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Part 1

"Bye guys!"
"Bye,Kagome!" Her friends shouted in unison.She began to walk into the store and tie her apron on.
"Oh,Kagome,I'm glad you're here,run the shop while I go look for more of those lucky charms." Oji-san *Grampa* said then walked out of the store.
"Him and those myths." She said to herself.After a few hours,Kagome checked the clock,it was about time the store started to close so she untied her apron and then the door flew open as the bell above it rang.
"Hm?" Kagome looked and saw a man walk into the store.
"Hello,sir!" She shouted happily,the last costumer of the day.
He was a strange looking man,he wore a long black coat,and black romani glasses,he had on a black top hat,as if trying to cover up his identity,but the white-blue hair was kind of what gave him away.
"Can I help you with any-" Kgome started,the man wooshed over to her and took her by the shoulders.
"Ah!" She cried.
"Hm?" The man stared at her with shock.

His face,is he human?

"Girl." He said.
"Yes." She aswered.
"I'm looking for someone,have you seen-" He reached into his coat pocket and took out a picture.
"-This man?" He finished and showed her a picture of a man,with a red kimono on,and a red hat over his head.He glared a sinister glare and had a long white hair.
"No." She answered squinting at the picture.
"Then I'll be on my way." He said putting the picture back in his coat pocket.He flew off out of the store frightining Kagome.

That was really weird.Kagome tjhought to herself walking home.
Who was that guy?He did'nt look at all human.

A shadow was flash stepping each of Kagome's moves without her knowlegde.
"Hey you stop!" A man cried chasing after him flying right by Kagome.
"Heh." The shadow smirked cutting offsome rope with his claws.
"Huh?" Kagoem looked up."Ahh!" She cried as this giant tank of water headed for her.
"Damn!" The man chasing after the shadow said after the shadow ran off.
"Ahh!" He heard someone scream.He ran off to find the tank heading for Kagome.He leaped in and saved her.
"Emm.Gasp!It's you!" Kagome cried as she sat in the arms of the man from the shop.
"I see he tried to kill you?" He said.
"Huh?" Kagome said shocked.
They sat her room.
"His name is Inuyasha and he's my brother.He lives in real life,but can get into your dreams and kill you." He explained.
"Here." She handed him a cigarette.He lit it.
"Say." She asked.
"Are you married?Are there others like you?" She asked.
"My wife...my brother recently killed her,that's why I'm after him."
"That's awful."
"I advise you one thing,since he webt after you,he'll come after in your dreams.Do NOT sleep,no matter what happens." He warned.
"Do you have any kids?" She asked,changing the subject.
"Hm." She stared at him while he sat smoking for a few minutes in silence.
"I would've..." He finally said."If Inuyasha had'nt killed my wife."
"I'm sorry,I'm just making it worse for you!" Kagome cried getting all upset.
He just stared at her."Kagome!" Cried a voice.
"Sota,what is it?" Kagome asked.
"Is your friend staying for dinner."
"Actually." He sadi standing up.
"I should be going now."
"Wait!What's your name?" Kagome asked,smiling.
"...Sesshoumaru." He answered then flew off out the ceiling.
"How does he do that?" Kagome asked herself.
Part 2
"Hm?" Sesshoumaru stared at his tracking device.
"She did not heed my warning."
"I'll do it myself,I will not let another women die before my eyes."

In Kagome's room,she was sleeping soundly.
In her dream,she was wearing a long white clonial type nightgown and standing in the wind on a bridge.
"Kagome!" A voice called out to her.

"Oh-no!" Sesshoumaru cried,checking his watch repeatldy.He stabed himself with a needle that had some kind of knock-out medicine in it to help him sleep.
"I have to save her!" He cried,sencing Inuyasha.Then collapsed on the sidewalk.

"Kagome!" The voice called again.Claws went through the air ripping blood everywhere.
He stared blankly at her."Inuyash!" Sesshoumaru cried appearing right behind him in Kagome's dream.
"You came just in time to watch another women die you!" Inuyasha teased.
"Ah!" Sesshoumaru looked down and saw Kagome on the bridge bleeding.She got suprised.
"Sesshoumaru!" She cried getting up.
"Damn you!" He cried and lunged at Inuyasha,he dodged the attack and waved his hands in front of his face."Wakeup!" He cried.
Back on the sidewalk,Sesshoumaru woke up breathing heavily."Oh-no!"

