heart ... Autumn leaves fall and are swept out of sight ...
First of all, read my profile. ALL of it. Then come back here.
All done? Good.
So now I'm going to give you a few more tid-bits of information that I haven't placed there but are just as important; no, I will not repeat here what I have written in my profile, especially about my terms of donating; if you're too lazy to read that section and go against what I've said there, then all I can say is YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.
BTW, this gets updated now and again. Not all the time, just when I think of something new.
Games and Sports
Role Playing
Sexual Orientation
A "Brief" Note on my Music Preferences
The Ultimate Topic That Makes Me So Irate About Online Games
Cybering: No. Never.
No matter what game site I venture onto, there's always rooms with sluts and chauvinists. Once in Runescape I observed a female character claiming to be 9 years' old and asking for sex. Tragic. What's worse is that she eventually found someone to cyber with, and he claimed to be 17. I didn't stick around to see the outcome; I took out my rage on an unsuspecting cow. I notice similar scenarios here in the towns; avatars bobbing up and down all over each other.
Yes, because bobbing up and down constitutes as sex. stare
Everywhere I see messages from these pre-teen / teen twits: "DIAL 123 TO CYBER"; "ANYONE WANT A 14 YR OLD GF DIAL 666"; "ANY HORNY GIRLS WANT TO CYBER DIAL 765"; "WHO WANTS A SEX SLAVE GOING CHEAP 500GG IM YOURS DIAL 112" ... Some idiot probably will pick up the phone and dial these numbers.
Cybering is stupid. You don't need to c** all over the screen to have fun. If people are that bored they can go outside and kick a footy. If the weather isn't helping, they can whip out the shells and play sungka.
Oh, and to those walking up to other avatars and saying things like: "ur sexy", WHAT THE ******** ARE YOU ON?! IT'S A BUNCH OF PIXELS YOU MORONS!
Friendship: I never make the first move. ie, I never ask to be someone's friend. Why? Because though I get to know people through forums and towns, whether or not they would like to be friends ((or "add" me)) is a choice they must decide, for I hate to impose. The same thing is said on my MySpace page, and if I bothered to I'd even put it on my LiveJournal profile. I am fine with just being an associate but if the people I have gotten to know wish to be friends, I hold no objection to that.
Those I do object to, however, are random adders. People I don't know. People I have never talked to before. People who judge you for what your avatar looks like ((believing you actually look like that)) and ask to be your friend in the hopes that you'll donate to them, or cyber, or to make themselves look "cool". Dare I use the N word. Not THE N word, the OTHER N word. Bloody hell. On days when I felt reasonable I would comment in their profiles: "Sorry, I don't know you." then hit "decide later" and forget all about it. On days when the weather is too bloody hot ((or if the day is bad for some other reason)) I would say what I am about to say to conclude this section of information:
Random adding is
Don't do it.
Games and Sports: I thought I should make a few things clear; firstly, that although I played netball for 5 years' in my youth that doesn't mean I liked it for even one second. I HATE netball. LOATHE it. I don't mind people that like it - for a fact I'm rather proud of the fact that the Adelaide Thunderbirds have whooped many a team in their time ((ha ha ha)) - but I do mind when people try and convert me. The same can be said with religion ((but I'm not going to talk about religion in this page; if the information on my profile doesn't satisfy anyone, they need only ask)). So don't judge me just because I played netball for 5 years'; the only reason I did so for so long was because it took 5 years' worth of begging before my mother allowed me to quit. Had my sister not expressed an interest in it in the first place, perhaps those years' would have been happier times.
Like playing golf. I like golf. I always have. When I was about 3 years' old I asked my parents for a golf set for Christmas, and they got it. Plastic, but it was something. We didn't exactly have room for big strikes in our backyard, nor a hole for putting, so I would practice my putts in the hallway. When we moved to the country I thought I finally had the chance to join a golf club, but noooooo; mother had to try and make me a girlie-girl. She wanted a son but not a tomboy? Pheh. At least I could practice long shots in our little paddock ((no we didn't live on a farm; perfectly natural to have a paddock on your block and not own a farm)). Sadly by the time I escaped from the girlish clutches of that loathesome sport the local golf club decided that only those participating in competitions could use the golf course. Well ******** on that.
I still miss it though.
I played hockey for two years' in high school. I bet most of you reading this are Americans, or Canadians, and therefore conjure the images of ice hockey. In the sunshine district, where's the ice?! Honestly. It was field hockey. Hard, violent, and utterly, utterly boring. I lost interest rather quickly. In fact I think the only reason I signed up to the community club in the first place was because my best friend played. BAAAAAAA.
These days I train in the Japanese art of Shotokan. Well ... actually I haven't trained at all this year' because I was living in the city and miles away from my dojo, but I'm going to pick it back up in the turning of the new year'. That explains why I'm still only at 6th kyu when I could be at 5th or even 4th. Simple terms? I'm still at orange belt. No matter. I can still flip a man twice my size. I was actually complemented by a Sensei from Queensland who came down here to ... well I suppose he was analysing our dojo and so forth. He joined my Sensei in judging during grading ((to which I went to 6th kyu)), and he came to me afterwards to talk about my training; apparently the training video that had been made some weeks previously had been seen by this Northern Sensei and he had pointed me out on the footage.
