“An F?!” I said to my friend Alex, he and I have been friends forever and we just got our grades back I got an f in language arts! I don’t know how I, oh wait it was probably that horrible writing assignment from last week. Ugh, we had to write a story about anything we wanted as long as it was a fantasy, and I guess I’m not the best writer I ended up writing a story about, well, lets just say it was a different version of Harry Potter and I didn’t do a very good job. It was only 3 pages long and lets just say I got an F, put it there and leave it there.
“Oh well better luck next time Jeanie!” Better luck next time was right I ‘ve just got to make sure um… Oh no! “What am I going to do!”
“ Well you could tell them about all you’re A’s first and then they won’t be disappointed and you can always make it up, you know that Miss. Leavers always lets you make up for a grade like that!”
“It's scary how you always know what I'm thinking about and she is kind of a pushover isn’t she?”
“Yeah so go ask her, quick before she leaves!”
“Cool I’ll meet you at the supermarket!”
So I darted across the hall so I wouldn’t miss Miss. Leavers. Oh I haven’t even introduced myself yet! I’m Jeanie I’m turning 13 in a week and I can’t wait! My parents own a supermarket called Super-Shop and it’s kind of embarrassing. I’ve been friends with Alex for as long as I can remember and we swore to be friends till we die and we’ve kept that promise to this day. I love old fashion stuff and wearing purple anything! My room is purple and blue and I hate using the Internet except for when I’m doing a project or sending IM’s to Alex. My favorite singer is Cascada because I love her songs!
“Miss. Leavers!” she looked at me, she was just about to leave.
“What is it dear?”
“I would like to redo my writing assignment before report cards come out.”
“Well I don’t know”
“Please Miss. Leavers please please please!!!”
“You’ve got a week.”
“Yes!” I screamed so loud I think that even Alex could hear me!
“Come on lets go to my house.” So Alex and I went to my house and we bought a bag of Hershey’s Kisses!
“So how did you’re mom react when you told her about the F?”
“Well you she, uh she just…”
“You didn’t tell her did you?”
“I was going to but I just didn’t get the chance.”
“You were just afraid of her reaction!”
“ Oh well, hey you wanna stay for dinner?” after I asked him My parents came in dancing like total dorks Screaming “WE DID IT, WE DID IT!”
“What did you do?” then all the sudden they stopped dancing and smiled at me and said, “We opened 10 more Super shop’s!”
“What’s so great about that?” Alex and I looked at each other and sighed I’m sure we were both thinking the same thing, Not Again every night that this happens they always make a huge dinner for just them so maybe I could eat at Alex’s.
“What is so great is that we have made so much more money that we can move to a bigger house! Now you won’t have to share a room with you’re little sister Paige, we were thinking about moving to Alabama.”
“ As much as I would like that, I don’t want to move, especially all the way to Alabama! What about Alex!” I was so mad that at this point I was screaming what I was saying. “Yeah what about Alex, I mean me.” Said Alex who was laughing at his mistake. Then my sister came out (obviously she wanted to a part of it) and said “What about me? I have friends to you know!” at this point we were teaming up with each other and arguing with mom and dad not letting them say anything!
After dinner they talked about it for so long that Alex, Paige, and I all feel asleep! So Alex ended up spending the night and I couldn’t sleep for very long I was to worried at what they were going to say so I guess all I could do now is wait.
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