, though it is rather faded from the years of use.
Junpei Shiratori 1
Name: Junpei Shiratori
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Body and weekday outfit, others to come later. sweatdrop Junpei is decently tall, around 6' 3".
Personality: Junpei is a very bright person, doing very well in most things that he puts effort into. He has a photographic memory, so he can give details for almost any moment of his life. This made schoolwork in particular rather easy on him, as he never struggled to remember facts or equations. Junpei is rather quiet, and isn't one to start conversations with people unless he knows them well. He is a bit on the shy side, though not so much so that he can't be around other people. He has a hard time talking with people, and most of the time he has to force himself to talk to others. He has a hard time becoming attached to other people, and as such, doesn't really know what it's like to have friends. Most of the time, he is just afraid that people won't like the person that he is inside. Most people just think of him as a quiet nerd, but he actually likes to play sports here and there, and loves music of all sorts. He has a very strange and slightly morbid sense of humor, though most don't know, as he rarely opens up enough for people to realize it. He finds dead baby jokes particularly amusing, though he does feel slightly guilty for laughing at them afterward. He acts very politely to everyone when he first meets them, though he is very shrewd and notices things quickly, like appearance and attitude. He tries not to pass judgement too quickly, though it is his first instinct to do so. He has a very good memory for names, faces, and happenings, so he is constantly alert as far as possible bad situations go. He is a bit obsessive compulsive as well, when he starts to work on something, he refuses to start something new until the old one is finished, and everything needs to be right before he'll even consider it done.
Powers/Abilities: Junpei can create lightning with his hands and can also tamper with electronics as they're being used. So long as electricity is running to an object, he can mess with it, be it wiring or data. He can also sense electricity moving through areas that are close to him, so if there's a surge, he can tell where the power's heading.
Weaknesses/Disabilities: He can shock himself with his own lightning, never doing enough damage to take himself out, but enough that it could do some damage to him. Also, he doesn't have complete control over his powers, so he will occasionally electrocute himself, as well as turn off the electronics he's using without realizing it. This drawback in particular aggravates him, seeing as every now and then he'll shut his own computer off without meaning to. He has to be careful when drinking liquids and taking showers as well, seeing as the water can make him shock himself. When he's checking the movement of electricity, he occasionally stops it without meaning to.
Likes: Megatokyo, enchiladas, death jokes, video games. He considers his computer to be an extension of his life, which is why he always has it on him.
Dislikes: Rain and snow, moving water, stagnant water, other liquids, clothes that were just pulled out of the dryer. Really, any form of water is cause for concern for Junpei, so he tends to try to avoid them as often as he can. He still needs water to live, obviously, so he has to deal with that problem. He also dislikes being dirty or messy, so he forces himself to shower regularly, even though it puts himself at risk of shock.
Background/History: Junpei was born in Okinawa to abusive parents. He was supposed to have been born as one of a set of twins, but the first child died in the womb, leaving him. His parents believed that to have twins would be a blessing, but as one died and the other lived, they considered Junpei to be a curse and a demon who would bring them terrible luck. They spent time regularly to make it clear that he was a total failure in their eyes, no matter how hard he worked to show them that he wasn't. He worked hard to be a straight A student, and even though he was at the top of his class, they still beat him regularly for being a failure at one thing or another. He worked hard at school to impress them and to try and get them to like him, but they would then criticize his lack of cooking ability, his "bad" cleaning, and anything and everything else they could think of. Because of their constant yelling at him, he became very inconfident, and could rarely bring himself to talk to other students. He was quickly outcast by his classmates for both being smart and not talking to anyone, though they thought he was being smug. His school life coupled with his life at home was so frustrating to him that he finally decided he was going to make a change about it. He showed up to school one day with his hair dyed and streaked, which surprised the entire school. He had always been quiet and clean cut before then, so the fact that he showed up with his hair dyed black and green really surprised people. When they found out what he had done, his parents were infuriated. They beat him furiously that night, then felt that he was shaming them so much that they decided to "move to the US" to get him away from people they knew. Without a word to him otherwise, they kicked him out of the car at the orphanage while "on the way to their new house". They made it very clear to him that they weren't coming back to get him and that they never wanted to see him again. Oddly, Junpei was rather hurt by this, even though he was sick and tired of the abuse. He just wanted them to love him like a regular parent would, and for them to get rid of him like that meant that he stood no chance of ever proving to them that he was a good son. He was crushed by this and sat outside of the orphanage for several hours trying to recover from it before entering. He didn't want to set a bad impression of himself to the other people living there by breaking down in front of them.
Other: Junpei dyed his hair himself, which was the reason his parents finally decided to just get rid of him. His hair is naturally brown. Also, Junpei is a computer geek. He is a master hacker and spends more of his time in front of a computer screen than he does sleeping. Junpei, strangely enough, loves to go shopping, even though he's really good about not spending his money. He likes to shop for anything from music to books to clothes to accessories. He takes electronics shopping far more seriously than shopping for other things, though. If he's going into an electronics shop, it's for a very specific item and nothing else. He never browses through electronics shops, mainly because he already knows most everything about the stuff he'd be buying from them.
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Body and weekday outfit, others to come later. sweatdrop Junpei is decently tall, around 6' 3".
Personality: Junpei is a very bright person, doing very well in most things that he puts effort into. He has a photographic memory, so he can give details for almost any moment of his life. This made schoolwork in particular rather easy on him, as he never struggled to remember facts or equations. Junpei is rather quiet, and isn't one to start conversations with people unless he knows them well. He is a bit on the shy side, though not so much so that he can't be around other people. He has a hard time talking with people, and most of the time he has to force himself to talk to others. He has a hard time becoming attached to other people, and as such, doesn't really know what it's like to have friends. Most of the time, he is just afraid that people won't like the person that he is inside. Most people just think of him as a quiet nerd, but he actually likes to play sports here and there, and loves music of all sorts. He has a very strange and slightly morbid sense of humor, though most don't know, as he rarely opens up enough for people to realize it. He finds dead baby jokes particularly amusing, though he does feel slightly guilty for laughing at them afterward. He acts very politely to everyone when he first meets them, though he is very shrewd and notices things quickly, like appearance and attitude. He tries not to pass judgement too quickly, though it is his first instinct to do so. He has a very good memory for names, faces, and happenings, so he is constantly alert as far as possible bad situations go. He is a bit obsessive compulsive as well, when he starts to work on something, he refuses to start something new until the old one is finished, and everything needs to be right before he'll even consider it done.