Rather similar to how I got noticed in primary school by my now good friend and vocal teacher, but that's another story.
I almost forgot; I'm an archer. I love archery, always have and always will. When I was little aside from dreaming of being a golf champion I always wanted to represent Australia in the Olympics in archery. I own two bows and a handful of arrows, which we used all the time when we were living out of town but ever since we moved into suburbia ((or the so-called suburbia of our small country town)) I haven't been able to use them. I've got the archer's itch, I really want to get out and start shooting again but there's nowhere to go. The only club in the whole district is in a town an hour' away; they actually asked me to join one day when a group of us had a sports day up there. Here, there, and everywhere, really; we were all given sheets to choose which activities we would like to do in the two weeks of pleasure time we always have at the end of the school year' ((you still had to come, and you had to do something, but at least it wasn't work)) and I had chosen archery for one day, others chose hang-gliding ((which got cancelled)), abseiling ((cancelled)) and so forth. The group I was in went up river to the archery club, had a few shots, and when everyone went off down the street for lunch I stayed behind, wolfed down my sanger and continued to shoot. Even later in the afternoon, when everyone else had stopped due to sore arms or boredom or both, I kept on loading, aiming and shooting; it was my first time using a compound bow, after all, and I wanted to make the most of the time I had. Then the club manager asked me to join, which I had to unfortunately turn down due to time, geography and the lack of a car ((I was about 14 or 15; the legal age to go for a licence is 16)).
When I think of how to explain sungka, I'll write it down.
Wow, all that for one category. XD
Interests: I just wanted to make a note that my interests list in my profile is still unfinished; but wait, there's more! XD Also, my loathing list. Although I'm somehow finding it difficult to finish my loathing list. Strange. Don't worry about the external links, they only go to wikipedia.org and imdb.com; hehe, someone click Florence Foster Jenkins! Go on! I dare you! rofl
Name(s): You have to be careful around me because I can get quite a**l on this subject. In fact it's the top-most thing in this whole guideline I get a**l about. My name is Marie-Cris. No, it IS NOT spelt with an "H"!!!!!!!! It is not written as Marie-Chris, Marie_Cris, or marie-cris ((unless that's a default for a site, but as Gaia allows capitals I EXPECT capitals, got it?)). Marie-Cris is the combination of my first and middle names, Maria Cristina. No, I will not tell you my last name; if you ask you might as well stand by the shed and wait for an anvil to drop on your head, it'll be less painful than what I'll do to you. I actually do go by Marie-Cris offline; it's not "just a nickname" and if you call it that you better start making vacation plans to Saturn. It's a very important part of me; it's a small part of my identity but important even so. I prefer to go by it for several reasons but I'm not going to into them here; all you need to know is that I'm Marie-Cris, and that's what you should call me.
Yes, people still call me Maria. Yes, people call me Marie, or Mar, and a whole host of other nicknames I have picked up over the years' ((and ... forums)). I'm not going to harp about how to pronounce "Marie-Cris" ((it's not what most people think)) because I don't expect to ever hear any of your voices, but if we were ever to engage in a verbal conversation ((Goddess knows why)) I would, then, tell you how to pronounce my name correctly. Those that say it wrong tend to pick up the habit looking over their shoulder.
Remember: I am Marie-Cris.
Personality: I can be nice. I can be a b***h. How I react can depend on your nature, or it could depend on the weather. This is more a warning to always be on guard than anything else; I am often random. My English / Drama teacher in Yr' 12 described me as a "walking contradiction", which is one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to me and I wear that badge with pride. I imitate sounds. I stalk. I invent words. I laugh whenever I want to at whatever is happening in my head. I am not afraid to tell you if you're overstepping the boundaries. I will kick your butt if you harass my friends, or myself.
And so forth.
Oh, and I'm not a girlie-girl. I refuse to wear that badge. Give me that title and I'll take it, but only to return it to you in a fashion you would find most unpleasant. Got it?
That being said, I like teddy bears. Nice ones, not those ugly ones from two centuries ago. And unicorns. And magic.
Randomness: Despite what I said earlier about random adding, I like randomness. I hang around random people in real life. I am random. "Normal" people are okay; sometimes they bore me. Know this. Hate me? I don't give a s**t.
I make up random phrases and words. Also things I call 5-second poems, which don't exactly take 5 seconds to type out but they're just short, on the spot poems. I have a whole list of words, phrases and 5-second poems but I won't bore you with all of them, just a few. The current phrase in my sig, for example? "The raven pecked out his eyes and lived happily ever after." MINE. "Shady little lady have some coffee with your tea." MINE. "Hitherto, hitherthro, wherever you and I shall go." MINE. Actually, scratch off everything you see in my profile as mine, unless it's got the "" before and after it ((however the "Both go BOOM" one is a real response I made to that friend's post, so that's the only thing in quotation marks in bubbles that's mine)). Coppuroamaphobia. Or was it Copuroamaphobia? I'll have to go through my old LJ and check the spelling, I don't often write it but I do say it now and again. FARASHAKATA; if I say that, run. Really. I only say it when I'm pissed off. Why do I make them? Dunno. They just pop into my head - sometimes inspired by something I see, sometimes just random - and if I don't write them down I tend to forget.
