Name: Kaiya
Race: Vampire
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130 lbs
Theme: Coming soon!
Apearance: Steel blue/grey (turn red), Long dark brown hair (sometimes braided), Pale skin
Weapons: Huge sword (Hate), claws, and teeth!
History: As far back as she can remember, she has been on her own, bouncing from town to town. She trusts no one... and is loyal to no one but herself. She belongs to no clan... mostly because she is resented for being a half blood. From what she's head... her father was a vamp and her mother a human... though they both died when she was seven... she has been alone since. She has been told that her father killed her mother while in a terrible rage of thirst. When he learned of what he had done... he took his own life. The elders had always been discusted with her for being a half blood... but only allowed her and her mother to stay with the clan because her father was an elder himself. When he was gone they wasted no time in throwing her out onto the streets. Since then, she was turned full-blooded vamp. She succeeded in her revenge with the help of a werewolf named Hinashi (A.K.A. the ruler of hell) whom she settled down with and had a child. A boy named Rendon. Rendon is so much more like his father than kaiya any day. A few years after, Kaiya had yet another child. A beautiful girl named Faith. Faith resembles her mother almost identically.
(Kaiya - deceased) 
(Rendon/ Ren) 
Ren has grown up and fallen in love with a beautiful young girl named Emily. Emily's race is difficult. At first she was an angel but since no angels were permitted in hell, hinashi changed her to an angel of death. She was later bitten, by accident of course, by ren making her part vamp and part wolf. Even with her sweet temperment... she is a killing machine.
xXDeaOfBellumXx_RP · Sun Nov 18, 2007 @ 05:25pm · 0 Comments |