Well, school has started again. My last year at RHS has finnally come.
My classes are as follows
1st. English IV, I can tell this will be a lot of writing, but my english teacher can't spell and the class is very large(35 people!)
2nd. Computer Programming, this class will be fun, we were originally going to learn Q-basic but we will be learning Java. There's a new teacher but he seems as fun as everyone says the old teacher was.
3rd. Physics H, My class has only 11 people in it but I know most of them well already and the teacher is fun. My sister has the same teacher for a lower level class later on.
4th. Economics, the teacher is lots of fun and I know a lot of people in the class, but it looks like it will be a lot of work. By the end of the semester, we'll have summerized the whole book!
5th. AP Calc, this shouldn't be too hard since I had Calc last year, this class is also small with only 16 people. We already have a project in here due next monday.
6th. Band, A fun class, not hard in class but it takes up a lot of time when you add in all the marching pratices, games, and compitions. So there go my Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, and a few Saturdays. Not to say I don't like marching band, but it does take up a lot of time.
7th. Nothing. w00t. Open PM, so I'll have more time to do homework/hangout. And when I have to stay after school, it becomes study hall in the band room+the drumline praticing.
So anyways this year will be interesting. I'll have a lot on my plate for the first quarter and a half but after that things will die down a little. It will also be interesting because as I am finishing high school, my sister is starting it. It is the first time that we have gone to the same school at the same time. However, since she is a freshman, her schedule is oppisite mine. I have a first period and she has open AM, I have open PM and she has a seventh. Oh well. There's always band and we both have the same lunch shift.
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