I'm also random in moods; one moment I can be laughing, the next moment I can be quiet; this often scares people, and is what actually caused my English / Drama teacher to call me a "walking contradiction". This probably should go under Personality again, and what I said in the paragraph before should probably go under Words, but it's my bloody guide and I'll put things where I bloody want them.
Oh, and if I happen to catch you using any of my phrases / words / 5-second poems ((even the title of a "5-second poem" wink ) without my permission, I'll ram your keyboard down your throat.
Relationships: I know some people are here looking for love. Frankly I think it's silly, but if it works for them then it works for them and I have no objection to anyone finding happiness ((so long as it's a good happiness and not something ... sadistic)). I am not here looking for a relationship of that nature - nor of the nature of a virtual shag ((see Cybering)). I prefer to find love face on, rather than via a screen; at least that way I can see what they look like in the flesh and hear their voices in one swoop, rather than waiting for a series of e-mails to receive information that could easily be obtained by just meeting someone.
Am I looking for love? Yes. Just not on the Internet, so don't ask.
Role Playing: I have done it before, yes. To tell you the truth I'm not much of one these days, so I try to limit the RPs I join. I've limited them so much in fact that now I'm really only part of one, and I'd like to keep it that way. I started off RPing Rocky Horror on an RHPS fan forum ((rockycast)), got invited to a forum with a more selective group of RC members and RPd there too ((because of the way I write, I was told)), and I've done a bit over msn with a few of the RC members. That's my RP history. I've been invited to other RPs, I can't deny it, but for now I'll just stick RPing in the Watumelon Gang, and posting in Unexpected Song in between ((not a role play site, hell no; it's a proboards forum I made, although some of the things said there sometimes make me wonder if I am in another world*)).
*And if I am, I'd rather stay there. XD
Sexual Orientation: What am I, you ask? Good question. I'll let you know once I find out.
As I've said in my MySpace, I do get crushes on men but if I happen to one day stir for a woman, so be it. I am not afraid of homosexuality. I am not afraid of bi-sexuals. I am especially not afraid of transvestites, for then my love of Rocky Horror would be hypocritical. Or at least a large contradiction. I don't judge people by their sexual orientation, and those who do are either die-hard religious, or ignorant gits, or both. I have gay friends. I have bi friends. I have straight friends. If there's an in-between status to all that, do let me know, I'm rather curious ((would it be hermaphroditism? I've never met one before, so if you are one I'd like to meet you)). The point is, if you're a good person we can get along just fine, no matter your orientation.
Towns: I mainly go into towns to hunt for paper, boots, cans, flowers and gold. Sometimes I do feel like chatting so I'll go to an open field that's got a reasonable amount of people in it and flit about. I do like to observe conversations, I admit, and my tendency to leave it up to someone else to make the first move lets me watch conversations undisturbed until someone says hello. The type of conversation we have will reflect my mood, and my mood will reflect the kind of conversation we have. Of course there's always two sorts of reactions I can take to any topic ((yes, more, but two basic ones)), so for example if you asked me to cyber or be intimate I'll either take the kind route and simply tell you that I'm sorry but I don't do that, or I can absorb the Spring heat and tell you to piss off.
I like open squares. I'm not fond of clustering around houses and I avoid 5 squares as much as possible; here's a part of my real-life claustrophobia seeping through ((I'm not a severe sufferer, but you try growing up in the country with fields and orchids and long dirt roads and then get thrust into a city environment in a snap then see how it feels ... *breathe*)). I do have a bookmarked place; Barton 9 001001 ... the 7 and 8 in that block too, yes. Firstly because I like open spaces, secondly because I once got a hell of a lot of gold there, and thirdly because the number 9 revolves so much around my life ((for reasons I will not go into detail here)). Oh, and also because 001001 reminds me of the Robot Song from Tripod. Or was it the Scared Weird Little Guys? Oh bugger, I can't remember. Flight of the Conchords? Drat. I'll have to look that up. So anyway, if you're hunting me down or trying to avoid me, you now know that open spaces are my areas of habitat.
Oh, and if I don't answer back, it either means I'm not there ((most likely the case)) or that I'm far to engrossed with watching the mind-numbing conversations around me that I'll just ignore you; this will only happen if I don't know you. If you're a friend, I'll talk.
Words: Words are important. I know I have a bubble sign on my profile about this but I want to make it absolutely clear that though I may not have the best grammar in the world as least I bloody well try.
