barry sax, halloween phantom and pointing fingers
So yes, I have finally switched to barry (baritone) saxophone for the school band!! *throws confetti* w00t! I switched yesterday, but today I actually played during the rehearsal. It still sounds like an alto when I play- I guess it's just the way I'm blowing into it or something. It's gigantic. It's going to take some getting used to, for sure. If you're wondering, in order from highest to lowest (as with voices) is soprano, alto, tenor, baritone. There is a bass, but it's even bigger than the barry and I would never consider playing it for a moment. Ah, so the Halloween Phantom thing. It's rather stupid, but cute in a corny way, really. About fifteen minutes ago we hear our doorbell ring and frantic laughter and receeding footsteps leading away from our house. My mother was the first to the door; she opens it and stares out at the street and goes, "Hoshit, there's something at the door" (not her exact words, but I know what she was thinking). So my first notion was that there was a burning bag of doggie doo on the front step, and I come running down the stairs going, "What is it? What is it?" She starts reading this thing about the Halloween Phantom- some friend of mine must live on the block (those crazy bastards)- who did a ding- dong ditch and left us animal crackers and this stupid letter and a picture of a ghost that said something about being visited by the Halloween Phantom. I was just like, "Who lives nearby and actually is stupid enough to do something a 5- year- old would do?" I have some idea of who it was... tomorrow I'm gonna walk up to everyone, point accusingly and say, "It was YOU!!!!!!!1one" and see who responds with something other than a blank stare.