You know when you're from Smithson Valley when:
1] Seeing a bunch of trucks lined up in a row is normal
2] You use your fingers for simple math
3] You have bruises from Mr.G (if you're a guy)
4] Football is pretty much life...
5] 2 out of the 3 maintenance vehicles on campus are actually restored farm tractors.
6] It's not unusual to be pissed off once a month because some freakin cow is blocking traffic in the parking lot.
7] When your school mascot is referred to as "Brokeback Willy"
8] you have been stopped by mr. osaro for something or another to do with school policies
9] it is really easy to leave campus with the "security guards" standing right at the entrance not checking if you are skipping
10] there is always some one in your class eating a breakfast taco
11] some historically traditional emblems are not to be mistaken for symbols of blatant racism
12] any teacher can be "certified" to teach an AP course
13] you walk an extra hallway to get to your class just to avoid a-wing.
14] you know there's no cell phone reception in the locker rooms
15] you have falled either up or down one pair of the thousands of stairs at SV
16] you find the smart kid in class and sit by them
17] you have a bunch of Germans in your classrooms
18] you have messed with the rent-a-cops
19] you've had your cell phone taken up too many times to count by every teacher
20] you've gone to every machine in the school because none of them have a single drink/snack in them
21] you have punched [or seen a punched] through window
22] you see football players running after 3rd period through the hallways
23] you've drank beer at least once
24] you've skipped without getting caught at least once
25]you've yelled out curse words while trying to get through a-wing
26] youve called Mr. Wunderlich, Mr.Wunderdick
27] you've seen some one dipp in class.
28] you've bought a taco frm senior stewart
29] you now refer to comal county tacos as cct
30] you've heard about ms.ingram give out her cell to "bail you out of jail"
31] you've made your own parking spot
32] you've tried everyway to get past the lunch doors without an id
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Kage's World
Look inside for the ride of your life
Wherever I go, everyone is a little bit safer because I am there. Wherever I am, anyone in need has a friend. Whenever I return home, everyone is happy I am there.
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