I don't like street talk on my profile. Street talk and txt talk. "Sup." "Yo." " r u goin 2 da asfaerhyaeghnsrtjwrtj" - you get the picture. Comments like that I tend to blow up. Or blow to smithereens. Or decapitate, castrate, maim, maul, burn, kill, destroy ... I don't mind swearing. If I did I'd mind myself ((moreso than I do already)). I can accept any swear word except the N, P, V and C words ((there's two C words, BTW)).
Use those words and I'll punch your ******** head in.
A "Brief" Note on my Music Preferences: See in my About Me section where I've written that I have studied Classical Voice at the Elder Con? There's a reason: I like classical music. I'm not a die-hard classical fan, don't get me wrong; I do like some classical pieces, not just to listen to but to sing as well. Unless you train your voice for this genre you cannot possibly understand the complete power you can harness; it is the most raw and vulnerable form of vocal expression; your body and soul, heart and mind are used and exposed as you titter through trills, glide over grace notes and send out notes from every fibre of your being with all the strength you can muster. Opera allows me to do this; on the lighter side, operetta, too, such as Gilbert and Sullivan ((of course)). I am a musical theatre fan, I do confess, though I have not trained my voice for that genre so despite my admiration for the pieces I am hopeless at singing them.
One other thing you should have noticed; Anthony Warlow is my vocal idol, the God Voccai. I am as true a Warlovian as you can get and will defend him at all costs. He inspires me to sing, to write better songs; I hope to one day write a song worthy of his wonderful voice. Of course I hope to one sing with him too, I cannot deny it! He is a kind, sweet, witty man, handsome to boot and as charming as he is wicked. I have just a couple of rules to be obeyed if you wish to talk about Warlow in my presence:
1: If you call him "hot" or "cute" ((possibly due to seeing pictures him as he was before he was struck with lymphoma, like the one in the Centre Stage fold-out)), YOU WILL RUN. He is not "hot" or "cute", he is "handsome" and "beautiful".
2: If you ever, EVER say that either Michael Crawford, Colm Wilkinson, Gerard Butler and / or Antonio Banderas are far better Eriks than Anthony Warlow, YOU WILL CURSE THE DAY. The same if you say that Robert Cuccioli and / or David Hasslehoff are better Jekylls and Hydes. None of these performers can hold flint to the majesty of Warlow's voice!
Understand? Good.
The Ultimate Topic That Makes Me So Irate About Online Games: Now I'm serious about this, it's happened in Runescape and it's happened here and I hate it possibly more than I hate the fact that every man and his slut seeks a virtual ********. I'm not EXACTLY talking about donations ((you still have to read my profile for my terms and conditions on that)) but it's rather close to it ... I absolutely CANNOT STAND IT when avatars sit around whining about how much money they don't have, especially if they keep using the crying emote over and over again in their feeble attempt to gain sympathy. I can't stand it! Who in their right mind gives in to that sort of bullshit? They sit there weeping for goddamn hours': "i ned 4k its so hard ta git gold i have such bad luk it taks meh 5 months ta get 200g plsplsplsplsplsplspls *sobsobsobsobsobsobsob*" et cetera - FOR ******** SAKE!!! No wonder you don't have anything!! While you could be out posting on forums, voting in polls, shaking trees, or playing games to get gold, you instead sit there and be a ******** little snot who wants everything handed to you on a jewel-encrusted, gold-plated platter! GET OFF YOUR LAZY AVATAR a** AND EARN YOUR GODDAMN KEEP YOU BASTARDS! Whenever I see anyone doing this in the towns I eat them. SERIOUSLY. I chew the ******** life out of these sappy wingers and show no mercy BECAUSE they're not even trying. They claim that they are but they clearly don't want to try. I started with nothing; everyone started with nothing. That's the point of it all, you selfish little twits! I earned my keep just like everyone else without sitting around winging about how hard it is or for people to toss me a k or two. Go to a forum and play one of those bump games or whatever that give you prizes! Do one of those really long quizzes; that's 2k in one day! You know all that crap you get in the Daily Chance? The toasters, the beds, the tops, the bottoms, the fish? SELL THE MOTHER ********!! Sell them on the market or back to the store, there's usually a 50g return. When you go to the towns don't sit down and start weeping, start shaking every tree, bush and rock in sight - there's 1k right there!
If anyone, ANYONE so much as complains to me about how hard it is, I've got news for you: IT'S HARD FOR EVERYONE. No one can sit on here for 24 hours' straight to earn gold, we all make do with the little hours' we can get online; sometimes it's only two or three hours' a day, sometimes it's more ((not constant, of course; that'd hurt your butt)). But don't ever sit down and and tell me you earn only 200g in 5 months because that's bullshit and you're a ******** little weasel of a liar.
Oh, and I just found this in someone's sig and thought I'd put it in. Pretty much sums up a lot in this guide:
![User Image](https://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c109/Marie-Cris/noobs.gif)
If there's anything more you want to know, ask me. I will answer if it's a question within reason. If it isn't, then it's the VBS for you.
Also, if you've read this, leave a comment? Even if it's just a dot, I don't care, I just want to see how many people actually take the time to read this.
PS: I love music. And Anthony Warlow.
All done? Good.