"Wake me up!Help!" Kagome cried.

"Huh?Kagome!" Sesshoumaru climbed into her window and into her room.
He pulled the covers off and there was blood and scars all over her.

"Help!Somebody!" She cried as Inuyasha got closer to her.
"Sesshoumaru's trying to keep you safe!But he could'nt even keep his own wife safe!" Inuyasha scowled.
"Gasp!Help!Sesshoumaru!" Kagome cried.
"What!?" Inuyasha cried trying to lunge at Kagome and she dissapeared.

"Huh?" She woke up in a different room and in another room."Where am I?Huh?" She looked over to her right and saw a picture of a women in blue and red kimono,with roses on her sash and dashes on her pattern.Shw was walking in a bush and wind was blowing through her hair,she had purple colored hair.
"That must be his wife?She's pretty.I must be at his house." She noticed someone breathing down her back.
"Hmmm!Sorry!" She cried turning around blushing.
He stared at her intently,then smiled.
"Inuyasha's hated her since I met her,he waited til we were married to kill her to make the pain worse.She wanted to have a child and she'll never get the chance.She died last year,Inuyasha stalked her,and got into her dreams,when I found out what happened,I was too late to stop the assault."
"Kagome lifted the picture to get a closer look at her."What's her name?"
"She's so pretty." Kagome complimented"Mind if I stay a while?"
"Huh?If you want,I have'nt had company in a while."
"I'm gonna help you defeat Inuyasha." Kagome said proudly.
He stared down and nodded.
"Mind if I use the bathroom,thanks!" Kagome said running toward the bathroom.
Sesshoumaru layed down on the floor and look calm for a minute,then remembered something bad and gasped."The bathroom,no!Kagome!"
"You don't want to go in there!"
"Why?" She asked pulling the shower curtain."Gasp!Leeches and slugs!"
Bugs were crawling all over the bath tub and and there was blood all over it.
"The worst part is-" He pulled apart the rest of the curtain.
"Kyoku's remains!Inuyasha oput them there to keep me out of here."
"That sick guy!" Kagome cried getting angry.
"Hm?" A dart came flying throught the air and hit Sesshoumaru in the neck and collapsed on the floor.
"Don't go to sleep!Wake up!" Kagome begged.
"That Sesshoumaru,so weak." Inuyasha said walking into the room.
"Wake up!" Kagome begged.Inuyasha jumped at her and grabbed her and took her."Ahhh!"
"Inuyasha!" Sesshoumaru cried opening his eyes.
Part 3
"What're you gonna do to me?" Kagome asked trying not to show any fear.
"The same thing I did to Sesshoumaru's beloved wife.You know,they had a fight before I killed her.They were arguing about me,rather I'd come again or not,that's when she went to bed angry and he stayed down there in the living room,ironic huh?Living room?I got into her dreams and her scremas alarmed Sesshoumaru,once he got up there though,it was too late to save her."

"I have to get to her!If I know Inuyasha,he took her to the same place he took Kyoku before he killed her.The abandoned ware house." Sesshoumaru was tracking Inuyasha's scent.

"Ungh!" Kagome was tied to a metal pole and tried to get free."Huh?" She found herself in the same dress she had in her dream.
"That was the very outfit Kyoku died in!" Inuyasha said smirking.
He grabbed her face and stared intently at her."You're very pretty." He said licking his lips.He got closer to her.
"Leave the girl alone!" Sesshoumaru cried.
"Good,you showed up to save her,unlike Kyoku!Now you can both die!" Inuyasha's claws grew brighter and lunged at them both.His hat came flying off revealing dog ears.
"Dog ears." kagome noticed.
Sesshoumaru lunged an attack on Inuyasha and he punched him in the back sending him flying to the ground.
"Sesshoumaru!" Kagome cried breaking free of the chains.
Inuyasha held a gaint axe at Kagome."Ahhh!"
"I won't let you kill another women!" Sesshoumaru cried grasping Inuyasha's arm.
The flashback ran through his mind,seeing Inuyasha slash at Kyoku in the same dress,over an dover,and all he could o was watch as she saterd at him,and died right there.
"I won't let anyone else die,but you!" He cried.
"Ahh!" Inuyasha cried jumping into thin air and disspearing.
"Where'd he'd go?" Kagome asked.
"He got away,sigh."

