I want to vent about my current situation, about how I'm broke and I owe different sources money, but I can't afford to pay it all off right away. I want to go into detail about how some things were said that I thought were contradictory and some things that seemed to me to be hurtful. But, its all too personal and wrapped up with other people I know in reallife that I just can't describe all the details here.
I have these random snatchs of words and phrases haunting me, they keep repeating in my head.
I previously had a huge venting session here and I realize now that no matter how vague the descriptions might be its still all too personal and prob'ly still too specific to put in an online journal. Not to mention that as a general rule there are people who might have read this entry and been deeply offended, annoyed or angered regardless of how often I might have said that the issues listed were merely my perceptions of and feelings about the situation and may not have any real bearing or accuracy to the actual situation. I find it difficult to have to sensor myself in my own webjournal, but I've found that often anything I've written in the full heat of emotion should probably not be available for public view...maybe not even for the view of friends, except perhaps to be shared in person and in private.
*end edit*
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"Nosce te ipsum" (Know thy self) --Latin Proverb
I tend to get distracted by shiny objects and wander away, so please quote me if you'd like to get my attention.[/color:ba176895f2]
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