I sat on my tree on that single cliff that over looked Gaia. Morning had come, and it was Christmas. There was a nice amount of snow on the ground, and as I got read to take the long way home, I realized another way that would be more fun. I walked far away from the cliff and transmuted a snowboard made of stone. I ran forward and leaped off the cliff, smashing the board onto my feet and transmuting loops around them so the board would stay on. I slid through the snow like a bullet and took some hard turns past trees. I entered the residential district on accident and almost knocked someone over. Some guy was carrying presents, so I slapped my hands together and tapped the ground, making a ramp just in front of me so I flew overhead, waving at him from above before landing and speeding away. I loved the snow!
I stopped after another hour or so of boarding and put my Ray armor on in an alley. I ran out of it, took a small hop into the air, and used my boosters in mid air to get a nice blast of speed to keep me flying. I took off at my house. I waved to people below, and when some kid hit me with a snowball. I flew right down next to him and put out a burst of speed just in front of him, covering him with snow. I laughed all the way home. I landed in front and put my armor down before walking in and passing out on the couch.
A few hours of sleep later, I woke up at the doorbell. I opened it to be greeted by the mailman. He handed me an envelope and said Merry Christmas. I said the same as I closed the door and tore open the envelope. When I pulled out a card, it said, “You’re invited to a party!” I opened it, and it was signed by none other than the Nagakuras. I had to be there by seven, so I went back to sleep.
I woke up and looked at my pocket watch. It was ten minutes to seven. I nearly stroked, then threw on my clothes and bolted out of the house. Though they weren’t too far away, it would take about twenty minutes to get there. I pulled the Fenrir out and floored it, going as fast as possible towards their house. It was snowing just a little bit, and the snowflakes were like daggers on my face.
I could barely see through the snow, and then I noticed there was a stalled car in front of me. I knew the snow on the ground wouldn’t let me stop, so I clapped my hands as I tilted the bike and smacked my right hand on the ground. A ramp came up just behind the car, and I hit it sideways, turning in the direction I wanted to go. When I hit the ground, the bike began to pull to the left, but slid onto the sidewalk. I dodged a few people and got back to the street. Now the snow wasn’t blowing at me. After five minutes, I pulled up to the Nagakura’s house.
I knocked on the door, and when it opened, their clothing was very Christmassy. They both wore Santa hats, red shirts and skirts with white trim, and candy cane stripped leggings.
“Hey g-” I said, the last part muffled as they pulled a Santa hat down over my mouth and pulled me inside. I kicked my shoes off so I didn’t get snow on their floor, and when I pulled my hat up my mouth hit the ground. The whole place was decorated. There was a beautiful tree with presents under it. The food they were going to serve was a plate of cookies and milk. It reminded me of the Christmases I had when I was younger…with my mom.
“Merry Christmas Mike!” the chanted in synchrony, smiling so sweetly.
“Heh, thanks guys. Merry Christmas to you t-huh?” They held a present in front of me.
“Here,” Mayuno chimed.
“for you.” Miome sang.
“Oh come on guys, I couldn’t-”
“Take it.” they said, their Christmas cheer turning into a death threat. I accepted it without fail and opened it. It was a hand made, red and white scarf.
“Oh, sweet!” I said excitedly. I put it on around me. “How do I look?” I said, striking a pose.
“Like a fool.” A voice from the door said. It was Roxas.
“Heh, I said me, not you.” I shot back. He smacked me.
“You left me behind. Do you know how fast I had to run you a**!” He shouted at me. I mumbled under my breath.
“We got you one too.” Mayuno said, tossing a present to Roxas. He put his on too. The color scheme was reversed, but still red and white.
“Wow, they look better than we thought.” Miome said happily. Then I noticed the evil look in their eyes, and knew something was up.
“Yeah I know.” Mayuno agreed, “But, don’t you think they’d look better,” she dragged us by the tree, “over here?”
“Yeah,” Miome said, “but how about here.” She dragged us by the couch.
“Eh, how about here.” Mayuno dragged us by the counter. They looked at each other and smiled, then pulled us to the center of the room.
“Perfect.” the said together, smiling widely, Mayuno across from Roxas and Miome across from me. Roxas and I looked at each other, and then looked up, seeing a sight that froze our blood and shivered our souls.