The moon's light shown brightly over the town.Kagome was back at Sesshouamur's house,seems she's taken a liking to the life of him and his brother.
"So,you and Kyoku fought before she died?" She asked staring down at her cup of hot coffee to keep her awake.
"I kept telling her that if she fell asleep,Inuyasha would come after her.She called me crazy." He gazed off and started to rememeber every thing that happened that night.

"How can your brother get into peoples' dremas then kill them!?
"Because he can do that! He even told me that he'll bec omign for you!He's been in my dremas before and almost killed me!I'm telling you,don't go to sleep!"
"You're crazy!"

I guess that was the last time I'd see her alive.It was a few hours later that I started to here her screaming,I'd simply thought she was a nightmare so I walked up there to see what it was about.But...
I pulled off her covers and she covered in cuts and blood,much like you are now.

"I warned her,but it was too late."
Kagome looked down meloncholy.
"Now...he's after me.He comes after everyone you come near?"
"People call me crazy,but...this town is crazy!He culd be out there right now,trying to kill someone.Why do I even try to protect them!?He killed our dad too."
Kagome kept staring at her drink.Then a knock on the door startled her.
"Inuyasha got my parents!" Cried a little girl.About 8 years old.
"What,who's that?" Kagome asked.
"Shes' the only one that believes me!Stay here with Kagome,Okay,Rin."
"Okay." He flew right by her and straight to her house.
"Stop Inuyasha,please!" Rin called out to him.Kagome stared beyond her.

"You're not very reliable,are you!?" Inuyasha asked mockingly.
"That poor girls out there,why you're in here with her dead parents!"
"Wha-" Inuyasha flew out the door and locked it behind hi leaving Sesshoumaru with Rin's dead parents.
"Inuyasha!" He cried bolting the door down.
"Hold it!" A police officer cried.Surrounding the house were dozens of police officers with their guns raised at Sesshoumaru."Come put with your hands up!"
Inuyasha got the cops on him." Kagome saw when she ran up to the house with Rin.
"You're under arrest for the murder of this girls parents." The cop said cuffing Sesshoumaru.
"He did'nt-Ahh!" Rin tried to argue when Inuyasha came up and grabbed her from behind.
"I did'nt do it,it was him!" Sesshouamru cried looking over to where Inuyasha was.
"Who!?" The cop demanded looking in the same direction."Sure" He said.
"It was Inuyasha!Stop telling these lies!We should've locked you up last year after you killed your wife." The cop said.
"Get in there!" The cop cried throwing him in the back of his car.
"I was framed!" Sesshoumaru pleaded.
"He's telling the truth!" Kagome cried.
"This loon killed his own wife,and says that his brother did it,when there are no records of him ever existing." The cop said.
"But I saw him!Look,he did this to me!" Kagome cried slided her sleeve upo and revelaing scars.
"Cutting yourself will get you nowhere in life,now go home and get some sleep." The cop said slaming the car door.Sesshoumarui stuck his tongue out at him/
"He's crazy!" The cop said getting close to the window forcing him to put back his tongue.
"He has a history of craziness in his family,killed his own father too,20 years ago and was'nt locked up."
"It's true!I saw Inuyasha!He killed them!" Rin argued.
"Listen,we'll lock this loon and call forensics later,for now,stay with the girl until we get this all sorted out." The lights on the top of the car flashed and all the cops started to drive away.

"Kyoku." Sesshoumaru sighed sliding back in his seat.
Part 4
"Here." A nurse said pushing a bottle of pills out in front of her.
"What is it?" Sesshoumaru asked staring at the label.
"It'll help you sleep,God knows you need rest." The nurse said then led him into his room.

Sesshoumaru stared angrily at the label and started to remeber everything that he adn Kyoku planned before their wedding.

"I win again!" Kyoku cried throwing her deck of cards on the table and jumping around.
"Kyoku,we've been dating for a long while,right?" Sesshoumaru asked,looking at the deck of cars in fromt of him.Smiling.
"Are you breaking up with me!?" kyoku cried assuming things.
"No such thing." He said to her.
He knelt down to her.
"Will you marry me?"
"YES!Yes I will!" She cried happily and kissed him deeply.

"I really loved her,how can they think I killed her?" Sesshoumaru asked himself falling asleep.
I wish I could feel her with me,right now.