So now I'm going to give you a few more tid-bits of information that I haven't placed there but are just as important; no, I will not repeat here what I have written in my profile, especially about my terms of donating; if you're too lazy to read that section and go against what I've said there, then all I can say is YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.
BTW, this gets updated now and again. Not all the time, just when I think of something new.
Games and Sports
Role Playing
Sexual Orientation
A "Brief" Note on my Music Preferences
The Ultimate Topic That Makes Me So Irate About Online Games
Cybering: No. Never.
No matter what game site I venture onto, there's always rooms with sluts and chauvinists. Once in Runescape I observed a female character claiming to be 9 years' old and asking for sex. Tragic. What's worse is that she eventually found someone to cyber with, and he claimed to be 17. I didn't stick around to see the outcome; I took out my rage on an unsuspecting cow. I notice similar scenarios here in the towns; avatars bobbing up and down all over each other.
Yes, because bobbing up and down constitutes as sex. stare
Everywhere I see messages from these pre-teen / teen twits: "DIAL 123 TO CYBER"; "ANYONE WANT A 14 YR OLD GF DIAL 666"; "ANY HORNY GIRLS WANT TO CYBER DIAL 765"; "WHO WANTS A SEX SLAVE GOING CHEAP 500GG IM YOURS DIAL 112" ... Some idiot probably will pick up the phone and dial these numbers.
Cybering is stupid. You don't need to c** all over the screen to have fun. If people are that bored they can go outside and kick a footy. If the weather isn't helping, they can whip out the shells and play sungka.
Oh, and to those walking up to other avatars and saying things like: "ur sexy", WHAT THE ******** ARE YOU ON?! IT'S A BUNCH OF PIXELS YOU MORONS!
Friendship: I never make the first move. ie, I never ask to be someone's friend. Why? Because though I get to know people through forums and towns, whether or not they would like to be friends ((or "add" me)) is a choice they must decide, for I hate to impose. The same thing is said on my MySpace page, and if I bothered to I'd even put it on my LiveJournal profile. I am fine with just being an associate but if the people I have gotten to know wish to be friends, I hold no objection to that.
Those I do object to, however, are random adders. People I don't know. People I have never talked to before. People who judge you for what your avatar looks like ((believing you actually look like that)) and ask to be your friend in the hopes that you'll donate to them, or cyber, or to make themselves look "cool". Dare I use the N word. Not THE N word, the OTHER N word. Bloody hell. On days when I felt reasonable I would comment in their profiles: "Sorry, I don't know you." then hit "decide later" and forget all about it. On days when the weather is too bloody hot ((or if the day is bad for some other reason)) I would say what I am about to say to conclude this section of information:
Random adding is
Don't do it.
Games and Sports: I thought I should make a few things clear; firstly, that although I played netball for 5 years' in my youth that doesn't mean I liked it for even one second. I HATE netball. LOATHE it. I don't mind people that like it - for a fact I'm rather proud of the fact that the Adelaide Thunderbirds have whooped many a team in their time ((ha ha ha)) - but I do mind when people try and convert me. The same can be said with religion ((but I'm not going to talk about religion in this page; if the information on my profile doesn't satisfy anyone, they need only ask)). So don't judge me just because I played netball for 5 years'; the only reason I did so for so long was because it took 5 years' worth of begging before my mother allowed me to quit. Had my sister not expressed an interest in it in the first place, perhaps those years' would have been happier times.
Like playing golf. I like golf. I always have. When I was about 3 years' old I asked my parents for a golf set for Christmas, and they got it. Plastic, but it was something. We didn't exactly have room for big strikes in our backyard, nor a hole for putting, so I would practice my putts in the hallway. When we moved to the country I thought I finally had the chance to join a golf club, but noooooo; mother had to try and make me a girlie-girl. She wanted a son but not a tomboy? Pheh. At least I could practice long shots in our little paddock ((no we didn't live on a farm; perfectly natural to have a paddock on your block and not own a farm)). Sadly by the time I escaped from the girlish clutches of that loathesome sport the local golf club decided that only those participating in competitions could use the golf course. Well ******** on that.
I still miss it though.
I played hockey for two years' in high school. I bet most of you reading this are Americans, or Canadians, and therefore conjure the images of ice hockey. In the sunshine district, where's the ice?! Honestly. It was field hockey. Hard, violent, and utterly, utterly boring. I lost interest rather quickly. In fact I think the only reason I signed up to the community club in the first place was because my best friend played. BAAAAAAA.
These days I train in the Japanese art of Shotokan. Well ... actually I haven't trained at all this year' because I was living in the city and miles away from my dojo, but I'm going to pick it back up in the turning of the new year'. That explains why I'm still only at 6th kyu when I could be at 5th or even 4th. Simple terms? I'm still at orange belt. No matter. I can still flip a man twice my size. I was actually complemented by a Sensei from Queensland who came down here to ... well I suppose he was analysing our dojo and so forth. He joined my Sensei in judging during grading ((to which I went to 6th kyu)), and he came to me afterwards to talk about my training; apparently the training video that had been made some weeks previously had been seen by this Northern Sensei and he had pointed me out on the footage.