We were standing under the mistletoe. (heh, it rhymed)
Suddenly they wrapped their arms and went to kiss us. We both ducked under them and leaped over the couch. They went to get us but I grabbed Roxas’s sleeve and opened the door.
“We’re outta-” I got slammed in the face by a huge boot before I could finish.
“How did I make you my apprentice?” a familiar voice called. It was my Teacher. She stepped over my partially unconscious body and hung her coat up and took her boots off. I jumped back up.
“Merry Christmas to you too Teacher.” I said, rubbing the snow and boot mark off my face. She looked at me funny, then handed me a small gift she pulled out of her coat. I opened it. It was oil for my automail.
“Oh, thanks!” I said, faking the excitement, “I actually need some more oil for my arm.” I put it in my pocket. Everything was dead silent.
“Soooo?” all the girls said in synchronization.
“Uh…what?” I said, scared by the tone that hung in the air.
“What about OUR gifts?” Teacher said.
“Yeah!” the Nagakuras added.
“Oh, that.” I said smiling. That’s when it came on me: I didn’t buy any gifts. With all the time I spent in Twilight Town and fighting the vampires off, I didn’t have time to buy them any! Oh I was up s**t’s creek now.
“Uh…hold that thought!” I said, quickly opening the door and leaping onto the Fenrir. I started it up and took off, all three of them following behind me. I gave it some more gas, and soon, I lost them in the snowfall.
I wasn’t a fool, I knew there wouldn’t be any gifts anywhere at this time. So what should I do? Transmute something? Ha, nothing I made would be special enough for those three. They all meant so much to me. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for them. I parked the Fenrir in an alley and hit the button on my watch to put my Ray armor on, then input the location of the Nagakuras house on the Fenrir, and sent it to there. I jumped off the walls of the alley and landed on a roof. Perhaps I could find something somewhere.
I started flying slowly, just incase the snow picked up. I heard someone shout help. I looked down to see a woman clutching a large bag, running from some guy on the ground. I hovered, taking aim, then swung down, snatching the bag at high speeds. I came back and landed in front of the woman.
“And what’s going on here?” I said. She stood there, gawking at me for a moment, then hurled a snowball at my face. She obviously didn’t notice that my visor and faceplate were up.
“Seeing as it’s Christmas, I’m going to let that slide.” I said, walking past her as I wiped the snow off my faceplate. I walked up to the man and handed his gifts back. Taking one look at him close up, the guy was loaded with cash. The buttons of his coat were made of pure gold, and he had a golden watch too. He thanked me for returning his gifts, and pulled a necklace out of his pocket. It was pure gold with a huge emerald in the center. I tried to turn it down, but when he said he was going to see if he could get a few hundred gold for it at the pawnshop, I swiped it from him, saying “Merry Christmas” and thanking him.
I had one gift, now I needed another. As I flew around, I noticed that there was a sound. Like tires screeching down a street. That’s when I noticed a car spinning out of control, right for a bridge. I dove down and smashed my feet into the ground, I braced myself for catching the car, and when it slammed into me, the ice and snow on the streets got rid of all my traction, sending me sliding with the car too. I had to find a way to stop it.
I made it to the front of the car was going straight. The guy had put it in reverse, and was flooring it, but still doing no good. I put my toes on the ground only, and used the boosters on both my pod and feet to not only push the car back, but to melt the ice on the ground slightly so I could get more traction. We went right through an intersection, nearly getting hit by a truck, and then the bridge. Just a few hundred feet ahead, and we were going to go flying. I flipped around and transferred all power to the boosters on my feet. The flames bounced off the ground, and we neared the edge of the bridge. The car was going real slow now, and just as the wheels hit the edge, the car stopped. I pushed it back onto the safe part of the bridge and the people inside got out.
“Thank you so much,” the one man said. It was a whole family in the car.
“Just doing my job sir.” I replied, shaking his hand. Two kids got out of the car and walked up to me.
“Thank you mister Zero.” they said together. They were adorable.
“Aw, no problem little guys,” I said, crouching down to their level, “and have a nice holiday for me, ok?”
“Oh kay.” one of them said. I petted their head before running off and taking into the air. I turned around and hovered, waving goodbye, then continued looking for gifts.