Powers/Abilities: Junpei can create lightning with his hands and can also tamper with electronics as they're being used. So long as electricity is running to an object, he can mess with it, be it wiring or data. He can also sense electricity moving through areas that are close to him, so if there's a surge, he can tell where the power's heading.
Weaknesses/Disabilities: He can shock himself with his own lightning, never doing enough damage to take himself out, but enough that it could do some damage to him. Also, he doesn't have complete control over his powers, so he will occasionally electrocute himself, as well as turn off the electronics he's using without realizing it. This drawback in particular aggravates him, seeing as every now and then he'll shut his own computer off without meaning to. He has to be careful when drinking liquids and taking showers as well, seeing as the water can make him shock himself. When he's checking the movement of electricity, he occasionally stops it without meaning to.
Likes: Megatokyo, enchiladas, death jokes, video games. He considers his computer to be an extension of his life, which is why he always has it on him.
Dislikes: Rain and snow, moving water, stagnant water, other liquids, clothes that were just pulled out of the dryer. Really, any form of water is cause for concern for Junpei, so he tends to try to avoid them as often as he can. He still needs water to live, obviously, so he has to deal with that problem. He also dislikes being dirty or messy, so he forces himself to shower regularly, even though it puts himself at risk of shock.
Background/History: Junpei was born in Okinawa to abusive parents. He was supposed to have been born as one of a set of twins, but the first child died in the womb, leaving him. His parents believed that to have twins would be a blessing, but as one died and the other lived, they considered Junpei to be a curse and a demon who would bring them terrible luck. They spent time regularly to make it clear that he was a total failure in their eyes, no matter how hard he worked to show them that he wasn't. He worked hard to be a straight A student, and even though he was at the top of his class, they still beat him regularly for being a failure at one thing or another. He worked hard at school to impress them and to try and get them to like him, but they would then criticize his lack of cooking ability, his "bad" cleaning, and anything and everything else they could think of. Because of their constant yelling at him, he became very inconfident, and could rarely bring himself to talk to other students. He was quickly outcast by his classmates for both being smart and not talking to anyone, though they thought he was being smug. His school life coupled with his life at home was so frustrating to him that he finally decided he was going to make a change about it. He showed up to school one day with his hair dyed and streaked, which surprised the entire school. He had always been quiet and clean cut before then, so the fact that he showed up with his hair dyed black and green really surprised people. When they found out what he had done, his parents were infuriated. They beat him furiously that night, then felt that he was shaming them so much that they decided to "move to the US" to get him away from people they knew. Without a word to him otherwise, they kicked him out of the car at the orphanage while "on the way to their new house". They made it very clear to him that they weren't coming back to get him and that they never wanted to see him again. Oddly, Junpei was rather hurt by this, even though he was sick and tired of the abuse. He just wanted them to love him like a regular parent would, and for them to get rid of him like that meant that he stood no chance of ever proving to them that he was a good son. He was crushed by this and sat outside of the orphanage for several hours trying to recover from it before entering. He didn't want to set a bad impression of himself to the other people living there by breaking down in front of them.
Other: Junpei dyed his hair himself, which was the reason his parents finally decided to just get rid of him. His hair is naturally brown. Also, Junpei is a computer geek. He is a master hacker and spends more of his time in front of a computer screen than he does sleeping. Junpei, strangely enough, loves to go shopping, even though he's really good about not spending his money. He likes to shop for anything from music to books to clothes to accessories. He takes electronics shopping far more seriously than shopping for other things, though. If he's going into an electronics shop, it's for a very specific item and nothing else. He never browses through electronics shops, mainly because he already knows most everything about the stuff he'd be buying from them.
Batou and Junpei Shiratori 2
Name: Kinzenmaru Batousan Ikiraimaru Abarausan the Gaioumon, though he is called Batou.
Age: Somewhere in his early 20s [in Digital Years].
Gender: Male
Appearance: Batou
Personality: Very quiet, rarely speaks unless he has something important to say, but he is protective as well. He's not an outgoing person, but when he makes friends, he doesn't lose them.
Digimon: Batou is a Gaioumon.
Main Evolution Stage: Mega
Attribute: Virus
Type: Dragon Man
Families: Nature Spirits, Dragon's Roar
Background/Other: Batou is technically a virus type, but he fights for what he thinks is right, regardless of what his type regulates. On an unrelated subject, when he gets bored, he juggles his blades and anything else within reach.
Name: Junpei Shiratori
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Picture
Personality: He's quiet, yet friendly on the outside. However, on the inside, there is a part of him that wants to hurt anything and everything that stands in front of him. He is an incredible computer geek, and knows any and every code known to man, able to hack in to anything he pleases. He normally uses this for his own personal means, though his ability to get anything he wants in the realm of data makes him want to have everything. He likes to mess with peoples' heads for the fun of it, though he won't go too far unless he has a distinct loathing for someone.
Background: Junpei was born and raised in Okinawa to abusive parents. He was to be the second of a set of twins, but the first child died in the womb, leaving him. His parents spend time regularly to make it clear that he is a total failure in their eyes, no matter how hard he works to show them that he's not. He worked hard to be a straight A student, and even though he's at the top of his class, they still beat him regularly for being a failure at one thing or another. Because of their constant yelling at him, he became very inconfident, and couldn't even bring himself to talk to other students. He was quickly outcast by his classmates for both being smart and not talking to anyone, though they thought he was being smug. He can rarely get up the nerve to speak to people in the real world, and even then, normally just a sentence or two at most. He found the digital world by chance while hacking his way into his school's databases. He had been planning on messing with the transcripts of people who had made fun of him, but completely forgot when he found the digital world. He looked to see what was going on there and realized he could manipulate anything he wanted to there, and so he started to make changes to it to better suit the lifestyle he wanted to have. He knew that the world was structured in a way that there were rulers, and he immediately went to work on taking that system down. He wanted to make a world where he was happy, and he knew he wouldn't be happy with rules and rulers there. It took him a while to figure out how to get to the digital world, though, and he only managed to do so when the chosen children were taken there. In the digital world, Junpei has immense power, able to change anything to do whatever he pleases with his hacking abilities.