Rather similar to how I got noticed in primary school by my now good friend and vocal teacher, but that's another story.
I almost forgot; I'm an archer. I love archery, always have and always will. When I was little aside from dreaming of being a golf champion I always wanted to represent Australia in the Olympics in archery. I own two bows and a handful of arrows, which we used all the time when we were living out of town but ever since we moved into suburbia ((or the so-called suburbia of our small country town)) I haven't been able to use them. I've got the archer's itch, I really want to get out and start shooting again but there's nowhere to go. The only club in the whole district is in a town an hour' away; they actually asked me to join one day when a group of us had a sports day up there. Here, there, and everywhere, really; we were all given sheets to choose which activities we would like to do in the two weeks of pleasure time we always have at the end of the school year' ((you still had to come, and you had to do something, but at least it wasn't work)) and I had chosen archery for one day, others chose hang-gliding ((which got cancelled)), abseiling ((cancelled)) and so forth. The group I was in went up river to the archery club, had a few shots, and when everyone went off down the street for lunch I stayed behind, wolfed down my sanger and continued to shoot. Even later in the afternoon, when everyone else had stopped due to sore arms or boredom or both, I kept on loading, aiming and shooting; it was my first time using a compound bow, after all, and I wanted to make the most of the time I had. Then the club manager asked me to join, which I had to unfortunately turn down due to time, geography and the lack of a car ((I was about 14 or 15; the legal age to go for a licence is 16)).
When I think of how to explain sungka, I'll write it down.
Wow, all that for one category. XD
Interests: I just wanted to make a note that my interests list in my profile is still unfinished; but wait, there's more! XD Also, my loathing list. Although I'm somehow finding it difficult to finish my loathing list. Strange. Don't worry about the external links, they only go to wikipedia.org and imdb.com; hehe, someone click Florence Foster Jenkins! Go on! I dare you! rofl
Name(s): You have to be careful around me because I can get quite a**l on this subject. In fact it's the top-most thing in this whole guideline I get a**l about. My name is Marie-Cris. No, it IS NOT spelt with an "H"!!!!!!!! It is not written as Marie-Chris, Marie_Cris, or marie-cris ((unless that's a default for a site, but as Gaia allows capitals I EXPECT capitals, got it?)). Marie-Cris is the combination of my first and middle names, Maria Cristina. No, I will not tell you my last name; if you ask you might as well stand by the shed and wait for an anvil to drop on your head, it'll be less painful than what I'll do to you. I actually do go by Marie-Cris offline; it's not "just a nickname" and if you call it that you better start making vacation plans to Saturn. It's a very important part of me; it's a small part of my identity but important even so. I prefer to go by it for several reasons but I'm not going to into them here; all you need to know is that I'm Marie-Cris, and that's what you should call me.
Yes, people still call me Maria. Yes, people call me Marie, or Mar, and a whole host of other nicknames I have picked up over the years' ((and ... forums)). I'm not going to harp about how to pronounce "Marie-Cris" ((it's not what most people think)) because I don't expect to ever hear any of your voices, but if we were ever to engage in a verbal conversation ((Goddess knows why)) I would, then, tell you how to pronounce my name correctly. Those that say it wrong tend to pick up the habit looking over their shoulder.
Remember: I am Marie-Cris.
Personality: I can be nice. I can be a b***h. How I react can depend on your nature, or it could depend on the weather. This is more a warning to always be on guard than anything else; I am often random. My English / Drama teacher in Yr' 12 described me as a "walking contradiction", which is one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to me and I wear that badge with pride. I imitate sounds. I stalk. I invent words. I laugh whenever I want to at whatever is happening in my head. I am not afraid to tell you if you're overstepping the boundaries. I will kick your butt if you harass my friends, or myself.
And so forth.
Oh, and I'm not a girlie-girl. I refuse to wear that badge. Give me that title and I'll take it, but only to return it to you in a fashion you would find most unpleasant. Got it?
That being said, I like teddy bears. Nice ones, not those ugly ones from two centuries ago. And unicorns. And magic.
Randomness: Despite what I said earlier about random adding, I like randomness. I hang around random people in real life. I am random. "Normal" people are okay; sometimes they bore me. Know this. Hate me? I don't give a s**t.
I make up random phrases and words. Also things I call 5-second poems, which don't exactly take 5 seconds to type out but they're just short, on the spot poems. I have a whole list of words, phrases and 5-second poems but I won't bore you with all of them, just a few. The current phrase in my sig, for example? "The raven pecked out his eyes and lived happily ever after." MINE. "Shady little lady have some coffee with your tea." MINE. "Hitherto, hitherthro, wherever you and I shall go." MINE. Actually, scratch off everything you see in my profile as mine, unless it's got the "" before and after it ((however the "Both go BOOM" one is a real response I made to that friend's post, so that's the only thing in quotation marks in bubbles that's mine)). Coppuroamaphobia. Or was it Copuroamaphobia? I'll have to go through my old LJ and check the spelling, I don't often write it but I do say it now and again. FARASHAKATA; if I say that, run. Really. I only say it when I'm pissed off. Why do I make them? Dunno. They just pop into my head - sometimes inspired by something I see, sometimes just random - and if I don't write them down I tend to forget.
