car wash....
Ok ill post a video for you to listen to while your reading this xD lol ok today i was at the car wash, and i got a MAJOR sunburn T~T but it will turn into a tan ^w^ lols it will be funny, i will have a tank top line xD lol but yeah. i made alot of new friends today like this one dude who i used to sit next to sit next to in history(b4 i changed classes) his names Jesse. im not sure if thats how you spell it but yeah. he's really funny and nice xD we had like 10 water/ soap fights during the car wash. OMG JESSE GOT SOAP IN MY MOUTH!!!!! IT WAS LIKE IN THE BACK OF MY MOUTH AND EVERYTHING!!!! the taste wouldnt go away, but its gone now. lol but yea. it was non stop fun. The next car wash is in 2 weeks.. OMG its near the police station xD. well yeahhh. OMG Me and this other dude named cameron were also having nonstop water fights and jesse would jump in the middle of them and they would gang up on me XP lol i was SOAKED!!!1 xD lol its was loads of fun thougs. i hate it cause IM IN MAJOR PAIN!!! stupid sunburn T~T
Btw this is my new dream avie. im questing for the katana at the moment and i have 45,670 at the moment, so i would really love it if you donate!!!!!

Total Value: 143,525 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Ancient KatanaEbony Butterfly Terrycloth Tube-TopBlack & White Checkered Speedies TopBeat Slim Black ShoesAlchemyst Book (Signed)That 70s White Jacket