Age: Somewhere in his early 20s [in Digital Years].
Gender: Male
Appearance: Batou
Personality: Very quiet, rarely speaks unless he has something important to say, but he is protective as well. He's not an outgoing person, but when he makes friends, he doesn't lose them.
Digimon: Batou is a Gaioumon.
Main Evolution Stage: Mega
Attribute: Virus
Type: Dragon Man
Families: Nature Spirits, Dragon's Roar
- Attacks:
Gaia Reactor: Concentrates energy from the atmosphere to create a large explosion.
Rinkazan: Severs the enemy with tracks of light from his two blades, which are known as the Kiku Rin.
Rinkageki: Produces an arrow of light from the Kiku Rin.
Background/Other: Batou is technically a virus type, but he fights for what he thinks is right, regardless of what his type regulates. On an unrelated subject, when he gets bored, he juggles his blades and anything else within reach.
Name: Junpei Shiratori
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Picture
Personality: He's quiet, yet friendly on the outside. However, on the inside, there is a part of him that wants to hurt anything and everything that stands in front of him. He is an incredible computer geek, and knows any and every code known to man, able to hack in to anything he pleases. He normally uses this for his own personal means, though his ability to get anything he wants in the realm of data makes him want to have everything. He likes to mess with peoples' heads for the fun of it, though he won't go too far unless he has a distinct loathing for someone.
Background: Junpei was born and raised in Okinawa to abusive parents. He was to be the second of a set of twins, but the first child died in the womb, leaving him. His parents spend time regularly to make it clear that he is a total failure in their eyes, no matter how hard he works to show them that he's not. He worked hard to be a straight A student, and even though he's at the top of his class, they still beat him regularly for being a failure at one thing or another. Because of their constant yelling at him, he became very inconfident, and couldn't even bring himself to talk to other students. He was quickly outcast by his classmates for both being smart and not talking to anyone, though they thought he was being smug. He can rarely get up the nerve to speak to people in the real world, and even then, normally just a sentence or two at most. He found the digital world by chance while hacking his way into his school's databases. He had been planning on messing with the transcripts of people who had made fun of him, but completely forgot when he found the digital world. He looked to see what was going on there and realized he could manipulate anything he wanted to there, and so he started to make changes to it to better suit the lifestyle he wanted to have. He knew that the world was structured in a way that there were rulers, and he immediately went to work on taking that system down. He wanted to make a world where he was happy, and he knew he wouldn't be happy with rules and rulers there. It took him a while to figure out how to get to the digital world, though, and he only managed to do so when the chosen children were taken there. In the digital world, Junpei has immense power, able to change anything to do whatever he pleases with his hacking abilities.
Edgar, Takurama, Spike and Kenny
Name: Edgar Kamisaru
Age: 18
Appearance: Picture
Personality: Calm, though argumentative. He's somewhat laid back, though there are situations where he reverts to being very serious. Obsessed with music.
Digimon: Takurama Barurugo
6-Year Bio: After two breakdowns in therapy and one extremely shocking bonding moment over a game of mahjong with his father, Edgar became a lot more calm and peaceful, even without taking his medicine. Around his freshman year in high school, he finally grew to a decent height, then kept growing. He stopped growing around 6 feet, though he never got any bigger around. He's not quite as skinny as he was then, but he's still pretty skinny. He is on break between school, getting ready to go to Tokyo University as a vocal performance major. He took college as a chance to move back to Japan, so that if nothing else, he'd be away from the Arizona landscape.
DigiEgg: Power
Name: Batou "Spike" Miraiku
Age: 19
Appearance: Picture
Personality: Very open-minded, friendly, quick to react (sometimes without thinking), obsessed with rocks.
Crest: Power
6-Year Bio: Spike changed the most during the first trip to the digital world, and as such didn't change too much since then. His hair, which was black with hints of blond before, became completely blond over the years. He's studying as a Geology major at Tokyo University. He wanted to go to Arizona State to study the rocks and landscape there, but decided to stay in Japan so that he wouldn't leave Vesta behind. While on "vacation" studying rocks in Arizona, Spike brought Vesta to a cliff face and proposed to her, on one knee and still completely hunched over, with a ring made of the jade he had found in the digital world and encrusted with diamonds. ((At least THAT rock was interesting. sweatdrop ))
Digimon: Kenraku "Kenny" Barurugo
Digimon's 6-Year Bio: Kenny and Ann had four kids right after the portal between the worlds closed. One of them was a Flamon, two of them were mixed between the two (which surprised both of them), and one was a Nekomon. About three years later, they had four more kids, two Flamon and two Nekomon. Oddly, there weren't mixed children in those four. Kenny still has money set aside for when Anon finally decides to start that circus, and he still gets out and practices his kicking techniques daily.
Age: 18
Appearance: Picture
Personality: Calm, though argumentative. He's somewhat laid back, though there are situations where he reverts to being very serious. Obsessed with music.
Digimon: Takurama Barurugo
- Rookie- Flamon
Flame Tornado: Flamon jumps onto his hands, lights his feet on fire, and starts spinning, kicking at his target with a blast of fire.
Darkfire Breaker: Flamon kicks out at his opponent with a blast of black fire.
Dragora Flame: A technique picked up from the dragon in him from his father's side. He shoots out a blast of fire, which varies in heat and color based on how much of his own body flame he puts into it. At strongest, it could do extreme damage, but at strongest, it could also kill him from releasing too much of his own body heat.
Armor- Baromon
Meteor Dance: Dances to summon meteors that fall upon his enemies.
Pyrokinesis: Creates a wave of lava that hits anything in its path.
Storming Knives: Launches seven daggers at his opponent.
Dragora Flame: A technique picked up from the dragon in him from his father's side. He shoots out a blast of fire, which varies in heat and color based on how much of his own body flame he puts into it. At strongest, it could do extreme damage, but at strongest, it could also kill him from releasing too much of his own body heat.
Champion- Firamon
Flame Dive: Winds his whole body with fire and comes down quickly from the sky at his opponent.
Fira Claw: Winds his front legs with fire and scratches the enemy.
Fira Bomb: Uses his full power to shoot fire bombs at his opponent.
Dragora Flame: A technique picked up from the dragon in him from his father's side. He shoots out a blast of fire, which varies in heat and color based on how much of his own body flame he puts into it. At strongest, it could do extreme damage, but at strongest, it could also kill him from releasing too much of his own body heat.