He fell asleep and Inuyasha appeared at his window shortly after.
"He fell asleep,this is alomost too easy." He said to himself crawling next to Sesshoumaru."Dear brother"
"DIE!" He said raising his claws in the air to him.Sesshoumaru turned but stayed asleep.
"What's going on in there?" A flashlight shown in the room and Inuyasha dissapreaed at that moment.
"Hmmm?" Said the nurse tucking the flashlight away and walking off.

The sun shown brightly through the windows bars.
"Hey wake up." Yhe nurse said shaking Sesshoumaru adruptly.
"Get dressed,you got visitors."
"Sesshoumaru!" Kagome cried.
"How's it going?" He asked.
"Not so good,the everyone's been going on lock down." Kagome said.
"Damn!" Sesshoumaru glared and beat his fist on the desk."Kagome listen you have to proove my innocence." His feet were getting over the yellow line.
"Stand behind the yellow line,sir." The nurse said holding him back.
"You guys have to get me outta here!"
"How?" Kagome asked looking down at Rin.
"Think of somehting!You have to proove my innocence!" He cried getting pulled back by the nurse and dragged away.

Later that night,Inuyasha snuck back in his room while he was sleeping.
"Hm,I'll kill you here and now." Inuyasha said trashing his claws at him.Sesshoumaru's hand reached out and grabbed his arm before it could reach him.
"I won't die!" Sesshoumaru threw him through the wall makinjg a gaint hole in it.
"Dammit!" Inuyasha cried climbign down the whole.
"You won't get away!You got me in this Hell hole!" Sesshoumaru cried chasing after him.
"Gasp!" He looked over and saw Kyoku's lifeless corpse right there.
"So you've found her!?" Inuyasah cried.
"Hm?" Sesshoumaru noticed gasoline next to him.
"Satisfied to see your b***h again?" Inuyasha asked mockingly.
"Sesshoumaru grabbed the gasoline can."Satisfy this!" He cried flinging gasoline at Inuyasha
"What!?" He cried.Sesshoumaru tore apart a sparkler lit it and lunged it at Inuyasha."Ahhh!" He cried.
"Huh?I have to get out of here.!" Sesshoumaru realized while the place in the hole set up in flames."Ungh" He grabbed onto vines and trie to climb out of the hole.The falmes caught upto him and he started gasping for breath."Ahhh!Ahhh!" The falmes got to toxic and he fell to the ground surrounded by all the flames.
"Sesshoumaru!We got evidence.Rin's dad kept a camera hidden in his room,it caught everything.Sesshoumaru!Where are you!Gasp!" She looked down and saw his hand pushed out of teh ground and flames all around it.
"Gasp!Sesshoumaru!C'mon!" Kagome begged trying to pull him out of the flames.
"Cough cough cough!" Sesshoumaru was scared horribly but smiled."I got Inuyasha."
"And I got the evidence." Kagome said.

3 months later...

Rin ran out of the house and hugged Sesshoumaru.
"He was like a father to her,and now he is.After Inuyasha died,the town allowed Sesshoumaru to adopt rin.And they've both been happy ever since.
"Oh Kagome,hello there!" Rin said smiling,I gotta go to school now bye!" She ran off towards her bus.
Sesshouamaru stared meloncholy at Rin as she walked away and Kagome noticed it on his face.

He's sad about Kyoku.She thought to herself.
"Sesshoumaru,I'm sorry about everyhting that's happened."
"Don't be." He said.
"When you first came nto the shop,I thought Oh-no,he's gonna be trouble.But then I got to know you,and even I thought you were crazy when you mentioned Inuyasha to me,but you prooved me wrong,you prooved us all wrong.
Sesshoumaru smiled brightly at Kagome and she blushed.Then she woke up startled.
Kaogme looked over at Sesshoumaru,he was staring down at Mizuki.
Is he thinking of Kyoku?Was it all a dream?He cares deeply for her,and now he's possessed byt eh Shikon shard,which is the only thing keeping him alive at this piont,much like Kohaku.What does he think about.
Sesshoumaru stared down,and looked back up,with sadness on his face.

The Ultimate #1 Sesshoumaru Fanwhore.
Offical Hanyuu of the A/M/C.
I love random comments.

#2 80s fangirl and FlapJack fantard.
FlapJack whenever he sees the A/M/C.
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