I'm also random in moods; one moment I can be laughing, the next moment I can be quiet; this often scares people, and is what actually caused my English / Drama teacher to call me a "walking contradiction". This probably should go under Personality again, and what I said in the paragraph before should probably go under Words, but it's my bloody guide and I'll put things where I bloody want them.
Oh, and if I happen to catch you using any of my phrases / words / 5-second poems ((even the title of a "5-second poem" wink ) without my permission, I'll ram your keyboard down your throat.
Relationships: I know some people are here looking for love. Frankly I think it's silly, but if it works for them then it works for them and I have no objection to anyone finding happiness ((so long as it's a good happiness and not something ... sadistic)). I am not here looking for a relationship of that nature - nor of the nature of a virtual shag ((see Cybering)). I prefer to find love face on, rather than via a screen; at least that way I can see what they look like in the flesh and hear their voices in one swoop, rather than waiting for a series of e-mails to receive information that could easily be obtained by just meeting someone.
Am I looking for love? Yes. Just not on the Internet, so don't ask.
Role Playing: I have done it before, yes. To tell you the truth I'm not much of one these days, so I try to limit the RPs I join. I've limited them so much in fact that now I'm really only part of one, and I'd like to keep it that way. I started off RPing Rocky Horror on an RHPS fan forum ((rockycast)), got invited to a forum with a more selective group of RC members and RPd there too ((because of the way I write, I was told)), and I've done a bit over msn with a few of the RC members. That's my RP history. I've been invited to other RPs, I can't deny it, but for now I'll just stick RPing in the Watumelon Gang, and posting in Unexpected Song in between ((not a role play site, hell no; it's a proboards forum I made, although some of the things said there sometimes make me wonder if I am in another world*)).
*And if I am, I'd rather stay there. XD
Sexual Orientation: What am I, you ask? Good question. I'll let you know once I find out.
As I've said in my MySpace, I do get crushes on men but if I happen to one day stir for a woman, so be it. I am not afraid of homosexuality. I am not afraid of bi-sexuals. I am especially not afraid of transvestites, for then my love of Rocky Horror would be hypocritical. Or at least a large contradiction. I don't judge people by their sexual orientation, and those who do are either die-hard religious, or ignorant gits, or both. I have gay friends. I have bi friends. I have straight friends. If there's an in-between status to all that, do let me know, I'm rather curious ((would it be hermaphroditism? I've never met one before, so if you are one I'd like to meet you)). The point is, if you're a good person we can get along just fine, no matter your orientation.
Towns: I mainly go into towns to hunt for paper, boots, cans, flowers and gold. Sometimes I do feel like chatting so I'll go to an open field that's got a reasonable amount of people in it and flit about. I do like to observe conversations, I admit, and my tendency to leave it up to someone else to make the first move lets me watch conversations undisturbed until someone says hello. The type of conversation we have will reflect my mood, and my mood will reflect the kind of conversation we have. Of course there's always two sorts of reactions I can take to any topic ((yes, more, but two basic ones)), so for example if you asked me to cyber or be intimate I'll either take the kind route and simply tell you that I'm sorry but I don't do that, or I can absorb the Spring heat and tell you to piss off.
I like open squares. I'm not fond of clustering around houses and I avoid 5 squares as much as possible; here's a part of my real-life claustrophobia seeping through ((I'm not a severe sufferer, but you try growing up in the country with fields and orchids and long dirt roads and then get thrust into a city environment in a snap then see how it feels ... *breathe*)). I do have a bookmarked place; Barton 9 001001 ... the 7 and 8 in that block too, yes. Firstly because I like open spaces, secondly because I once got a hell of a lot of gold there, and thirdly because the number 9 revolves so much around my life ((for reasons I will not go into detail here)). Oh, and also because 001001 reminds me of the Robot Song from Tripod. Or was it the Scared Weird Little Guys? Oh bugger, I can't remember. Flight of the Conchords? Drat. I'll have to look that up. So anyway, if you're hunting me down or trying to avoid me, you now know that open spaces are my areas of habitat.
Oh, and if I don't answer back, it either means I'm not there ((most likely the case)) or that I'm far to engrossed with watching the mind-numbing conversations around me that I'll just ignore you; this will only happen if I don't know you. If you're a friend, I'll talk.
Words: Words are important. I know I have a bubble sign on my profile about this but I want to make it absolutely clear that though I may not have the best grammar in the world as least I bloody well try.
I don't like street talk on my profile. Street talk and txt talk. "Sup." "Yo." " r u goin 2 da asfaerhyaeghnsrtjwrtj" - you get the picture. Comments like that I tend to blow up. Or blow to smithereens. Or decapitate, castrate, maim, maul, burn, kill, destroy ... I don't mind swearing. If I did I'd mind myself ((moreso than I do already)). I can accept any swear word except the N, P, V and C words ((there's two C words, BTW)).