Ultimate- Flaremon
Crimson Beast King Wave: Centers the spirit of lion and fire at his fist and releases a lion-shaped energy wave.
Red Lion Dance: Winds his fists and legs with fire and give the enemy punches and kicks at a high speed.
Seisei no Houkou: Turns the fire into a purifying shockwave and releases it with a roar to dissolve the enemy's data.
Dragora Pyro: A technique picked up from the dragon in him from his father's side. He shoots out a blast of fire, which varies in heat and color based on how much of his own body flame he puts into it. At strongest, it could do extreme damage, but at strongest, it could also kill him from releasing too much of his own body heat. At the ultimate level or higher, it becomes more difficult for him to pinpoint a target for his attacks, though he can still channel it to a specific area.
Mega- Apollomon
Sol Blaster: Releases blasts of immensely hot fire from his hands at his opponent.
Phoebos Blow: Concentrates fire in his hand to launch a deadly punch.
Arrow of Apollo: Releases fiery arrows continuously from the two jewels on his hands.
Dragora Pyro: A technique picked up from the dragon in him from his father's side. He shoots out a blast of fire, which varies in heat and color based on how much of his own body flame he puts into it. At strongest, it could do extreme damage, but at strongest, it could also kill him from releasing too much of his own body heat. At the ultimate level or higher, it becomes more difficult for him to pinpoint a target for his attacks, though he can still channel it to a specific area.
6-Year Bio: After two breakdowns in therapy and one extremely shocking bonding moment over a game of mahjong with his father, Edgar became a lot more calm and peaceful, even without taking his medicine. Around his freshman year in high school, he finally grew to a decent height, then kept growing. He stopped growing around 6 feet, though he never got any bigger around. He's not quite as skinny as he was then, but he's still pretty skinny. He is on break between school, getting ready to go to Tokyo University as a vocal performance major. He took college as a chance to move back to Japan, so that if nothing else, he'd be away from the Arizona landscape.
DigiEgg: Power
Name: Batou "Spike" Miraiku
Age: 19
Appearance: Picture
Personality: Very open-minded, friendly, quick to react (sometimes without thinking), obsessed with rocks.
Crest: Power
6-Year Bio: Spike changed the most during the first trip to the digital world, and as such didn't change too much since then. His hair, which was black with hints of blond before, became completely blond over the years. He's studying as a Geology major at Tokyo University. He wanted to go to Arizona State to study the rocks and landscape there, but decided to stay in Japan so that he wouldn't leave Vesta behind. While on "vacation" studying rocks in Arizona, Spike brought Vesta to a cliff face and proposed to her, on one knee and still completely hunched over, with a ring made of the jade he had found in the digital world and encrusted with diamonds. ((At least THAT rock was interesting. sweatdrop ))
Digimon: Kenraku "Kenny" Barurugo
- Rookie- Flamon
Champion- FlameDragomon
Ultimate- Keretsumon
Mega- Pyrukenmon
Digimon's 6-Year Bio: Kenny and Ann had four kids right after the portal between the worlds closed. One of them was a Flamon, two of them were mixed between the two (which surprised both of them), and one was a Nekomon. About three years later, they had four more kids, two Flamon and two Nekomon. Oddly, there weren't mixed children in those four. Kenny still has money set aside for when Anon finally decides to start that circus, and he still gets out and practices his kicking techniques daily.
Toshihiro, Lopmon and Rose
Name: Toshihiro Takeda
Age: 17
Appearance: Picture
Personality: He's a critical thinker, but he doesn't flaunt his knowledge. In a sense, he's a closet nerd. sweatdrop He's not a quiet person, but he's not particularly talkative, either. He's not the most friendly person, and only really opens up to people after knowing them for a while. Toshihiro is an only child, and as such, isn't much of a team player. He's very straightforward about things, though, and rarely ever tries to avoid the point unless there is danger in the situation.
Cards (to name a few):
Background: Toshihiro has lived his entire life in Japan, and has decent to pretty good grades. He's played the card game for a rather long time, and was the one who beat Edward at the semi-finals. His dad passed away in a hostage situation at his work, so his mom works to support the both of them. He spends a lot of his time reading, and even more time playing cards, to the point that he has an extensive collection of them.
Name: Rose Takeda
Age: 38
Appearance: Except without the blade and in regular clothes. sweatdrop
Personality: She is more friendly than her son, but she is also very straightforward, and when she gets angry she becomes almost an entirely different person. She is very sincere and helpful, though, and likes to help others, so long as they don't get on her nerves.
Age: 17
Appearance: Picture
Personality: He's a critical thinker, but he doesn't flaunt his knowledge. In a sense, he's a closet nerd. sweatdrop He's not a quiet person, but he's not particularly talkative, either. He's not the most friendly person, and only really opens up to people after knowing them for a while. Toshihiro is an only child, and as such, isn't much of a team player. He's very straightforward about things, though, and rarely ever tries to avoid the point unless there is danger in the situation.
- Rookie: Lopmon
[-]Blazing Ice: Lopmon shoots a blast of purple-blue fire at his opponents.
[-]Tiny Twister: Lopmon spins around and flies at his opponent, doing damage with a charge.
Champion: Seasarmon
[-]Tee Dia: Seasarmon shoots light arows out of his mouth at his opponents.
[-]Sekkantou: Seasarmon's paw begins to glow, and he punches his opponent with it.
Ultimate: Cerberumon
[-]Emerald Blaze: Each of Cerberumon's heads shoots out a blast of green fire at the opponent.
[-]Inferno Gate: Cerberumon opens gates to the Dark Zone and pulls the opponent in, making them fight in total darkness.
Mega: Anubismon
[-]Amemit: Anubismon summons Amemit to devour the digi-cores of evil Digimon.
[-]Pyramid Power: Anubismon makes the earth move from underneath his opponent and swallow them whole.
Cards (to name a few):
- Barrier Blaze: Puts up a wall of fire between Lopmon and his opponent.
Digivolution: Take a wild guess. xp
Counterbalance: Gives Lopmon a set of uneven weights to throw at his opponent and make them fall over.
Beast Shield: Puts up a solid rock wall between Lopmon and his opponent.
Dragon Flame: Adds firepower to Lopmon's attacks.
