I was reading MegaTokyo, the manga made for all otaku and gamers of the world(Its so funny you'd want to pee your pants!!!) And the amazing character known as Largo, has introduced something to me called leet speak.
I will give 100 gold to the first person who can decode this (and If I'm doing it wrong, don't tell me. I'm a beginner.)
tl-l15 1s l337 5p33k, wH3R3 3v3RY7l-l1ng 1z wR1773N 1n #'5 & l3773r5. 1t'z 4 8i7 7im3-coN5l_lm1ng 2 wr1te, 8l_lt 4w3s0m3 n0n3tl-h3l355. 1tz 7ot4lly k1cK- 455, d0n't j00 7l-l1nk?
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