1. are boys users?
2. letting go means u loved best?
3. first love never dies?
4. could u force urself to love
sumbody else?
5. girls, mas mtindi mgmhal than boys?
1. where are you?
2. whats youbackground music?
3. anong turn-off sa boy pra sayo?
4. the last thing you bought?
5. the last thing you did?
*who who*
1.who is the last person you talked to in the phone?
2. when did you call him/her?
3. who do you hate?
4. who always makes you cry?
*What will you do if?*
1. Your Boyfriend/Girl friend Dumped you?
2. your Boyfriends/Girl friends Parents and rellatives dont like you?
3. Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend cant Protect you?
4. Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend is Texting another Girl/Boy?
5. You will meet the boy/girl that you fancy?
What are you interested into a Girl/Boy
lovex I hope this helped you guys