Energy Plug-In: Gives Lopmon a burst of speed.
Amplifier: Gives Lopmon extra strength.
Goliath: Makes Lopmon quadruple in size to do serious damage.
Mandatory Shutdown: Temporarily freezes the opponent in place.
Duplication: Makes copies of Lopmon. Each copy gets one attack.
Background: Toshihiro has lived his entire life in Japan, and has decent to pretty good grades. He's played the card game for a rather long time, and was the one who beat Edward at the semi-finals. His dad passed away in a hostage situation at his work, so his mom works to support the both of them. He spends a lot of his time reading, and even more time playing cards, to the point that he has an extensive collection of them.
Name: Rose Takeda
Age: 38
Appearance: Except without the blade and in regular clothes. sweatdrop
Personality: She is more friendly than her son, but she is also very straightforward, and when she gets angry she becomes almost an entirely different person. She is very sincere and helpful, though, and likes to help others, so long as they don't get on her nerves.
Kenrai and Antarou
Name: Kenrai Byakuran
Appearance: Click here.
Bio: Kenrai has been captain of 10th company for around a year. He does his job with complete efficiency, but he has a soft spot for humans, and frequently tries to make the situation the best for them. He works to do his job, but he also sees the flaws of his line of work, and is silently against the system of laws that the Soul Society upholds.
Zanpaku-to: Bukuro, the Air Blade
Spirit Appearance: Click here.
Zanpaku-to Appearance: Click here.
Shikai Appearance: Click here.
Bankai Appearance: Doesn't have an appearance.
Shikai Ability: Wind Scythe. Kenrai spins the blade, causing a sharp and painful gust of wind to shoot at his opponents.
Bankai Ability (First Form): Gale Cutter. Kenrai and the blade vanish completely, and the wind in the air targets his opponents, cutting with extreme strength.
Bankai Ability (Final Form): Kazetsurugi no Mai, also known as the Wind Blade Dance. Kenrai and the blade reappear, but the wind speed picks up drastically, as does Kenrai's speed. He holds his blade in both hands and tilts the blade. The wind moves sharply at a simple move of Kenrai's, doing damage to anything and everything that Kenrai wants it to.
Character Name: Antarou Takeda
Character Appearance: Click here.
Bio: Antarou was big, even as a child, and as such, people didn't want to be around him. He always wanted to be noticed, so he became a loudmouth and his big mouth eventually got him caught in a gang fight that he really didn’t need to be a part of. He wasn't in either gang, but because he tried to talk both gangs out of hurting him, he ended up getting shot. Antarou hadn't technically done anything wrong, so he was able to go to the soul society. He was captain of squad 10 for a very long time before leaving to go out on his own.
Zanpaku-to Name: Hokodaichi, the Earth Halberd
Spirit and Shikai Appearance: The body is the spirit, the blade is the shikai.
Zanpaku-to Appearance: The average katana, but larger.
Bankai Appearance: Click here.
Shikai Ability: Rampant Earth. He swings his blade, and the earth moves with it, breaking apart and crushing his enemies in between slabs of earth.
Bankai Ability: Endless Totem. His blade becomes a six-piece totem pole that falls from the sky and crushes his opponent. The parts of the totem pole are segmented, so he can break it apart and have separate pieces attack different targets at the same time.
Appearance: Click here.
Bio: Kenrai has been captain of 10th company for around a year. He does his job with complete efficiency, but he has a soft spot for humans, and frequently tries to make the situation the best for them. He works to do his job, but he also sees the flaws of his line of work, and is silently against the system of laws that the Soul Society upholds.
Zanpaku-to: Bukuro, the Air Blade
Spirit Appearance: Click here.
Zanpaku-to Appearance: Click here.
Shikai Appearance: Click here.
Bankai Appearance: Doesn't have an appearance.
Shikai Ability: Wind Scythe. Kenrai spins the blade, causing a sharp and painful gust of wind to shoot at his opponents.
Bankai Ability (First Form): Gale Cutter. Kenrai and the blade vanish completely, and the wind in the air targets his opponents, cutting with extreme strength.
Bankai Ability (Final Form): Kazetsurugi no Mai, also known as the Wind Blade Dance. Kenrai and the blade reappear, but the wind speed picks up drastically, as does Kenrai's speed. He holds his blade in both hands and tilts the blade. The wind moves sharply at a simple move of Kenrai's, doing damage to anything and everything that Kenrai wants it to.
Character Name: Antarou Takeda
Character Appearance: Click here.
Bio: Antarou was big, even as a child, and as such, people didn't want to be around him. He always wanted to be noticed, so he became a loudmouth and his big mouth eventually got him caught in a gang fight that he really didn’t need to be a part of. He wasn't in either gang, but because he tried to talk both gangs out of hurting him, he ended up getting shot. Antarou hadn't technically done anything wrong, so he was able to go to the soul society. He was captain of squad 10 for a very long time before leaving to go out on his own.
Zanpaku-to Name: Hokodaichi, the Earth Halberd
Spirit and Shikai Appearance: The body is the spirit, the blade is the shikai.
Zanpaku-to Appearance: The average katana, but larger.
Bankai Appearance: Click here.
Shikai Ability: Rampant Earth. He swings his blade, and the earth moves with it, breaking apart and crushing his enemies in between slabs of earth.
Bankai Ability: Endless Totem. His blade becomes a six-piece totem pole that falls from the sky and crushes his opponent. The parts of the totem pole are segmented, so he can break it apart and have separate pieces attack different targets at the same time.

Gender: Male
Race: Fire Demon
Age: 515 (Appears 19)
Birthday: November 11
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Golden yellow
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 163 lbs
Blood: A+
Status: Good Demon, Fire Demon Tribe
Likes: Making friends, gyoza, metal-working, solving problems peacefully, watching children, playing musical instruments.
Dislikes: Stupid arguments, being told he's wrong, senseless fighting, raspberries, people who hurt or insult his friends.
Quote: "If it's impossible, I'll do it anyway!", "Stop arguing, there's no reason for it."
Personality: Takurama is a friendly, energetic, easygoing person. He's very good-natured and friendly to others, especially when first introduced to someone. He likes having fun with people he knows, and avoids fighting as often as he can. However, he is very defensive when his personality is questioned, and will become stubborn when people argue with him. He tries his best to avoid fights as often as he can, but when there's no way around it, he will fight with full force. He is very strong, and can cause serious damage when he is focused. However, for the most part he avoids causing excessive amounts of damage.
