1. You are fat when you get recruited for sumo wrestling.
2. There are many types of fat, but if you are ugly fat get, some help.
3. You will know when you are ugly fat.
4. You can be cute fat.
5. The pact between Heaven and Hell, is in my idea. Basically this; they both can't have direct interference with humans. When the Earth ends, there will be a battle. Whoever wins will get to rebuild humanity and rule how they want.
6. Religion is stupid.
7. Got no problem with it, just not very religous (a good thing).
8. School is just a learning experince, in a form of torture.
9. Hinder and HIM (His Imperial Majesty) are NOT the bad boys of rock, but more like the sissy boys of rock.
10. Heaven and Hell shall pay for the reek of Damnnation that they brought to Earth. burning_eyes twisted evil stressed scream gonk
That is all my theories at the moment!
And sorry to all the people I have insulted.
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