Use those words and I'll punch your ******** head in.
A "Brief" Note on my Music Preferences: See in my About Me section where I've written that I have studied Classical Voice at the Elder Con? There's a reason: I like classical music. I'm not a die-hard classical fan, don't get me wrong; I do like some classical pieces, not just to listen to but to sing as well. Unless you train your voice for this genre you cannot possibly understand the complete power you can harness; it is the most raw and vulnerable form of vocal expression; your body and soul, heart and mind are used and exposed as you titter through trills, glide over grace notes and send out notes from every fibre of your being with all the strength you can muster. Opera allows me to do this; on the lighter side, operetta, too, such as Gilbert and Sullivan ((of course)). I am a musical theatre fan, I do confess, though I have not trained my voice for that genre so despite my admiration for the pieces I am hopeless at singing them.
One other thing you should have noticed; Anthony Warlow is my vocal idol, the God Voccai. I am as true a Warlovian as you can get and will defend him at all costs. He inspires me to sing, to write better songs; I hope to one day write a song worthy of his wonderful voice. Of course I hope to one sing with him too, I cannot deny it! He is a kind, sweet, witty man, handsome to boot and as charming as he is wicked. I have just a couple of rules to be obeyed if you wish to talk about Warlow in my presence:
1: If you call him "hot" or "cute" ((possibly due to seeing pictures him as he was before he was struck with lymphoma, like the one in the Centre Stage fold-out)), YOU WILL RUN. He is not "hot" or "cute", he is "handsome" and "beautiful".
2: If you ever, EVER say that either Michael Crawford, Colm Wilkinson, Gerard Butler and / or Antonio Banderas are far better Eriks than Anthony Warlow, YOU WILL CURSE THE DAY. The same if you say that Robert Cuccioli and / or David Hasslehoff are better Jekylls and Hydes. None of these performers can hold flint to the majesty of Warlow's voice!
Understand? Good.
The Ultimate Topic That Makes Me So Irate About Online Games: Now I'm serious about this, it's happened in Runescape and it's happened here and I hate it possibly more than I hate the fact that every man and his slut seeks a virtual ********. I'm not EXACTLY talking about donations ((you still have to read my profile for my terms and conditions on that)) but it's rather close to it ... I absolutely CANNOT STAND IT when avatars sit around whining about how much money they don't have, especially if they keep using the crying emote over and over again in their feeble attempt to gain sympathy. I can't stand it! Who in their right mind gives in to that sort of bullshit? They sit there weeping for goddamn hours': "i ned 4k its so hard ta git gold i have such bad luk it taks meh 5 months ta get 200g plsplsplsplsplsplspls *sobsobsobsobsobsobsob*" et cetera - FOR ******** SAKE!!! No wonder you don't have anything!! While you could be out posting on forums, voting in polls, shaking trees, or playing games to get gold, you instead sit there and be a ******** little snot who wants everything handed to you on a jewel-encrusted, gold-plated platter! GET OFF YOUR LAZY AVATAR a** AND EARN YOUR GODDAMN KEEP YOU BASTARDS! Whenever I see anyone doing this in the towns I eat them. SERIOUSLY. I chew the ******** life out of these sappy wingers and show no mercy BECAUSE they're not even trying. They claim that they are but they clearly don't want to try. I started with nothing; everyone started with nothing. That's the point of it all, you selfish little twits! I earned my keep just like everyone else without sitting around winging about how hard it is or for people to toss me a k or two. Go to a forum and play one of those bump games or whatever that give you prizes! Do one of those really long quizzes; that's 2k in one day! You know all that crap you get in the Daily Chance? The toasters, the beds, the tops, the bottoms, the fish? SELL THE MOTHER ********!! Sell them on the market or back to the store, there's usually a 50g return. When you go to the towns don't sit down and start weeping, start shaking every tree, bush and rock in sight - there's 1k right there!
If anyone, ANYONE so much as complains to me about how hard it is, I've got news for you: IT'S HARD FOR EVERYONE. No one can sit on here for 24 hours' straight to earn gold, we all make do with the little hours' we can get online; sometimes it's only two or three hours' a day, sometimes it's more ((not constant, of course; that'd hurt your butt)). But don't ever sit down and and tell me you earn only 200g in 5 months because that's bullshit and you're a ******** little weasel of a liar.
Oh, and I just found this in someone's sig and thought I'd put it in. Pretty much sums up a lot in this guide:
![User Image](https://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c109/Marie-Cris/noobs.gif)
If there's anything more you want to know, ask me. I will answer if it's a question within reason. If it isn't, then it's the VBS for you.
Also, if you've read this, leave a comment? Even if it's just a dot, I don't care, I just want to see how many people actually take the time to read this.
PS: I love music. And Anthony Warlow.
... So are the memories of love that we knew ... heart
Link to this journal entry.
Community Member
Watumelon is the first and only role play in which I have ever engaged. Like you, I find meeting new people very interesting. I feel that I am a better rounded person for knowing you. Thank you for not being afraid to share!