Biography: Takurama is the chieftan of the fire demon tribe. He has been chieftan for several years, having taken over for his parents after they both passed away. His tribe generally was friendly to other tribes and villages, constantly searching for peace treaties and ways to befriend others. Early on in Takurama's rule, there was a prediction made within his tribe that eventually the chieftan would have to leave to protect the tribe. Takurama had ignored it, assuming that it applied to a chieftan that would rule long after he had passed away. In the recent past, though, he had received several threats from nearby villages and on top of that a war had started between his tribe and a rivaling tribe. Takurama soon realized that the prediction had indeed meant him. Unfortunately, he had no idea where he was supposed to go or whom he was supposed to look for. He continued to remain with his tribe, trying to solve any problems that might come their way and waiting for a sign to tell him where to go.
Crush: N/A
Other: Takurama is very fond of his outfit, and only changes to a different style of clothing for ceremonial events.
Theme Song: I Don't Know by Lostprophets
Kengo Ganseki
Name: Kengo Kokuyougan Ganseki. His nickname is Kenny, though he only tells that to people he trusts.
Title: Guardian Samurai
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral Good
Appearance: Picture
Body- He's decently muscled, slightly hairy on his chest, and the hair on his head is wild and hard to maintain. He is tall, around 6'4" or 6'5". Overall, he has a large body frame, and though he isn't fat, he looks very big because of his muscle weight and body frame. His feet are a lot bigger than average, even for his height.
Normal clothing- Day outfit, night outfit, winter outfit, travel outfit. His warm weather outfit is the same as his day outfit.
In-Battle clothing/armor- Samurai armor
Personality: Kengo is very friendly when out of battle, always looking to strike up a conversation, even if it's about nothing at all. He tends to get a little tongue-tied every now and then, so what he's trying to say doesn't come out quite right, but he generally means well, even with his words. He is a cheerful person at heart, and he loves to tell jokes, so long as they're not offensive. He rarely tells offensive jokes, and if he does, it's not on purpose. He has great respect for the world around him, and doesn't intend to offend anyone about anything. He is unintentionally pessimistic, and though he never gives up on a situation, he rarely feels that the outcome will be in his favor, even when it's more than likely that things will turn out well. For him the glass isn't half empty, the glass is missing. In battle, Kengo is much more serious than he is outside of battle. When on the battlefield, Kengo rarely has much to say, and he doesn't usually bother to even speak to his allies, much less his opponents. He takes fighting seriously, and even though he would like for people to live, he's not one to hold back on the battlefield. He is willing to kill as necessary, even when people around him may criticize for it. The biggest problem is that through everything he will remain loyal to the clan, as he was taught through bushido. This means that if he is given orders to kill, be it a single person or even an entire family, Kengo will do so.
Main Class/Job: Samurai
Secondary Class/Job: Warrior
Clan: Judgment
Residence: Cyril
Background/History: Kengo was born to a family of warriors in the city of Sprohm. As a young member of the family, he was to be raised as a warrior as well. Though he learned everything that he was taught well, something about being a warrior bothered him, so he attempted to pursue a different line of work for a living. Unfortunately, he found that though he could do other things decently, he wasn't good enough at anything that it could be a line of work. His family urged him to learn the art of the warrior, but he insisted on learning something else. He didn't want to be the same as the rest of his family. The fact that they regularly fought under the rule of others bothered him. It was the mindlessness of it all that made him want to be something else. He ended up training to be a samurai, and that's when he knew he had found what he wanted to do. He found bushido to be exactly what he was looking for as guidelines to life. He found that even though he was following rules, they were very straightforward and made sense. That, and he was able to put his skills as a warrior to use as a samurai. He left his family in search of a good place to train and hone his skills as a samurai. He knew of the clan of Judgment from people in Sprohm, though he hadn't originally intended to speak with their leader or even join them. However, once he reached Cyril, he met with more of the clan members, and became interested in joining them. From his understanding, he could still follow bushido and join the clan, and he had a feeling that being a member of a clan would help him to remain loyal to himself and others. He decided to settle down in Cyril and join the Judgment clan in the hopes of becoming a stronger samurai, as well as to both separate himself from and keep himself connected to his family. He was separated from them in both distance and class of work, but he was still together with them in the sense that they were doing the same thing for the same reason. He took that to heart and held no regrets in joining the clan.
Mordecai Barurugo
Name: Mordecai Arpegius Barurugo
Title: Giant Tiger Man
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Race: Human, Beastlike (tiger)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Appearance: Picture
Body- Mordecai is large, both tall and wide, though he is very muscular, not fat at all. He has very large arms in particular, and has an appearance that makes him look as though he lumbers over others. He has a very friendly face, however, and his light blue hair, mane and tail make it clear that he is peaceful at heart.
Normal clothing- Day outfit, others to come.
In-Battle clothing/armor-
Personality: Mordecai is generally a reserved person. He'll talk to people regularly, and always with a smile, but he rarely talks about himself. It's not that he thinks of himself as less important, just that he likes to know about others before he begins to share about himself. He does, however, wear his heart on his sleeve, and has a tendency to start heated arguments when people say things that go against what he believes in. He is very protective of those close to him, and will go against anything and everything he has to in order to protect those he cares about. When around kids, he tends to act fatherly, making sure they don't get hurt and doing anything he can to protect them. When in a battle, the tiger in him takes over and he becomes very fierce, a lot of the time not stopping, even when badly injured.
