Name: Sissy Chi
Age: 22
Height: 5' 4"
Breed: Exotic Butterfly

Name: Melody
Age: 17
Height: 5' 5"
Breed: Kanjo (can see people's emotions and consume the emotions)

Name: Etna
Height: 5' 6"
Breed: Demon
She is Satan's daughter and the executioner in Hell
Age: 7

Age: 3000

Name: Kokoro Kagamine
Age: 10
Height: 4' 3"
Breed: Advanced human
Powers: Able to talk to animals, telekinesis, mind reader and talk through thoughts with others, incredibly intelligent, fast reflexes, strong body that can lift over 4 tons, great with computers, can remove memories and make false ones for a person to believe is true as long as she is touching their head.
Has no bellybutton. She is a test tube baby.

(teen Kokoro)
Age: 17
Height: 5' 2"

(adult Kokoro)
Age: 23
Height: 5' 5"

Name: Misa
Age: 17
Height: 5' 4"
Breed: Earth Element
Misa is blind, but she uses her earth powers to feel vibrations so she can still 'see' in a way.

Name: Anju
Age: 18
Height: 5' 3"
Breed: Angel (daughter of God)

Name: Kira
Height: 5' 5"
Breed: Genie
Age: 6 years

Age: Unknown

Name: Abigail
Age: 18
Height: 5' 3"
Breed: Calmer (can calm people down with her voice)

Name: Sasha
Age: 24
Height: 5' 7"
Breed: Witch

Name: Sumomo
Age: 1 year
Height: 4' 8"
Breed: Persocom (robot computer)
She is a feared pirate captain persocom.

Name: Yukari
Age: 16
Height: 5' 1"
Breed: Sorceress
Yukari is a nerdy sorceress who just wants to be the best at magic that she can. She is clumsy and always making mistakes just like any other teenage girl.

Name: Ember
Height: 5' 5"
Breed: Fire element
Kid Ember
Age: 6

Teen Ember
Age: 14

Adult Ember
24 or 70 (depends on rp)

Name: Angel
Age: 21
Height: 5' 5"
Breed: Angel
She is a Nurse

Name: Suna
Age: 25
Height: human: 5' 5" snake/human: 6' 10" snake: 8'
Breed: Snake
She can become all human, half snake half human, and all snake. She can even control snakes and make them do what she wants.

Name: Mariposa Cho
Age: 19
Height: 5' 4"
Breed: Butterfly
Bio: Not much is known about butterflies. They are usually never seen. They can hide their wings so they can blend in with humans.

Name: Raven
Age: 1058
Height: 5' 5"
Breed: Vampire
Blood preference: greed
Personality: Abandoned at the age of 5, Raven tried to make a future for herself. She is very nice, but also very shy. She seems like a wimp but when she is threatened or someone she loves is threatened then she is very deadly.

Name: Hana
Age: 23
Height: 5' 6"
Breed: Okami (wolf)
Siblings: Sven (brother), Kiro (brother)
Personality: Hana is a free spirit kind of girl. She travels the world, looking for a place to call home.

wolf form ultimate okami form
Name: Rose Ramona
Age: 250
Height: 5' 7"
Breed: neko
Personality: Rose has a body that most guys want. She is nice and sweet and very cuddly. She loves to cuddle with boys. She is the most erotic and flexible of all the characters. In master/slave rp's she is eager to please her master. (she is wearing a dress)

kid Rose
age: 5
Height: 3' 6"

teen Rose
Age: 18
Height: 5' 3"

Name: Bailey
Age: 2
Height: 5' 6"
Breed: android
Personality: Bailey was originally built to be a sex slave robot, but her programming went wrong and now all she knows are the basic functions. She has human emotions to make her more real and all the parts needed. She is made of liquid metal so she is basically indestructible. She was made in a government lab and escaped. She was then damaged and lost her memory except her name and how to walk. She is a prototype sex slave that no one knew was even being built.

Name: Jazmine
Age: 19
Height: 5' 3"
Breed: Magic Elf
She can heal people and herself and bring things to life with magic.

Name: Mikan Sakita
Age: 5
Height: 3' 3"
Breed: Shapeshifter
Personality: Mikan is a young girl who is still learning how to use her shapeshifting powers. She is still very new at them. She is kind and cute. No one can resist her child cuteness. Her shoes are pink flats. Couldnt find a picture with them on.

Age: 10
Height: 4' 4"

(older Mikan)
Age: 17
Height: 5' 3"

(adult Mikan)
Age: 24 or 200 (depends on rp)
Height: 5' 6"

Name: Mindy Yami
Age: 6
Height: 4' 2"
Breed: Chain (can make chains from her body)

Older Mindy
Age: 17
Height: 5' 4"

(adult Mindy)
Age: 24 or 150 (depends on rp)
Height: 5' 5"

Name: Yuzuki Yumi
Age: 7
Height: 4' 6"
Breed: Vampire
Blood preference: Jealousy

Teen Yuzuki
Age: 16
Height: 5' 2"

Adult Yuzuki
Age: 24 or 400 (depends on rp)
Height: 5' 7"

Name: Mizuki
Age: 16
Height: 5' 4"
Breed: Blade
Personality: She is a delinquent student, always late and getting in trouble. She doesnt care though.

Real Name: Zoe Himamori
Thief Name: Red Bandit
Age: 3000 but looks 24
Height: 5' 7"
Breed: Shapeshifter
Siblings: Vergil (half brother) Dante (half brother) Lilith (father)
Personality: Zoe, a.k.a. Red Bandit, it a professional ninja. She is a master at fighting with any weapon and her bare hands. Her weapon of choice are her two knives. She also has ninja stars and a long sword.

Name: Yuka
Age: 687
Height: 5' 2"
Breed: Succubus and part Siren
Siblings: Yuki (brother)
Yuka is mean and controlling. The only way you can do her and live is by becoming her slave.

Name: Miyuki
Height: 5' 3"
Breed: Bunny Furry
Siblings: Sorin (brother)
Age: 12

Age: 21

Name: Tsuki (Soo-Kee)
Age: 20
Height: 3' 6"
Breed: Bunny furry

Name: Kojua (Koh-joo-uh)
Age: unknown
Height: 5' 2"
Breed: Plant girl

Name: Lyka Lexx
Age: 23
Height: 5' 9"
Breed: Skunk furry

Name: Luna
Age: 21
Height: 5' 2"
Breed: Cow furry

Name: Zem
Age: 19
Height: 5' 2"
Breed: Anthro pony or just pony
