}|{ I'm a little Butterfly...
Hello! I'm Ti, or Tilana and I'm ALWAYS looking for one one one roleplays with near anyone.I have average requirements I'll get around to posting in a moment, and I'm always open to suggetions.~-<3
I would be concidered Semi-literate, I can't spell the best so don't nag me.I refuse to roleplay with you if you use chatspeak.I'm sorry but just take a moment to type out your words.It's okay a little out of character though..I'd rather you use third person, past tense...Make you text readable.Please.
If you are new to roleplaying and just want to try something new- feel free to ask me just tell me.xD
I have YIM, MSN (currently unavalible.), and AIM..PMs and privet threads aren't my favorate but yes I do use them.I want to be a friend and talk to you part of the time- alright?
Tilana Wood · Sun Sep 23, 2007 @ 06:58pm · 0 Comments |