Main Class/Job: Monk
Secondary Class/Job: Shaman
Clan: Judgment
Residence: Central Tower
Background/History: Mordecai was born in Sprohm to a human father and a tiger mother, and though it was rather strange, he never had any problems with that. To him, they were his parents, and regardless of what others would say about it, he'd stubbornly argue that his parents were meant for one another and that was the end of the discussion. As Mordecai grew from a child to a teen, he found a strange interest in the human girls around him. At first, he wasn't sure what to do, as his physical appearance made it clear that he wasn't completely human. However, he reasoned that he was partly human, and as such, had every reason and right to be interested in other humans. Though he wasn't the most handsome person around by any means, he was persistent, and even if a girl rejected him, he'd keep trying until they got a restraining order on him. Once that happened, he'd reluctantly give up on that girl and instead try to find another girl. He continued in this way until, sadly enough, every girl in Sprohm had a restraining order on him. He decided that since the human girls were now out of his reach, he'd look at the tiger females instead. However, none of them caught his attention, aside from trying to claw him for being of impure blood. He quickly gave up on trying to get a tiger female, not too reluctantly at that. There was still one problem, though, and that was the blood coursing through Mordecai's veins. He wanted to be with someone, and he was certain he didn't want to be with another male. He tried over and over again to calm himself down about it, but it wasn't satisfying him the way he wanted it to. After a while, he couldn't contain himself, and at the age of 15 traveled to Jagd Dorsa on a whim and with the knowledge of what he could find there. He eventually just ended up paying for a random prostitute, which satisfied him enough that he felt capable of heading back home. On his way out of the city, he was attacked and robbed by several people, not one of which he could identify. The only reason he was even able to survive is because he paid one of the people attacking him to attack the others so he could escape. Once he managed to get home, his parents quickly made sure he was going to be alright, then took it in turns to reprimand him for even entering Jagd Dorsa, much less what he had done while there. Mordecai felt ashamed of himself, especially after hearing his dad scold him in English and then hearing his mother tell him how horrible he was in their own language. From that point on, Mordecai did his very best to find a woman who was interested in him instead of trying to force his presence on them until they finally kept him from doing so.
Unfortunately, there was still one large problem. Even though Mordecai was doing his best to remain calm when it came to women, he still longed for one, and found that he couldn't contain himself at all when in the presence of one. He forced himself point blank not to sleep with one; however, his body definitely wanted him to, and after several years of masturbation and repressed urges, he made the trip to Jagd Dorsa again. This time, he came prepared, and went straight to the same place he had gone before with the hopes of finding the same prostitute he had had the first time he had been there. Though he hadn't thought much of her, he wanted to see if she was still there. She wasn't there, but that didn't stop Mordecai from enjoying himself, as there were plenty of other women to choose from. Once he was done, he made sure that he took the quickest path out of the city, fangs bared and ready should anyone attack him. He returned home, though he told his parents nothing. They both assumed he had gone there, and the two of them pulled him aside one day to confront him about it. Mordecai felt much less guilty this time, however, and explained to them why it was that he did what he did. Both his mother and father were ashamed of him, but he decided that it was time to move on with his life. After living and working with his parents for his entire life, he left them in search of a place where he would both be more accepted for who he was, as well as find a woman he could live with.
After traveling from place to place for almost two years, Mordecai ended up at the Central Tower and found himself a home there. Though he had wandered to many different cities along his way there, he knew he didn't want to be involved in the war that the land was taking part in, and when he found out that the city within the tower wasn't taking sides, he instantly decided it was a good place for him to at least stop in, even if he didn't end up living there. However, after staying and wandering the city, he found that he loved the atmosphere there. Not once did anyone make a comment about him being part beastlike and part human, and it seemed like there was at least one of every race living in the city. He decided shortly after that that he wanted to stay there permanently. He began looking for a job within the city, and found that the majority of the people living there were members of the Judgment clan. Mordecai was hesitant at first, afraid that he'd end up involved in the war if he joined the clan. He was also concerned that he wouldn't be accepted because of what he saw as his less than decent looks and less than human blood. However, he got past it and decided to join the clan anyway.
Other: Mordecai is Jack Rockshell's father, though he is unaware of it. Mordecai is also, oddly enough, afraid of being in the air for more than a few seconds, and panics at the thought of falling. He tends to stutter words sometimes, and his English breaks every now and then, as it is his second language. He can speak with tigers, as he is part tiger himself, but he was taught English rather late in his childhood, so he still speaks improperly from time to time. Mordecai is rather insatiable when it comes to physical relationships, and he tends to go overboard without meaning to. When Mordecai walks, he walks like any human would, on his feet. But when Mordecai runs, he runs on all fours, using his big arms to propel himself forward more quickly.
Name: Ryukimo "Kimo" Raikou
Age: 13
Weapon: Katana, it has no special abilities aside from being able to conduct electricity. Ryukimo uses it mainly for blade combat, though he will combine it with his lightning abilities from time to time. It has a rubber hilt and a wooden handle, just to help make sure he doesn't shock himself.
Ninja Ranking: [leave blank]
Squad/Team: [leave blank]
Chakra Nature: Lightning
Personality: Kimo is slightly paranoid about pretty much everything, has a tendency to attack anything that talks too much, and he shakes naturally. He's borderline crazy, and most people wonder why he's allowed to walk freely on his own. Once you get past the insane exterior, though, it becomes clear that he's just as crazy on the inside as he is on the outside. He feels that he has too much energy and unneeded rage built up inside of his body, and he wants to be a ninja for the sake of releasing all that. To be fair though, he becomes very calm after completing a mission or a good fight, often times acting more calm than all of the people around him. When he's calm like that, he tends to think things through very carefully and plan things out; however, under normal circumstances, he's very spontaneous about things, often finding plans to be a waste. If given a plan to follow, he will, but he doesn't bother planning things out himself, as he finds that things work best for him when done on the fly.
Clan: Raikou. There's nothing particularly special about his clan aside from the use of lightning jutsu, something most ninja don't use. The techniques are very limited because there are so few to choose from, and each person in the clan is expected to either make a new one up or die trying. Because of this, most everyone in the clan goes insane at a rather young age.
Hidden Village: Born in the Village Hidden in Sound, lives in the Village Hidden in Waves.