After an hour I gave up. The necklace would be good for Jenn, but for the Nagakuras…I couldn’t find anything. I flew into an alley and landed. I sat there in the grime, thinking on how I really screwed up this Christmas. I heard some shuffling in the garbage nearby. I walked over there, and then a black face popped out. It was a small black puppy. He turned his head curiously at me. I picked him up and he tried to lick my face, but sneezed when he tasted the faceplate. I laughed. I set him down and started to walk home.
That’s when I heard his paws on the ground. I turned to see him following me. I started to walk faster. I looked back and he was bounding after me as fast as he could. I then ran like hell. When I looked back. I saw he was standing across the street. He looked at me, and then his ears and tail fell as he walked away towards the alley. I felt sad for the little guy. I whistled at him. He turned happily at me as I patted my thighs calling him. He came running quickly at me. I got down, and he leaped up and tackled me. I stood up and powered my suit down, scaring the poor little guy. I called the Fenrir and picked him up, bundling him up in my coat. When the bike came I jumped on and went to the Nagakuras.
When I pulled up and walked in, I saw them all sulking on the couch.
“Don’t worry guys, I went out and got gifts.” They didn’t say a word. I walked over to Jenn.
“For you Teacher.” I said, holding my hand out. She held hers underneath, and I dropped it in. The Nagakuras looked at it, marveling its beauty. Jenn looked at it the same way and put it on immediately.
“I love emerald…” she said, staring at it as the light bounced off of it.
“Well I-urk!” she grabbed me in a huge hug and cracked my back.
“THANK YOU SO MUCH MIKE!!!” she shouted into my ears. Luckily the dog was up by my chest, so she didn’t hurt it.
“You’re…welcome…please put…me down!” I managed to croak out. She set me down and spun around. I never saw her act this girly before.
“And now, for the both of you." I said, standing behind the Nagakuras. TheY looked back at me.
“What is it?” Miome said curiously.
“Close your eyes and look forward.” I said smiling. When they did, I pulled the puppy out and put it next to their heads. It licked their ears and they shouted with excitement. When they saw it they hugged it together as it licked their chins. I laughed as the dog jumped on the ground happily, and the Nagakuras did the same when they saw it do the same. Roxas was laughing as well, and Jenn was just smiling happily.
“Well, do you like my gift?” I said. They answered by tackling me to the ground. They cried out thanks as the dog leaped onto my chest and licked my face. Then I noticed they had stopped shrieking. Something was up. When I looked past the dog, I felt my blood get colder then the snow.
This time, I was the only guy under the mistletoe. (rhymed again!)
The Nagakuras kissed my cheeks. I turned bright red, and then I noticed Jenn was above me. She grabbed my collar and lifted me up.
“Why do you hate mistletoe so much?” she said shaking her head.
“Well uh, I dunno I just guess-”
“Is it because…people do this when you’re under it?” She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. I nearly passed out. Sure she was older than me, but still, only by two or three years. I heard Roxas laughing his a** off. Everyone in the room, including the dog, suddenly glared at him. He knew he was done for.
After everyone had grabbed him and dragged him under the mistletoe, we all ate and had fun. Then the Nagakuras wanted a picture, so we all grouped up, and at the last second the camera was supposed to go off, the dog jumped on top of my head. We all looked at the picture, and it was a keeper.
After a little more partying, we all went our separate ways home. It was nice to see Jenn again, and the Nagakuras were going to have a blast with their dog. Roxas and I jumped onto the Fenrir and went home. All the partying was so much fun…yet tiring. I didn’t even have enough energy to say hi to Cassie. I just passed out on the sofa and was asleep again. This time I just had to look forward to tomorrow. But this, was truly the best Christmas yet.
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DarkFire Alchemist's log book.
This is the documents of my life. This is how I live, what I learn...and what I'll do to protect the ones I care for.
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The cold silence of space only punctuates the feeling of death that emanates from this virtuously lifeless planet.
Only one thing is alive and well here...evil. And it must be destroyed, decimated, exterminated.
But first, it must be found...
The cold silence of space only punctuates the feeling of death that emanates from this virtuously lifeless planet.
Only one thing is alive and well here...evil. And it must be destroyed, decimated, exterminated.
But first, it must be found...