Background/History: Ryukimo was born in the village hidden in sound as a member of the Raikou family. As members of the Raikou family, both of his parents were borderline insane, and he learned pretty much everything from them, as they kept him at home and taught him until he turned 7. He spent most of his younger childhood simply learning things from his parents as they were at home. He picked up on their insanity early on, though to outsiders, he looked like he stood a chance of being the first normal person to come from the Raikou clan. As he grew, he found that he was like his parents in his love for the lightning, and whenever it rained, Kimo would be the first and often the only one outside to play, hoping and praying for lightning every time it did. His hair reflected this as well, as every time he left the house, it was standing on end, frayed at all points. When his parents finally let him go to school with the other kids, it became clear to the rest of the village that he was just like the other members of his family, crazy and obsessed with the motion of lightning. As each day passed, he seemed to lose more and more of the little sanity he had left until the only thing separating himself and the rest of his family was his appearance, and even that didn't do much. After a while, the sound village had had enough of all of them, and by age nine, people soon started killing off the Raikou clan. The person or people who started it was never determined, but because of the instability of the family, many of them would kill each other for the sake of getting the payment from it. Kimo's immediate family, whom were the least crazy of the bunch, fled the sound village when he was nine. they may have been crazy, but even they knew better than to get involved and die. Fleeing the area, they headed for a place they thought would be a peaceful one, but also one that they would still be near lightning, and so they stopped at the Land of Waves. Being that it was close to the ocean, they assumed that there would be more storms there and that they could continue as they had before. However, even though there were storms, there were less than in the sound village, and Kimo's parents got a lot less practice, which actually helped to calm them down and become almost sane. That was a lot more than could be said about Kimo, though, as he would go outside each day and work on creating lightning, just to make sure he could, and with the hopes that he'd impress people once he started at the ninja academy. Because of his continued use of lightning, he remained borderline insane, and many people began to question his mental stability. Often, people would look at his parents, who looked very stable-minded in comparison, and wonder where he got it from. Still, his parents took good care of him and told him to keep training with the lightning, and so he did.
Other: Aside from lightning-and rather ironically-Kimo loves the water. He loves to swim and can actually swim very well, though he has a tendency to practice his lightning jutsus after swimming, which has led to many injuries and several trips to the hospital.
Age: 13
- Body - Picture, he stands at about 5'4", so about average height for his age.
Clothing - Picture
Training/Mission Clothing - Mission outfit
Weapon: Katana, it has no special abilities aside from being able to conduct electricity. Ryukimo uses it mainly for blade combat, though he will combine it with his lightning abilities from time to time. It has a rubber hilt and a wooden handle, just to help make sure he doesn't shock himself.
- Mikazuki no Mai - creates a clone of the user similar to a shadow clone, which along with the user attacks in a complicated sword-dancing pattern which confuses the opponent.
Raikoudageki no Jutsu - Gathers lightning in both hands and blasts it at an opponent. This move can't be used in close range, though. If used in close range, the user runs the chance of getting hit by the lightning as it strikes the opponent.
Buradenkou no Jutsu - This move is specifically Ryukimo's, and it is his contribution to his clan. He gathers lightning in his left hand, slaps it into his blade, then swings his blade, sending the lightning leaping in a wide arc at his opponents. This move works in close or long range, though it works better in close range, as the blade itself can be used as a weapon while the lightning leaps from it.
Handenkou no Jutsu - Focuses chakra into one foot and aims a sharp kick with it, shooting electricity at the target. This is more of a close range attack than anything else, as the lightning from this attack isn't as strong at most.
Ninja Ranking: [leave blank]
Squad/Team: [leave blank]
Chakra Nature: Lightning
Personality: Kimo is slightly paranoid about pretty much everything, has a tendency to attack anything that talks too much, and he shakes naturally. He's borderline crazy, and most people wonder why he's allowed to walk freely on his own. Once you get past the insane exterior, though, it becomes clear that he's just as crazy on the inside as he is on the outside. He feels that he has too much energy and unneeded rage built up inside of his body, and he wants to be a ninja for the sake of releasing all that. To be fair though, he becomes very calm after completing a mission or a good fight, often times acting more calm than all of the people around him. When he's calm like that, he tends to think things through very carefully and plan things out; however, under normal circumstances, he's very spontaneous about things, often finding plans to be a waste. If given a plan to follow, he will, but he doesn't bother planning things out himself, as he finds that things work best for him when done on the fly.
Clan: Raikou. There's nothing particularly special about his clan aside from the use of lightning jutsu, something most ninja don't use. The techniques are very limited because there are so few to choose from, and each person in the clan is expected to either make a new one up or die trying. Because of this, most everyone in the clan goes insane at a rather young age.
Hidden Village: Born in the Village Hidden in Sound, lives in the Village Hidden in Waves.
Background/History: Ryukimo was born in the village hidden in sound as a member of the Raikou family. As members of the Raikou family, both of his parents were borderline insane, and he learned pretty much everything from them, as they kept him at home and taught him until he turned 7. He spent most of his younger childhood simply learning things from his parents as they were at home. He picked up on their insanity early on, though to outsiders, he looked like he stood a chance of being the first normal person to come from the Raikou clan. As he grew, he found that he was like his parents in his love for the lightning, and whenever it rained, Kimo would be the first and often the only one outside to play, hoping and praying for lightning every time it did. His hair reflected this as well, as every time he left the house, it was standing on end, frayed at all points. When his parents finally let him go to school with the other kids, it became clear to the rest of the village that he was just like the other members of his family, crazy and obsessed with the motion of lightning. As each day passed, he seemed to lose more and more of the little sanity he had left until the only thing separating himself and the rest of his family was his appearance, and even that didn't do much. After a while, the sound village had had enough of all of them, and by age nine, people soon started killing off the Raikou clan. The person or people who started it was never determined, but because of the instability of the family, many of them would kill each other for the sake of getting the payment from it. Kimo's immediate family, whom were the least crazy of the bunch, fled the sound village when he was nine. they may have been crazy, but even they knew better than to get involved and die. Fleeing the area, they headed for a place they thought would be a peaceful one, but also one that they would still be near lightning, and so they stopped at the Land of Waves. Being that it was close to the ocean, they assumed that there would be more storms there and that they could continue as they had before. However, even though there were storms, there were less than in the sound village, and Kimo's parents got a lot less practice, which actually helped to calm them down and become almost sane. That was a lot more than could be said about Kimo, though, as he would go outside each day and work on creating lightning, just to make sure he could, and with the hopes that he'd impress people once he started at the ninja academy. Because of his continued use of lightning, he remained borderline insane, and many people began to question his mental stability. Often, people would look at his parents, who looked very stable-minded in comparison, and wonder where he got it from. Still, his parents took good care of him and told him to keep training with the lightning, and so he did.
Other: Aside from lightning-and rather ironically-Kimo loves the water. He loves to swim and can actually swim very well, though he has a tendency to practice his lightning jutsus after swimming, which has led to many injuries and several trips to the hospital.
Status: Lost Briar, Gilgamesh.